
Themed “Harnessing Isotopes for Improved Quality of Life”, 10ICI aims to provide participants invaluable opportunities to discuss the state-of-the-art in isotope technology for a better quality of life through the advancement and application of isotopes in medicine, environment, industry and agriculture. The event has traditionally attracted over 500 delegates and its scope of topics includes radiation processing, nuclear medicine, radiation oncology, industry diagnostic technologies, environmental analysis, isotope production and distribution, nuclear in agriculture, radiation protection, nuclear safety, security and policy.

Message from the President of World Council on Isotopes (WCI)

It is my pleasure and honor to welcome the isotope community to attend the 10th International Conference on Isotopes (10ICI) to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 3rd to 7th February 2020.

We expect to have more than 300 scientific and technical presentations, as well as posters on show. Please check the topics, and consider presenting your work. There will also be an accompanying exhibition showcasing organisations engaging in isotope production, measurement, and various applications.

Dr. Nigel R. Stevenson,
President, WCI

Message from the 10ICI Conference Chair

Dear colleagues,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 10ICI conference in Kuala Lumpur. This is going to be the first time for the conference to make its way to the Southeast Asia. The conference will provide a platform for the world’s leaders and best researchers in isotope technology and applications to interact and discuss the latest research in the field.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Kuala Lumpur in 2020.

Dato’ Dr. Zulkifli Mohamed Hashim,
Chairman, Local Organising Committee of 10ICI


Day 0 • Monday, 3 February 2020
Time Agenda
10:00 – 18:00 Registration
12:00 – 18:00 Exhibit Setup
Day 1 • Tuesday, 4 February 2020
Time Agenda
08:00 – 17:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:10 Welcoming Remarks from Dato’ Dr.Zulkifli Mohamed Hashim (Chairman of Local Organising Committee)
09:10 – 09:30 Opening Speech
09:30 – 10:00 Refreshment break & Press Conference
10:00 – 10:45 Theme Speech
10:45 – 13:00 Plenary Session 1
10:45 – 11:30 Plenary 1-1: NASA’s Research in Radioisotopes Power Systems
11:30 – 12:15 Plenary 1-2: Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation Technology in Agriculture
12:15 – 13:00 Plenary 1-3: Economic Viability of Radioisotope Production and Sustainability
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 – 17:00 Parallel Session 1
Session A1:

Session B1:

Session C1: Environment & Agriculture

Session D1:

14:00 – 14:25 A1-1 B1-1 C1-1 D1-1
14:25 – 14:50 A1-2 B1-2 C1-2 D1-2
14:50 – 15:15 A1-3 B1-3 C1-3 D1-3
15:15 – 15:40 A1-4 B1-4 C1-4 D1-4
15:40 – 16:05 A1-5 B1-5 C1-5 D1-5
16:05 – 16:30 A1-6 B1-6 C1-6 D1-6
16:30 – 16:55 A1-7 B1-7 C1-7 D1-7
16:55 – 17:30 Refreshment break
Day 2 • Wednesday, 5 February 2020
Time Agenda
08:00 – 17:00 Registration
08:30 – 10:00 Plenary Session 2
08:30 – 09:15 Plenary 2-1:
09:15 – 10:00 Plenary 2-2:
10:00 – 10:45 Plenary 2-3:
10:45 – 11:15 Refreshment Break
11:00 – 13:00 Poster Presentation Session
13:00 – 14: 00 Lunch Break and Poster Viewing
14:00 – 17:00 Parallel Session 2
Session A2: Medicine Session B2: Industry Session C2: Environment & Agriculture Session D2: Marie Curie Session
14:00 – 14:25 A2-1 B2-1 C2-1 D2-1
14:25 – 14:50 A2-2 B2-2 C2-2 D2-2
14:50 – 15:15 A2-3 B2-3 C2-3 D2-3
15:15 – 15:40 A2-4 B2-4 C2-4 D2-4
15:40 – 16:05 A2-5 B2-5 C2-5 D2-5
16:05 – 16:30 A2-6 B2-6 C2-6 D2-6
16:30 – 16:55 A2-7 B2-7 C2-7 D2-7
16:55 – 17:30 Refreshment break
Day 3 • Thursday, 6 February 2020
Time Agenda
08:00 – 17:00 Registration
08:30 – 10:45 Plenary Session 3
08:30 – 09:15 Plenary 3-1: Theranostic Approach in Nuclear Medicine: Development of Relevant Radionuclides
09:15 – 10:00 Plenary 3-2: Nuclear Safety and Security
10:00 – 10:45 Plenary 3-3: Radiation Technology in Tracer Industry
10:45 – 11:15 Refreshment Break
11:00 – 13:00 WCI President’s Forum
13:00 – 14: 00 Lunch Break and Poster Viewing
14:00 – 17:00 Parallel Session 3

Session A3: Medicine

Session B3: Industry

Session C3: Environment & Agriculture

Session D3: Manufacturing

14:00 – 14:25 A3-1 B3-1 C3-1 D3-1
14:25 – 14:50 A3-2 B3-2 C3-2 D3-2
14:50 – 15:15 A3-3 B3-3 C3-3 D3-3
15:15 – 15:40 A3-4 B3-4 C3-4 D3-4
15:40 – 16:05 A3-5 B3-5 C3-5 D3-5
16:05 – 16:30 A3-6 B3-6 C3-6 D3-6
16:30 – 16:55 A3-7 B3-7 C3-7 D3-7
16:55 – 17:30 Refreshment break
19:30 – 22:00 Gala Dinner
Day 4 • Friday, 7 February 2020
Time Agenda
08:30 – 10:00 Forum on “Harnessing Isotopes for Improved Quality of Life”
10:00 – 10:30 Refreshment Break
10:30 – 11:30 Closing Plenary: Isotopes for Sustainable Future
11:30 – 12:00 Closing Speech
11:30 – 12: 00 Lunch Break and Friday Prayer
14:30 – 17:30 Technical Visit
17:30 End of Conference



Early Bird Registration (Non-Author Registration)

Full-day conference and meals

USD  750.00

Attendee Register

Call for paper

Important Dates

Draft paper submission deadline:2019-08-31

Call for paper description


Abstract submission for the 10ICI is now open. We invite submissions for oral and poster presentations for consideration by the Scientific Committee. Please read the instructions below before proceeding with your submission(s).

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

You are required to submit your abstracts online through the abstract submission form that can be found at the official Conference website at

Author guidelines

Abstracts sent by post, fax or email will not be accepted.

Deadline for abstract submission: 10 July 2019 31 August 2019 at 23:59 MYT

Abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted.

The abstract should represent original ideas and data by the authors. It should describe unpublished work which is not awaiting possible acceptance for international publication. Please declare if your abstract has been published, accepted for publication or presented at a previous international meeting.

Authors may indicate their preferred mode of presentation, but the final decision will be made by the Scientific Committee.

Requirements and Instructions for Journal Publications: Information will be provided for authors of oral and poster papers to submit their papers for review and consideration for publication. 10ICI is making arrangements with journal(s) to publish papers from the conference in special edition(s).

Abstract Format

Abstract Template for Oral Presentation and Poster Presentation (refer to Download link below)

Abstract submissions are limited to one (1) page in A4 format 210 x 297 mm / 8.3 x 11.7 in. Abstract may be submitted in either a PDF or Word document format.

The 10ICI Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts that do not comply with the guidelines, format or basic quality standards.

Click here to Abstract Submission Template

Submission Process

The submitting author is required to create a user account. Abstracts can be saved under DRAFT status and may be revised until the submission deadline. Draft abstracts cannot be edited after the submission deadline.

Only abstracts under FINAL SUBMISSION status will be considered by the Scientific Committee.

A receipt of abstract submission will be sent to the submitting author’s email address upon final submission. Please ensure that we have your correct email address.

The submitting author will be notified of the final outcome by email by 30 September 2019.

The submission of abstract represents a commitment by the presenting author to present the accepted abstract in person during the Conference. Therefore, the presenting author of the abstract must be registered to attend the Conference by 10 September 2019 to ensure that his/her abstract will be included in the Conference publications.

Registration fee will not be waived and the presenting author is responsible for all expenses incurred during preparation and presentation of their submissions.

Further information concerning mode of presentation, as well as date, time and venue of presentation will be conveyed closer to the Conference date.

Please ensure your abstract does not contain spelling, grammar, or scientific mistakes.

The Scientific Committee reserves the right to edit the abstracts for grammar and clarity, and also, to request for revisions.

Any change in the presenting author needs to be communicated by email to the Conference secretariat by 1 December 2019. Similarly, if you would like to withdraw your abstract after the submission deadline, an email outlining the reasons for withdrawal must be sent to Conference secretariat by 1 December 2019.

Topics of submission

Sessions in the technical programme are organised by 4 tracks within 5 topic areas:


  • Alternative methods (other than reactor and cyclotron) for production of medical isotopes
  • Application of Isotopes in Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine
  • Application in Nuclear Medicine
  • Production of PET Radionuclides
  • Radioisotopes in Molecular Imaging and Personalised Medicine
  • Reactor Production of Medical Isotopes


  • Accelerator Production of Radionuclides
  • Application of Nuclear Techniques to National Security and Treaty Monitoring
  • Production and Application of Stable Isotopes

Agriculture & Environment

  • Environmental Fate and Identification of Radionuclides
  • Radioisotopes and Radiation Technology in Agriculture
  • Reference Materials for Nuclear Mass Spectrometry / Nuclear
  • Stable Isotope in Food Authentication


  • Manufacturing and Production on Isotopes

Marie Curie Session


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Important dates

  • Conference Dates

    03 Feb.



    07 Feb.


  • 31 Aug.


    Draft paper submission deadline

Contact information

  • Mr. Syukri Sufian

Sponsored By

  • World Council on Isotopes

Supported By

  • Nuklear Malaysia