The 23rd International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2019) provides a forum for presenting the most recent research on smart antennas and related theoretical and technical aspects in modern wireless communication systems. The objective is to continue, accelerate, and broaden the momentum already gained through a series of ITG workshops which started in 1996.
It is our great privilege to organize the 23rd edition of WSA at the Institute of Telecommunications of Technische Universität (TU) Wien. We are happy to invite all researchers active in this technical field to submit their papers, attend the workshop, and present state-of-the-art research result in Austria’s culturally vibrant and famous capital city Vienna. The proceedings of WSA 2019 will be posted on IEEE Xplore.
Call for paper
Important Dates
Draft paper submission deadline:2018-12-09
Topics of submission
The 23rd International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2019) provides a prestigious international forum for researchers and practitioners from around the world to present and discuss the latest research on wireless/multiuser communications and related signal processing algorithms, information theoretic analyses and experimental results, as seen through the peculiar prism of smart multi-antenna (MIMO) systems and their role in present and future wireless system technology.
More specifically, a non-exclusive list of topics of interest includes:
- Beamforming and Multi-Antenna Techniques
- Massive and Full-Dimension MIMO Systems
- Network/Distributed MIMO
- Multicell Systems and Interference
- Cloud Radio Access Networks
- Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Communications
- Waveform design
- Ultra-Low Latency Communication
- Energy Efficiency of Multi-Antenna Systems
- Precoding and Limited Feedback
- Multi-Antenna Channel Measurements
- Channel Modelling and Estimation
- Compressive Sensing and Sparse Processing
- Machine Learning for PHY/MAC Design
- Multi-Antenna Techniques for Enhanced Security
- Field Trials and Demonstrators
- Antenna Array Design
- Satellite Communications and Navigation
- MIMO Radar and Multi-Sensor Processing
- Cooperative and Sensor Networks
- Device-to-Device Communications
- Vehicular Communications
- Uncoordinated and Massive access
- Relaying and Multi-Hop
- Cross-layer Optimization
The workshop comprises both oral and poster presentations. All papers are peer-reviewed and the proceedings will be included in the IEEE Xplore database. Submissions of extended abstracts (at least 2 pages, A4 two-colum IEEE conference format) and full papers (at most 8 pages) are accepted.
Honorary Chairs
Univ. Prof. Norbert Görtz
Univ. Prof. Christoph Mecklenbräuker
Univ. Prof. Markus Rupp
General Chair
Dr. Stefan Schwarz
TPC Chairs
Dr. Robert Langwieser
Dr. Philipp Svoboda
Technical Program Committee
Gholamreza Alirezaei, RWTH Aachen University
Gerhard Bauch, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
Stephan ten Brink, Universität Stuttgart
Mario H. Castañeda Garcia, Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH
Charles Casimiro Cavalcante, Federal University of Ceará
Renato Cavalcante, Heinrich Hertz Institut Fraunhofer
Pascal Chevalier, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
Tim Davidson, McMaster University
Gerhard Fettweis, TU Dresden
Robert Fischer, Universität Ulm
Ke Guan, Beijing Jiaotong University
Javier Rodríguez Fonollosa, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Martin Haardt, Ilmenau University of Technology
Michael Joham, TU München
Eduard Jorswieck, TU Dresden
Peter Jung, TU Berlin
Markku Juntti, University of Oulu
Florian Kaltenberger, Eurecom France
Paul de Kerret, Eurecom France
Anja Klein, TU Darmstadt
Gerhard Kramer, TU München
Volker Kühn, Universität Rostock
Rodrigo De Lamare, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Roman Marsalek, Brno University of Technology
Michalis Matthaiou, Queen’s University Belfast
Gerald Matz, TU Wien
Ana Isabel Pérez-Neira, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya
Marius Pesavento, TU Darmstadt
Vladimir Poulkov, Technical University of Sofia
Luis Castedo Ribas, Universidade da Coruna
Ignacio Santamaría, Universidad de Cantabria
Anke Schmeink, RWTH Aachen University
Lee Swindlehurst, University of California Irvine
John Thompson, The University of Edinburgh
Wolfgang Utschik, TU München
Tobias Weber, Universität Rostock
Dirk Wübben, University of Bremen
Gerhard Wunder, Freie Universität Berlin
Abdelhak Zoubir, TU Darmstadt
Thomas Zemen, Austrian Institute of Technology