According to the changing of global economy, Thailand’s economic highly depends on manufacture and service industries whereas the expansion in agricultural sector decreases in numerous areas and agriculturists. The movement of some agriculturists to the industrial and service sectors causes the problem of higher low quality labors. The vocational education reform is a way to solve the problem as stated by emphasizing on production and developing teachers and students to be quality. For this reason, the instructional model and curriculum development should be designed considering the academic and vocation increasingly.
The Faculty of Technical Education (FTE), King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB) has continuously concentrated on producing and developing qualified technical teachers in Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral levels while conducting and publicizing research in both technical education and engineering over 49 years. That is a consequence of the academic cooperation between the Thai Government and Federal Republic of Germany especially in the knowledge transfer regarding the “Engineering Teacher”. Until now, the FTE has always encouraged instructors, students, and researchers to conduct the research in vocational development in order to upgrade the career development and the sustainably learning developments. Moreover, knowledge networking on technical education especially with the Office of Vocational Education Commission (VEC) is aimed at increasing the number of academic staffs with graduate level that will be emphasized on the potential of knowledge transfer corresponding to the industrial demand. That is the concept of creating the master of learning models, which reflects on the research potential continuously.
The 11th National Conference on Technical Education and The 6th International Conference on Technical Education will be organized under the theme of “Technopreneur for Sustainable Growth and Development”. The objective of The 6th ICTeched is to provide an international forum for researchers, academicians as well as engineers to initiate, distribute, and exchange knowledge, new ideas, and application experiences about engineering and technical education that will contribute to the academic sustainable development.
Call for paper
Author guidelines
The special track covers the theory and practice of education and educational technology involved in the effective delivery of domain knowledge of Electrical, Electronics, Computer, and all fields within the scope of interest of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The accepted and registered papers that are presented at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings (USB with ISBN) and will be submitted to include in the IEEE Xplore database.
Topics of submission
Engineering and Technical Education
Mechanical Engineering and Education
Electrical Engineering and Education
Civil Engineering and Education
Information and Computer Technology
Competency Based Learning
Digital Media Design: e-Learning, m-Learning, Computer Based Training
Work Integrated Learning, Cooperative Education
Computer Education
Education Management and Administration
Curriculum Development and Learning
Dual Vocational and Higher Education
Development of Vocational Qualification Framework
Technical Education Management
Vocational Administration
Recognized Prior Learning: RPL
Educational Technology and Innovation
Educational Technology
Learning Technology and Innovation
Knowledge Management
Other related topics