The International Conference on Advances in Big Data, Computing and Data Communication Systems (icABCD 2019) is aimed to be an annual conference for researchers, academicians and industry persons in the field of Computer Science, Information Systems & Communication Technologies, Engineering and related fields. icABCD 2019 will be organised in Drakensberg Sun Resort, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa with support from the Society of Information Technologists and Entrepreneurs (Mauritius) and IEEE South Africa Section on 5-6 August 2019. We hope that this conference will attract a large number of delegates from all over the world and will consist of very high quality technical sessions.
This 2-day conference will include invited keynotes and oral presentations. icABCD 2019 will provide a forum for researchers from both academia and industry to exchange the latest innovations and research advancements in big data, soft computing, cloud computing, networking and computer security.
Authors are invited to contribute original research papers which can be submitted electronically via the conference website. The papers accepted after the review and presented in the conference will be submitted for potential inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, provided they meet quality standards (approval under process).
All papers will be double-blind reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.
We look forward to welcoming you for ICABCD 2019 at the Drakensberg Sun Resort, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.
Call for paper
Important Dates
Draft paper submission deadline:2019-01-31
Call for paper description
International Conference on Advances in Big Data, Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICABCD 2019) is a premier conference in the soft computing and communication systems. ICABCD 2019 is to be held in Durban, South Africa, during 5-6 August 2019. The conference aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from all over the world working on soft computing, big data technologies, data communication systems and computer security on a common platform so that they can present and discuss emerging ideas and trends in these highly challenging research fields. All accepted and registered papers will be submitted for potential inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, provided they meet quality standards (approval under process). All papers will be double-blind reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.
ICABCD covers the following tracks:
Mobile and Data Communication Systems
Multimedia Computing, Cloud Computing, Social Computing, Soft Computing, Green Computing, Mobile Computing, Vehicle Communications, Internet Services and Applications, Computer Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks, Quantum Computing, Satellite Communication Systems, 3G/4G/5G Mobile Networks, Mobile Adhoc Networks, Communication Protocols
Big Data and Soft Computing
Data Mining & Data Warehousing, Software Engineering & Testing, Operating System, Analysis & Design of Algorithm, Computer Architecture, , Technology to Bridge Rural and Urban Divide, IOT and Cyber Physical System. Big Data Science: Theories, models, algorithms, benchmarking, curation, and methods for understanding big data,Big Data Computing: Infrastructures, tools, programming, architectures, benchmarking, and testing of big data systems using Map/Reduce, Hadoop and others, Big Data Mining: Acquisition, representation, indexing, storage, management, processing, pre-processing and post-processing of big data, Big Data Analytics: Metrics, frameworks, evaluation, tools, analysis, visualization of big data, Big Data Understanding: learning, knowledge discovery, business and consumer intelligence, user behavior, community discovery, Big Data Applications: Industrial and scientific applications of big data such as search, recommendations, business intelligence, marketing, social media, healthcare, good practices and reproducibility, Big Data Privacy and Security: Data privacy enhancing technologies, privacy-preserving computing, risk analysis, modeling, and management, Solving the Engineering problem using computational intelligence.
Green IT and Energy
Network Algorithms and Performance Evaluation, Optical and Grid Networking, Signal Processing & Digital Image Processing, Electrical and hybrid vehicle, Engineering innovation for healthcare system, Electrical machines, power electronics, power systems, control and testing techniques, renewable energy systems (fuel cells, PV, wind, small hydro etc), smart grid, micro-grid, energy storage, wide area monitoring, protocols for industrial systems, Energy efficient algorithms. Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence, Autonomic, Reliability and Fault-tolerance, Multilingual computing, Ad hoc networks for ubiquitous communications, Communication architectures for ubiquitous computing.
Computer Security
Network security, Computer security, Database security, Web applications security, Security policy, model and architecture, Security in social networks, Security in parallel and distributed systems, Security in mobile and wireless communications, Security in grid/cloud/pervasive computing, Authentication, authorization and accounting, Security of 5G, Miscellaneous security issues Privacy in Web-based applications and services, Privacy and security, Privacy in database systems, Privacy in parallel and distributed systems, Privacy in grid/cloud/pervasive computing, Privacy in mobile and wireless communications, Privacy in e-commerce and e-government, Privacy in network deployment and management, Privacy and trust, Privacy and anonymity, Privacy preservation in 5G, Miscellaneous privacy issues, Trust semantics, metrics and models, Trusted computing platform, Trusted network computing, Trusted operating systems, Trusted software and applications, Trust in social networks, Trust in e-commerce and e-government, Trust in mobile and wireless communications, Risk and reputation management, Survivable computer systems/networks.
ICT for Development
e-Learning, m-Learning, e-Governance, e-Banking, Public Policies relating to ICT4D, Social Innovations, ICT and Micro-Entrepreneurshop, Stakeholde Engagement in ICT4D, Sustainability Initiatives using ICT, ICT4D Applications
General Chair
Prof. Manoj Maharaj has a PhD in Applied Mathematics and is employed at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, where he teaches information systems, specializing in information systems strategy and information security. He has consulted widely and presented many successful workshops on topics ranging from IT Auditing, IT strategy, Information Security, Risk Management and others. He currently serves on the Board of the Moses Kotane Institute where he chairs the Audit and Risk Committee and on the Board of NEMISA (The National Electronic Media Association of South Africa). He has served the University at various Management and Executive levels. Prof. Maharaj’s previous research was in General Relativity, specializing in Numerical Relativity in which he still retains an active interest. His current research interests include ICT4D, information security, strategic information management, health information systems, amongst others.
Organising Chairs
upsana sameerchand
Dr Upasana Singh, UKZN, Durban, South Africa Sameerchand Pudaruth, University of Mauritius
International Advisory Committee
zoran Wen rmoona
Prof. Zoran Bojkovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia Prof. (Dr.) Fushuan Wen, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Prof. Rajat Moona,
Director General,
C-DAC, India Prof. (Dr.) inz D.Sc. Bozena Skolud,
Silesia University of Technology,
Gliwice, Poland
jai govind anurag Sanjay Mandria
Dr. Jai Govind Singh, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok Dr. Anurag K. Srivastava, Washington State University, USA Amar Faiz Bin Zainal
Abidin, Universiti Teknikal
Malaysia Melaka Dr. Sanjay Madria, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
thomas p.gupta prof. anupam srivastava 2525
Dr. Sunil Kumar, San Diego State University Prof. (Dr.) M. P. Gupta,
IIT Delhi Anupam Srivastava, Associate Dean, Middle East College,
KNowledge Oasis Muscat, Oman Prof. (Dr.) Subarna Shakya,
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Prof. (Dr.) Sunil Kumar Khatri,
Amity Institute of Information Technology,
India Dr. Rushan Ziatdinov,
Keimyung University,
South Korea Haoxiang Wang,
Cornell University,
USA Mahdi Bahaghighat,
Raja University Of Qazvin,
Technical Program Committee
armoogum reggie
Dr Vinaye Armoogum (Co-chair TPC), University of Technology, Mauritius Prof. Reggie Davidrajuh (Co-chair TPC), University of Stavanger, Norway Prof. Magdalena Salazar Palma,
Universidad Carlos
III de Madrid, Spain Prof. Andrejs Romanovs, Riga Technical University, Latvia
vinay rizwal parma Dasgupta bala
Dr Vinay Rishiwal, MJP Rohilkhand University, India Dr Parma Nand, School of Computing Science & Engineering, Galgotias University, India Dr Ranjan Dasgupta,
NITTTR, Kolkata, India Dr Balasubramani R, NMAM Institute of Technology, India
carlos vedpal
Dr Carlos Caldeira, University of Evora, Portugal Dr Vedpal Singh, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia Dr Anand Nayyar,
Duy Tan University,
Vietnam Dr Van Niekerk, University of KwaZulu-Natal,
Durban, South Africa
Hlaing Htake Khaung Tin (2) Yiannis sobha cheng
Dr Hlaing Htake Khaung Tin, University of Computer Studies,
Yangon, Myanmar Dr Yiannis Koumpouros, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Department of Informatics, Greece Dr G. Shobha, R V College of Engineering, Bangalore Dr Cheng-Hsiang Liu, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Dr. Gaurav Bajpai pramod dr. shekharverma Dr. ruchir
Dr Gaurav Bajpai, College of Science and Technology, University of Rwanda Prof. Pramod Kumar Tula's Institue, India Dr Shekhar Verma, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad Dr Ruchir Gupta, Department of Computer Science, IIIT, Jablpur
dr.kvarya barti
Dr K V Arya, Associate Professor, ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology, Gwalior Dr Bharti Suri, GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi Dr R K Srivastava
EED, IIT BHU, Varanasi Prof. Yatindra Nath Singh, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
Dr Nitish, Chooramun, University of Mauritius Dr Satish Kumar Singh, Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, India Prof. Etienne Ntagwirumugara, University of Rwanda, Rwanda Dr Renoh Johnson Chalakkal, University of Auckland, Auckland
Dr Sudhanshu Maurya, Jharkhand Rai University, India Dr V Evelyn Brindha, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology Dr Nagaraj V. Dharwadkar, Rajarambapu Institute of Technology,
Islampur, India Dr Lebogang M. Seoketsa, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
Associate Prof. Cecilia Maria Schultz, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa Dr Delene Heukelman, Durban University
of Technology,
South Africa Prof. Bakhe Nleya,
Durban University of Technology,
South Africa Dr Rushan Ziatdinov,
Keimyung University,
South Korea
Arlan angella
Dr Oludare Sokoya,
Durban University of Technology,
South Africa Dr Ngoc Tu Nguyen,
Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA Prof. Tughrul Arslan, The University of Edinburgh, UK Dr Angel Raphella, PET Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India
Dr Ravinder Singh Mann Er Vikram Dhiman Dr Yogeshwer Singh Randhawa
Publicity Committee
asare paul
Natasha Madhav, The Independent Institute of
Education (Pty) Ltd, South Africa Sampson D. Asare, University of Botswana, Botswana Paul Macharia, Data Manager, Kenya Jeraline Dwarika, University of Technology, Durban
Local Organizing Committee
Dr Upasana Singh, UKZN,
South Africa Mogandren Govender,
Durban University of
Technology, South Africa Ms. Sudhika Palhad,
Durban University of
Technology, South Africa