This 5-day long ACM sponsored international conference will showcase a wonderful platform for collaboration between computer science, technical communication, and linguistics students, faculty and industry professionals on a wide range of topics.
It will be our pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd ACM Chapter International Conference on Educational Technology, Language and Technical Communication (ETLTC2020) at Aizuwakamatsu, Japan. Not only is northern Japan very pretty, but this beautiful samurai town and the home of onsen (hot springs) in the middle of the snowy winter will keep you engaged, thrilled and entertained.
Academically, this conference is different and unique. This all started in 2019 with an international technical communication project collaboration between the University of Aizu, Japan and the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Traditionally, a group of advanced German students works with their Japanese fellow students from UoA on a semester-wide technical communication project, and then visit the beautiful UoA campus and take part in a week-long conference with UoA graduate and undergraduate students over the 5 days of the conference. Activities include workshops, presentations, student exhibitions, and lots of other entertainment including off-campus activities. Now, the other participants will get a chance to be part of this initiative, and expand our network of research activities.
Call for paper
Important Dates
Draft paper submission deadline:2019-11-10
Abstract submission deadline:2019-11-10
Call for paper description
All accepted papers (full, short, and extended abstracts) will be published in the online conference proceedings (with ISSN number and indexed in Google Scholar, Proquest, CrossRef, etc.).
All full research papers will be further updated for publication in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) and archived in the ACM Digital Library (and automatically indexed in Scopus).
Topics of submission
Educational technology as the theory and practice of educational approaches to learning.
Educational technology as technological tools and media, for instance, massive online courses, that assist in the communication of knowledge, and its development and exchange. This is usually what people are referring to when they use the term "EdTech".
Educational technology for learning management systems (LMS), such as tools for student and curriculum management, and education management information systems (EMIS).
Educational technology as back-office management, such as training management systems for logistics and budget management, and Learning Record Store (LRS) for learning data storage and analysis.
Educational technology itself as an educational subject; such courses may be called "Computer Studies" or "Information and communications technology (ICT)".
Applied linguistics is an interdisciplinary field. Major branches of applied linguistics include bilingualism and multilingualism, conversation analysis, contrastive linguistics, sign linguistics, language assessment, literacies, discourse analysis, language pedagogy, second language acquisition, language planning and policy, interlinguistics, stylistics, pragmatics, forensic linguistics, and translation.
Technical communication is a means to convey scientific, engineering, or other technical information. Individuals in a variety of contexts and with varied professional credentials engage in technical communication. Some individuals are designated as technical communicators or technical writers.