The International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT) is an annual forum for the exchange of information on the research and development in innovative antenna technologies. It especially focuses on small antennas and applications of advanced and artificial materials to the antenna design. At iWAT, all the oral presentations are delivered by invited prominent researchers and professors. iWAT has a particular focus on posters by which authors have the opportunity to interact with leading researchers in their fields. iWAT2016 is a continuation of a series of annual international antenna workshops held in Singapore (2005), White Plaines, USA (2006), Cambridge, UK (2007), Chiba, Japan (2008), Santa Monica, USA (2009), Lisbon, Portugal (2010), Hong Kong, PRC (2011), Tucson, USA (2012). Karlsruhe, Germany (2013), Sydney, Australia (2014), and Seoul, Republic of Korea (2015).
Call for paper
Important Dates
Draft paper submission deadline:2015-10-12
Draft paper acceptance notification:2015-12-14
Abstract submission deadline:2015-10-12
Final paper submission deadline:2016-01-18
Topics of submission
The topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
Small Antennas
Innovative Structures