lectures are plenary sessions which are scheduled for taking about
45 minutes + 10 minutes for questions
Keynote Lectures List:
- Dimitar Filev, The
Ford Motor Company, U.S.A.
Title: Real
Time Diagnostics, Prognostics, & Process Modeling
- Mark W. Spong, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
Title: Synchronization of Multi-Agent Systems
- Patrick Millot, Université de Valenciennes, France
Title: Toward Human-Machine Cooperation |
Lecture 1 |
Time Diagnostics, Prognostics, & Process Modeling |
Dimitar Filev,
Research & Advanced Engineering,
Ford Motor Company ,
U.S.A. |
Dr. Dimitar P. Filev is a Senior Technical Leader, Intelligent
Control & Information Systems with Ford Motor Company specializing
in industrial intelligent systems and technologies for control,
diagnostics and decision making. He is conducting research
in systems theory and applications, modeling of complex
systems, intelligent modeling and control and he has published
3 books, and over 160 articles in refereed journals and
conference proceedings. He holds15 granted U.S. patents
and numerous foreign patents in the area of industrial intelligent
systems Dr. Filev is a recipient of the '95 Award for Excellence
of MCB University Press and was awarded 4 times with the
Henry Ford Technology Award for development and implementation
of advanced intelligent control technologies. He is Associate
Editor of Int. J. of General Systems and Int. J. of Approximate
Reasoning. He is a member of the Board of Governors of the
IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society and President of
the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society
(NAFIPS). Dr. Filev received his PhD. degree in Electrical
Engineering from the Czech Technical University in Prague
in 1979.
Practical and theoretical problems related to the design
of real time diagnostics, prognostics, & process modeling
systems are discussed. Major algorithms for autonomous monitoring
of machine health in industrial networks are proposed and
relevant architectures for incorporation of intelligent
prognostics within plant floor information systems are reviewed.
Special attention is given to the practical realization
of real time structure and parameter learning algorithms.
Links between statistical process control and real time
modeling based on the evolving system paradigm are analyzed
relative to the design of soft sensing algorithms. Examples
and case studies of industrial implementation of aforementioned
concepts are presented. |
Lecture 2 |
Synchronization of Multi-Agent Systems |
Mark W. Spong,
Donald Biggar Willett Professor of Engineering
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Coordinated Science Laboratory
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
U.S.A. |
Mark W. Spong received the B.A. degree, magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, in mathematics and physics from Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio in 1975, the M.S. degree in mathematics from New Mexico State University in 1977, and the M.S. and D.Sc. degrees in systems science and mathematics in 1979 and 1981, respectively, from Washington University in St. Louis. Since 1984 he has been at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he is currently a Donald Biggar Willett Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Director of the Center for Autonomous Engineering Systems and Robotics. Dr. Spong is Past President of the IEEE Control Systems Society and a Fellow of the IEEE. Dr. Spong's main research interests are in robotics, mechatronics, and nonlinear control theory. He has published more than 200 technical articles in control and robotics and is co-author of four books. His recent awards include the Senior U.S. Scientist Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Distinguished Member Award from the IEEE Control Systems Society, the John R. Ragazzini and O. Hugo Schuck Awards from the American Automatic Control Council, and the IEEE Third Millennium Medal.
There is currently great interest in the control of multi-agent networked systems. Applications include mobile sensor networks, teleoperation, synchronization of oscillators, UAV's and coordination of multiple robots. In this talk we consider the output synchronization of networked dynamic agents using passivity theory and considering the graph topology of the inter-agent communication. We provide a coupling control law that results in output synchronization and we discuss the extension to state synchronization in addition to output synchronization. We also consider the extension of these ideas to systems with time delay in communication among agents and obtain results showing synchronization for arbitrary time delay. We will present applications of our results in synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators and in bilateral teleoperators.
Lecture 3 |
Toward Human-Machine Cooperation |
Patrick Millot,
Laboratoire d'Automatique, de Mécanique et d'Informatique Industrielle et Humaine
Université de Valenciennes
France |
Born in 53 he received a PhD in Automatic Control (79) an is Docteur d'Etat es Sciences (87). He is full Professor at the University of Valenciennes since 89. He conducts research on Automation Sciences, Artificial Intelligence, Supervisory Control, Human Machine Systems, Human Reliability with applications to production telecommunication and transport systems ( Air Traffic Control, Car Traffic, Trains Metro.). His scientific production covers about 175 publications, collective books, conference proceedings. Research Director of 35 PhD students and 9 HDR since 89, reviewer of 50 PhD Thesis and 9 HDR from other universities. Head of the research group "Human Machine Systems" in LAMIH since 87 till 04 (25 researchers). Vice-head then head of LAMIH between 96 and 05 (222 researchers and engineers). Vice Chairman of the University of Valenciennes since October 05 in charge of research.
Scientific head or Member of the scientific board or Manager of several regional research groups on Supervisory Control (GRAISYHM 96-02) on Transport System Safety (GRRT since 87,pôle ST2 since 01 with 80 researchers of 10 labs). Member of the French Council of the Universities (96-03), member of the scientific board of the french national research group in Automation Sciences supported by CNRS (96-01). Partner of several European projects and netwoks (HCM networks 93-96, 2 projects since 02 on Urban Guided Transport Management Systems and the Network of Excellence EURNEX since 04). Member of the IFAC Technical Committee 4.5 Human Machine Systems since 00. IPC member of several International Conferences and Journals.
In human machine systems human activities are mainly oriented toward decision-making: monitoring and fault detection, fault anticipation, diagnosis and prognosis, and fault prevention and recovery. The objectives combine the human-machine system performances (production quantity and quality) as well as the global system safety. In this context human operators may have a double role: (1) a negative role as they may perform unsafe or erroneous actions on the process, (2) a positive role as they can detect, prevent or recover an unsafe process behavior due to an other operator or to automated decision makers.
Two approachs to these questions are combined in a pluridisciplinary research way : (1) human engineering which aims at designing dedicated assistance tools for human operators and at integrating them into human activities through a human machine cooperation, (2) cognitive psychology and ergonomics analysing the human activities, the need for such tools and their use. This paper focuses on the concept of cooperation and proposes a framework for implementation. Examples in Air Traffic Control and in Telecommunication networks illustrate these concepts.