
The International Conference on Green Technology (ICGT) is an annual scientific meeting organized by Faculty of Science and Technology, State Islamic University (UIN) of Maulana Malik Ibrahim at Malang, East Java, Indonesia. The intention of this conference is to provide a forum to exchange and explore the issues, innovations and integrated perspectives towards environmental sustainability. The theme for 10th ICGT is Empowering the Fourth Industrial Revolution through Green Science and Technology which will be held on October 2nd-3rd, 2019 at Savana Hotel and Convention. The conference provides a platform of eminent professionals, scientists, researchers, academicians and entrepreneurs across the globe to participate and share their research advancements, new technologies and encourage collaboration among participants and institutions in elucidating and solving environmental issues.

Keynote Speakers

  • Prof. Fumihiro Morishita, Graduate School of Science Hiroshima University
  • Prof. Kunifumi Tagawa, Marine Biological Laboratory Hiroshima University
  • Prof. Kanokwan Poomputsa, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
  • Dr. Siti Munirah Sidik, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Malaysia
  • Dr. Akyunul Jannah S.Si, M.P, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Dr. Kiptiyah M.Si, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Dr. Wasilah Sihabuddin ST. MT, UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Eriyanto Yusnawan, Ph.D, Balitkabi Malang

Important Date

  • Abstract Submission : July 14th, 2019
  • Acceptance Submission : July 21st, 2019
  • Fullpaper Submission : August 25th, 2019
  • Notification of Acceptance : September 1st, 2019
  • Revision Paper Submission : September 15th, 2019
  • Conference Date : October 2nd-3rd, 2019



Presenter (Author Registration)


USD  50.00

Attendee Register

Call for paper

Important Dates

Draft paper submission deadline:2019-08-25

Draft paper acceptance notification:2019-09-01

Abstract submission deadline:2019-07-14

Abstract notification of acceptance:2019-07-21

Final paper submission deadline:2019-09-15

Call for paper description

The International Conference on Green Technology (ICGT) is an annual scientific meeting organized by Faculty of Science and Technology, State Islamic University (UIN) of Maulana Malik Ibrahim at Malang, East Java, Indonesia. The intention of this conference is to provide a forum to exchange and explore the issues, innovations and integrated perspectives towards environmental sustainability. The theme for 10th ICGT is Empowering the Fourth Industrial Revolution through Green Science and Technology which will be held on October 2nd-3rd, 2019 at Savana Hotel and Convention. The conference provides a platform of eminent professionals, scientists, researchers, academicians and entrepreneurs across the globe to participate and share their research advancements, new technologies and encourage collaboration among participants and institutions in elucidating and solving environmental issues.

Author guidelines


All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:

  • Full papers 
  1. To submit a full paper, an author needs to register first.
  2. The whole submission process is done online (NOT by email).
  3. The participant must submit the full paper based on the provided conference paper template (the download link for the paper template is on the conference's website)
  4. The article should be written in English and must between 5-10 pages.
  5. An author can only submit one paper as the first author.
  6. The full papers should be uploaded in easy chair website.
  • Posters 
  1. The poster will be displayed on dedicated rooms. In order not to exceed the available space size, the poster must be printed to X-Banner size 160×60 cm2.
  2. The poster must be written in English (U.S.) 
  3. All of the poster presenters must also upload the full paper in easy chair website
  4. The poster follows the following divisions: a title, names of authors and institutions, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and references
  5. The poster presentation will be held during lunch and afternoon breaks

Topics of submission

  • Applied science and technology
  • Sustainable environmental technology
  • Green architecture and design
  • Energy and ecological conservation
  • Green smart technology and innovation


Scientific Committee (Editor)

  1. Prof. Toshifumi Sakaguchi (Prefectural Univ. Of Hiroshima, Japan)
  2. Dr. Romaidi (UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Indonesia)
  3. Dr. Anton Prasetyo (UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Indonesia)

Scientific Committee (Reviewers)

  1. Prof. Kunifumi Tagawa (Hiroshima University, Japan)
  2. Prof. Tatsuya Ueki (Hiroshima University, Japan)
  3. Prof. Kenji Mishima (Fukuoka University, Japan)
  4. Prof Wolfgang Nellen (Bonn University, Germany)
  5. Prof. Sutiman B. Sumitro (Brawijaya University, Indonesia)
  6. Prof. Kaoru Nakasone (Kindai University, Japan)
  7. Prof. Arnold Paebens (SES, Germany)
  8. Prof. Winai Dahlan (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
  9. Prof. Takeshi Naganuma (Hiroshima University, Japan)
  10. Prof. Shinjiru Ogita (Prefectural University, Japan)
  11. Prof. Munir Ozturk (Ege University, Turkey)
  12. Prof. Werasak Surareungchai (KMUTT, Thailand)
  13. Prof. Akira Kikuchi (Brawijaya University, Indonesia)
  14. Prof. Paitip Thiravetyan (KMUTT, Thailand)
  15. Prof. Valdir Luna da Silva (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
  16. Prof. Dr. Ema Utami, S.Si., M.Kom
  17. Dr. Bambang Piluharto (Jember University, Indonesia)
  18. Yuniar Ponco Prananto, Ph.D (Brawijaya University, Indonesia)
  19. Zubaidah Ningsih, Ph.D (Brawijaya University, Indonesia)
  20. Dr. Bayyinatul Muchtaromah (UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Indonesia)
  21. Dr. Evika Sandi Savitri (UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Indonesia)
  22. Dr. Kiptiyah (UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Indonesia)
  23. Dr. Akyunul Jannah (UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Indonesia)
  24. Dr. Mashuri Masri (UIN Alaudin, Indonesia)
  25. Eriyanto Yusnawan, S.P., Ph.D (BALITKABI, Indonesia)
  26. Rizal Maulana Hasvy, M.Si (Biodjati Journal)

Organizing Committee

  • Steering Committee
    • Dr. Sri Harini - Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology (FScTech), UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
    • Dr. Anton Prasetyo - Vice Dean for academic affairs of FScTech, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
    • Dr. Dwi Suheriyanto - Vice Dean for administrative and financial affairs of FScTech, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
    • Dr. Imam Tazi - Vice Dean for student affairsof FScTech, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
    • Elok Kamilah Hayati, M.Si - Head of Chemistry Department of FScTech, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
  • Chairman
    • Rachmawati Ningsih, M.Si
  • Secretary
    • Dewi Yuliani, M.Si
  • Treasurer
    • Ninik Chamidah, S.Kom (Coord.)
    • Tuti Indayani, S.E
  • Secretariat and Event Divison
    • Lulu’atul Hamidatu Ulya, M.Sc (Coord.)
    • Romaidi, D.Sc
    • A. Ghanaim Fasya, M.Si
    • Utiya Hikmah, M.Si
    • Mujahidin Ahmad, M.Sc
    • M. Taufiq, M.Si
    • Andy Irawan, S.Si
  • Scientific Division
    • Armeida Dwi Ridhowati  Madjid, M.Si(Coord.)
    • Ernaning Setiyowati, M.T
    • Juhari, M.Si
    • Muthmainnah, M.Si
    • Didik Wahyudi, M.Si
    • Mufid, M. Hum
  • Website and Publication Division
    • Johan Ericka Wahyu Prakasa, M.Kom (Coord.)
    • Fajar Rohman Hariri, M.Kom
    • Prima Kurniawaty, M.Sc
  • Logistics Division
    • Faridah Abubakar M., S.Ag(Coord.)
    • Fitri Amalia Dewi, S.Pd
    • Weni Susilowati, S. AB
    • Isnaeni Hartiningsih, S.Si
    • Irjatul Wardah, S.Kom
  • Transportation and Documentation Division
    • Aribowo Utomo, S.E (Coord.)
    • M. Chalid Al Ayubi, S.Si
    • Moch. Royanudin, S.Si
    • Sabar, S.S


Leave a message


Important dates

  • Conference Dates

    02 Oct.



    03 Oct.


  • 14 Jul.


    Abstract submission deadline

  • 21 Jul.


    Abstract notification of acceptance

  • 25 Aug.


    Draft paper submission deadline

  • 01 Sep.


    Draft paper acceptance notification

  • 15 Sep.


    Final paper deadline

Contact information

  • Rachmawati Ningsih

Sponsored By

  • Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University Malang

Organized By