Industrial Track
The Industrial Track is an excellent vehicle for companies to advertise and promote their
innovative products and services,
connect with other companies and engage in discussions about research and development initiatives.
The Industrial Track to be held in Colmar, Alsace is focused on system simulation and control, automation and robotics.
This event is held in parallel with a set of related conferences, namely ICINCO, ICETE, ICSOFT, SIMULTECH and DATA, attracting more than 800 researchers from more than 60 countries in all continents, creating opportunities for knowledge and technology sharing, and facilitating future collaboration networks involving industrial project partners and interested conference delegates.
Furthermore, a parallel satellite event is being organized to attract European Projects and to stimulate discussions around the new European Framework for supporting R&D,
Horizon 2020, which will include the participation of representatives from the European Commission.
The Industrial Track will include the following forms of participation:
- Lease of a booth (2x2m with a table and chair) for distributing information or for demonstration purposes, which will be free of charge with the registration at the conference of at least one representative of the Company
- Poster Display
- Presentation/Demonstration of project results either orally or in other formats
- Organization of a special session, workshop or a panel/round-table, focused on the company projects and topics of research
- Tutorial
- Company Presentation
Oleg Gusikhin, Ford Research & Adv. Engineering, United States