- +86 13972222224
- iccarconf@163.com
- Ticket to ICCAR 2020
Call For Papers
The conference organizing committee invites researchers worldwide to submit papers and share the valuable experiences with the scientists from the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Download Conference Flyer (.pdf file)
Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
- Genetic Algorithms
- Fuzzy Control
- Decision Support Systems
- Machine Learning in Control Applications
- Knowledge-based Systems Applications
- Hybrid Learning Systems
- Distributed Control Systems
- Evolutionary Computation and Control <
- Optimization Algorithms
- Soft Computing
- Software Agents for Intelligent Control Systems
- Neural Networks based Control Systems
- Planning and Scheduling
- Intelligent Fault Detection and Diagnosis
- Engineering Applications.
Robotics and Automation
- Image Processing
- Vision, Recognition and Reconstruction
- Robot Design, Development and Control
- Control and Supervision Systems
- Telerobotics and Teleoperation
- Vehicle Control Applications
- Industrial Networks and Automation
- Human-Robots Interfaces
- Network Robotics
- Autonomous Agents
- Intelligent Transportation Technologies and Systems
- Space and Underwater Robots
- Modelling, Simulation and Architecture
- Human-Machine Interfaces
- Collective and Social Robots
- Humanoid Robots
- Cognitive Approach for Robotics
- Mobile Robots and Intelligent Autonomous Systems
- Mechatronics Systems
- Virtual Environment, Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Perception and Awareness
- Surveillance, Fault detection and Diagnosis
- Engineering Applications
Signal Processing, Sensors, Systems Modelling & Control
- Adaptive Signal Processing and Control
- Environmental Monitoring and Control
- Optimization Problems in Signal Processing
- Signal Reconstruction
- Computer and Microprocessor-based Control
- Real-Time Systems Control
- Information-based Models for Control
- Nonlinear Signals and Systems
- System Identification
- Instrumentation Networks and Software
- Change Detection Problems
- Time-frequency Analysis
- Mechanical, Force and Tactile Sensors
- Biological Inspired Sensors
- Sensors Fusion
- Intelligent Components for Control
- System Modelling
- Modelling, Analysis and Control of Discrete-event Systems
- Modelling, Analysis and Control of Hybrid Dynamical Systems
- Engineering Applications
Industrial Engineering, Production and Management
- Lean Enterprise
- Supply Chain and Logistics Engineering
- Virtual Enterprises and Interoperability
- Production Planning, Scheduling and Control
- Computer-based Manufacturing Technologies
- Facilities Planning and Management
- Quality Control and Management
- Energy Efficiency and Green Manufacturing
- Precision Engineering
- Industrial Automation and Robotics
- Intelligent Design and Manufacturing
- Resources and Knowledge Management in Industry
- Manufacturing Systems Engineering
- Systems Modelling and Simulation
- Performance Evaluation and Optimization
- Human Factors & Human-System Interface
- Cost and Value Engineering
- Business Process Modelling