We are glad to announce the opening of and invite you to participate in the 16th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), which will be held during July 8-12, 2019, in Wuhan, China.
For more than 20 years, CUPUM has been one of the major international conferences to discuss latest ideas and applications of computing technology, aiming to address a diverse range of social and environmental issues that would affect urban planning and development based on computing technology.
CUPUM Future Cities Masterclass (Non-Author Registration)
CUPUM Future Cities Masterclass is free. Seats are limited for the masterclass and will provided on first-come first-served. We also welcome everyone to register the following 4-day CUPUM conference to meet more well-known speakers and authors of more than 300 papers. thanks
CNY 0.00
Attendee RegisterRegistration for Common Chinese Mainland Participant (Common)
Including conference kit, tea breaker and a quantity of lunch and dinner.
This registration only suit for those participants from China Mainland.
Postdoctoral researchers are included.
CNY 3,400.00
Attendee RegisterRegistration for Chinese Mainland Student (Common)
Including conference kit, tea breaker and a quantity of lunch and dinner. This registration only suits for the students authors from China Mainland.
This registration type is not cover postdoctoral researchers.
CNY 1,700.00
Attendee RegisterInternational Common Participant Registration (Common)
Including conference kit, tea breaker and a quantity of lunch and dinner. This registration only suit for participates who are not from China Mainland.
Postdoctoral researchers are included.
USD 500.00
Attendee RegisterInternational Student Registration (Common)
Including conference kit, tea breaker and a quantity of lunch and dinner. This registration only suits for the student participants who are not from China Mainland.
Postdoctoral researchers are not inluded.
USD 250.00
Attendee RegisterCall for paper
Important Dates
Draft paper submission deadline:2019-06-28
Call for paper description
We are pleased to announce and invite you to participate in the 16th International Conference on Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), Wuhan, China, July 8-12, 2019.
New official website of CUPUM 2019:
Participants have a choice of three possibilities: book chapters, conference papers & posters with options for further selection for journals:
+ Choice 1: Book Chapter (review process finished, now in the revision stage, deadline for final version February 25, 2019)
Approximately 25 contributions well-fitting to the central conference theme of 'Computational Urban Planning and Management for Smart Cities’ have been selected based on a double blind review process by the Scientific Committee for inclusion in a book, published by Springer Publishers. The abstracts of the selected chapters will be included in the conference proceedings too. Inclusion of the contribution as a chapter in the book implies the transfer of its copyright to Springer Publishers. Moreover, it implies its presentation at the conference.
+ Choice 2: Conference Paper (deadline February 28, 2019)
Besides book chapters it is possible to submit a paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings. The Local Committee of the CUPUM Conference will select these conference papers after a review process. Each paper should be between 4000 and 6000 words in length, including notes, figures, tables, references, et cetera. All selected papers should contain at least an abstract (max. 150 words), introduction, methodology section, conclusions, and recommendations. The selected papers will be included in the digital conference proceedings. The selection of the paper for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings also implies its presentation at the conference. Furthermore, authors of papers are encouraged to choose for one of the theme issues of four selected journals. At submission, please indicate clearly for which special issue you would like to be selected.
Selected contributors will be contacted by the conference organizers and theme issue editors for possible inclusion in the theme issue based on the outcomes of a thorough review process:
Special issue on Planning Support Science with Urban Informatics (CUPUM 2019) in A SCI Journal published by Sage. Further information could be found in the following.
2017 Impact Factor: 2.046.
Urban Studies 15 out of 40 | Geography 31 out of 84 | Environmental Studies 52 out of 109
Geo-Spatial Information Science
Geo-spatial Information Science, ISSN: 1009-5020 (Print) 1993-5153 (Online) is an ESCI Journal published by cooperation between Wuhan University and Springer Publishing House. Further information could be found at
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development is an ESCI Journal published by International Community of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development. Further information could be found at
Smart Cities
Smart Cities (ISSN 2624-6511) is an international scientific peer-reviewed open access journal on the science and technology of smart cities. The Editor-in-Chief of Smart Cities is Prof. Dr. Pierluigi Siano from University of Salerno, Italy. Prof. Dr. Michael Batty is an editorial board member of this journal. After this conference, we will select and recommend some high-quality papers to the special issue "Big Data-Driven Intelligent Services in Smart Cities" on Smart Cities ( All articles published in Smart Cities (ISSN 2624-6511) are published in full open access. Further information could be found at
+ Choice 3: Conference Poster (deadline February 28, 2019)
Posters can be selected for inclusion in the conference. The Local Committee of the CUPUM Conference will select these conference posters after a review process. Each poster should contain an extended abstract of between 400 to 800 words in length, including notes, figures, tables, references, et cetera. The abstracts of the selected posters will be included in the conference proceedings. The selected posters should be presented at the Conference. There will be a competition for the best poster, which will be selected by the CUPUM Board and will receive an official award.
All book chapters, conference papers, and posters include an abstract that contains a title, a short description of the proposed topic, sources of data, methods, and a discussion of the implications of the research for urban planning and urban management. All book chapters, conference papers, and conference posters should also contain keywords to identify the area of research. Moreover, all contributions should be accompanied by the name, affiliation, address, telephone number, and email address of each author.
Topics of submission
The central theme of the 16th CUPUM Conference is 'Computational Urban Planning and Management for Smart Cities'. Papers and posters appropriate to this theme are particularly welcome. In addition, the conference welcomes all papers and posters appropriate to one or more of the following topics.
1. Agent-based modeling
2. Animation
3. Artificial Intelligence in Urban Planning and Management
4. Artificial Neural Networks
5. Big data in Urban Planning and Management
6. Cellular Automata
7. Computer Aided Design
8. Decision Support Systems
9. Genetic Algorithms
10. GeoDesign
11. Geographic Information Systems
12. Information Technology & Expert Systems
13. Land-use & Transportation modeling
14. Planning Support Systems
15. Public Participation Systems
16. Remote Sensing
17. Safety & Health Care Systems
18. Simulation
19. Social Media and Planning
20. Spatial data collection, Analysis, and Visualization
21. Spatial statistics
22. Urban Management Systems
23. Urban Planning & Modeling
CUPUM 2019国际会议组织委员会成员名单
委员 | 所属单位 |
詹庆明 教授/主席 | 武汉大学 |
柴彦威 教授 | 北京大学 |
陈军 教授/总工 | 武汉大学/国家基础地理信息中心 |
程涛 教授 | 伦敦大学学院(英国) |
党安荣 教授 | 清华大学 |
杜培军 教授 | 南京大学 |
杜清运 教授 | 武汉大学 |
黄波 教授 | 香港中文大学 |
黄经南 副教授 | 武汉大学 |
黄正东 教授 | 深圳大学 |
江斌 教授 | 瑞典耶夫勒大学 |
黎夏 教授 | 华东师范大学 |
李卫锋 副教授 | 香港大学 |
李志刚 教授 | 武汉大学 |
龙瀛 特聘研究员 | 清华大学 |
刘艳 副教授 | 昆士兰大学(澳大利亚) |
刘耀林 教授 | 武汉大学 |
刘合林 教授 | 华中科技大学 |
刘瑜 教授 | 北京大学 |
柳林 教授 | 广州大学 |
潘起胜 教授 | 同济大学(德克萨斯南方大学,美国) |
彭仲仁 教授 | 上海交通大学(佛罗里达大学,美国) |
沈青 教授 | 西南交通大学(华盛顿大学,美国) |
沈振江 教授 | 福州大学(金泽大学,日本) |
史文中 教授 | 香港理工大学 |
宋小冬 教授 | 同济大学 |
隨殿志 教授 | 阿肯色大学 |
王德 教授 | 同济大学 |
王冬根 教授 | 香港浸会大学 |
吴华意 教授 | 武汉大学 |
肖世伦 教授 | 田纳西大学(美国) |
徐建刚 教授 | 南京大学 |
姚晓白 教授 | 佐治亚大学(美国) |
叶信岳 教授 | 新泽西理工大学(美国) |
余柏蒗 教授 | 华东师范大学 |
甄峰 教授 | 南京大学 |
张明 教授 | 武汉大学(奥斯汀德州大学,美国) |
张新长 教授 | 广州大学 |
钟鸣 教授 | 武汉理工大学 |
周素红 教授 | 中山大学 |
朱庆 教授 | 西南交通大学 |