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Media Partners

Publications, websites and institutions related to this event, its satellite events and its venue are welcome to enter a media partnership with ICINCO, by means of which they assist in divulging the conference through a link exchange, by forwarding our Call for Papers or by publishing news pieces about the event, its speakers or satellite events.
To enter a media partnership please contact us or fill out the Media contact form. FORM

Current Media Partners:


This site provides you with all the vital information about drones such as reviews, articles, video, guide, technical help in one place but presented in a structured way so you will able to find the right information efficiently and will able to understand it.


Assun Motor

Assun Motor is an innovative motor and motion technology and custom engineering services company that manufactures miniature motors and precision motion control technologies for performance-critical applications that save, improve and enhance lives. We continually develop state of the art miniature motor technologies to serve a spectrum of motion control applications to ensure a perfect fit for your individual applications.

