Preliminary Scientific Program and Invited Speakers
Session 1 – The “–omics” and personalized medicine
Undiagnosed diseases and disease gene discovery
Nicholas Katsanis, Duke University, Durham, UK – CONFIRMED
Gene therapies and gene transfer
Luigi Naldini, San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy – WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION
Personalized cancer therapy
Franco Locatelli, Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy – CONFIRMED
Charles G Mullighan, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, USA - WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION
Metagenomics in pediatrics
Joel Dorè, INRA, Paris, France – CONFIRMED
The different layers of the “-omics” (round table)
Irene Bozzoni, La Sapienza, Rome, Italy - WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION
Anna Mae Diehl, Duke University, Durham, UK - WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION
Paolo Sassone-Corsi, University of California, Irvine, USA - WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION
Luciano Di Croce, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcellona, Spain - WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION
Session 2 – Big data and digital integration
Big data and data analytics for cancer (round table)
Marisa De Rosa, CINECA, Bologna, Italy – CONFIRMED
Other speakers to be appointed
3D heart modelling and its application in pediatrics
Andrew Taylor, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK – CONFIRMED
Big data and electronic devices (round table)
Tadej Battelino, University of Ljubjana, Ljubjana, Slovenia – CONFIRMED
Moshe Phillip, University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel – CONFIRMED
Fabrizio Drago, Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy – CONFIRMED
Potential and challenges of the digital phenotype in pediatrics
John Brownstein, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, USA - WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION
Piazza Sant’Onofrio, 4 Bambino Gesù
00165 Roma Ospedale Pediatrico
Tel. +39 06 6859 <2401> Istituto di Ricovero e Cura
Fax +39 06 6859 < > a Carattere Scientifico
Session 3 – The patients and participatory medicine
The role of patient communities in accelerating research and improving care
Denis Costello, Eurordis and Rare Connect, UK – CONFIRMED
Alastair Kent, Genetic Alliance, UK – CONFIRMED
Other speakers to be appointed
How the active role of patients may change our future
Flavia Bustreo, WHO, Copenhagen, Denmark - WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION
How patients and patient organizations can use digital communication tools (round table)
Lisa Gualtieri, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston – USA – CONFIRMED
Sheila Khawaia, Rare Disease Patient Advocate, Trieste, Italy – CONFIRMED
Julian Isla, Dravet Foundation, Madrid, Spain - CONFIRMED
Who owns the data? Ethics and challenges in the era of Big Data
Effy Vayena, Unversity of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland - CONFIRMED
Session 4 – The innovation cycle in pediatrics
From research to innovation
Olle Söder, Karolinska Institutes, Stockholm, Sweden – CONFIRMED
How to build an innovation center in a pediatric hospital
John Brownstein, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, USA - WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION
Cultivating pediatric innovation ecosystems
Narendra Kini, Miami Children's Hospital, Miami, USA - WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION
The evolving landscape of pediatric innovation
Anthony Chang, Orange County Children's Hospital, Orange County, USA - CONFIRMED
There is no relevant introduction
EUR 100.00
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