Technical Program – The SAM Workshop is an important IEEE Signal Processing Society event dedicated to sensor array and multichannel signal processing. The organizing committee invites the international community to contribute with state-of-the-art developments in the field. SAM 2020 will feature plenary talks by leading researchers in the field as well as poster and oral sessions with presentations by the participants.
General Chairs
Martin Haardt, TU Ilmenau, Germany
Zhiguo Shi, Zhejiang University, China
Technical Chairs
André L. F. De Almeida, Federal University of Ceará, Brazil
Qian He, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Special Sessions Chair
Lei Huang, Shenzhen University, China
Yujie Gu, Temple University, US
Finance Chair
Xiaopeng Yang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Publicity Chair
Antonio De Maio, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Publication and Registration Chair
Bo Chen, Xidian University, China
Local Arrangement Chair
Junfeng Wu, Zhejiang University, China
Chengwei Zhou, Zhejiang University, China