08:30 |
Welcome Desk & Registration (08:30 - 18:35)
09:00 |
Efficient In-flight Transfer Alignment Using Evolutionary Strategy Based Particle Filter Algorithm
Suvendu Chattaraj and Abhik Mukherjee
Optimal Feedback Control for a Perimeter Traffic Flow at an Urban Region
Jack Haddad and Ilya Ioslovich
A Robust Real-time Image Algorithm for Moving Target Detection from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
Mathieu Pouzet, Patrick Bonnin, Jean Laneurit and Cedric Tessier
Multiobjective Optimisation by PSO for Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) Drive
Jayanta Mukherjee and Sumana Chowdhuri
Spacecraft Solar Arrays Degradation Forecasting with Evolutionary Designed ANN-based Predictors
Maria Semenkina, Shakhnaz Akhmedova, Eugene Semenkin and Ivan Ryzhikov
Parallel Robotic Manipulation via Pneumatic Artificial Muscles
Dimitris Gryparis, George Andrikopoulos and Stamatis Manesis
Complete Stiffness Model for a Serial Robot
Alexandr Klimchik, Stephane Caro, Benoit Furet and Anatol Pashkevich
High-Order Analytical Solution of Relative Motion Equation for Satellite Formation Flying in Elliptical Orbit
Ting Wang, Hanlun Lei, Bo Xu, Tian Guan and Jun Guo
Decentralized Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems - Moving Decisions Closer to Actions
Ahmed Khoumsi and Hicham Chakib
Shape Memory Alloy-based High Phase Order Motor
Claudio Rossi, Zongjian Yuan, Chao Zhang, Antonio Barrientos and William Coral
Development of Gait Measurement Robot for Prevention of Falls in the Elderly
Ayanori Yorozu, Mayumi Ozawa and Masaki Takahashi
Characterization of Repeatability of XY-Theta Platform Held by Robotic Manipulator Arms using a Camera
Anas Hijazi, Dimitri Lefebvre and Jean-François Brethe
Rapidly Exploring Random Trees-based Initialization of MPC Technique Designed for Formations of MAVs
Zdeněk Kasl, Martin Saska and Libor Přeučil
Multi-goal Trajectory Planning with Motion Primitives for Hexapod Walking Robot
Petr Vaněk, Jan Faigl and Diar Masri
Cooperative Guidance of Lego Mindstorms NXT Mobile Robots
Julien Marzat, Hélène Piet-Lahanier and Arthur Kahn
Collaborative Kalman Filtration - Bayesian Perspective
Kamil Dedecius
Digital Self-tuning Control for Pressure Process
Gediminas Liaucius and Vytautas Kaminskas
Adaptive Filtering in Electricity Spot Price Models
Shin Ichi Aihara and Arunabha BAGCHI
Program-based and Model-based PLC Design Environment for Multicore FPGA Architectures
Christoforos Economakos, Michael Skarpetis and George Economakos
Detection of Gait Events and Assessment of Fall Risk Using Accelerometers in Assisted Gait
A. Tereso, M. Martins, C. P. Santos, M. Vieira da Silva, L. Gonçalves and L. Rocha
An Insect Inspired Object Tracking Mechanism for Autonomous Vehicles
Zahra Bagheri, Benjamin S. Cazzolato, Steven D. Wiederman, Steven Grainger and David C. O'Carroll
Intelligent Path Panning Towards Collision-free Cooperating Industrial Robots
L. Larsen, J. Kim and M. Kupke
Self-reorganizing Dynamic Formations of Mobile Autonomous Robots for Communication Network Optimization
Philip Necsulescu and Klaus Schilling
Effective Ways on How to Develop Best Practices for Visualizing Supply Chain Dashboards KPI’s
Johannes Mapokgole
Building Poker Agent Using Reinforcement Learning with Neural Networks
Annija Rupeneite
Nonlinear Dynamics Based Sensors - A New Class of Devices for System Monitoring
Carlo Famoso, Mattia Frasca and Luigi Fortuna
Text Categorization Methods Application for Natural Language Call Routing
Roman Sergienko, Tatiana Gasanova, Eugene Semenkin and Wolfgang Minker
Design Efficient Technologies for Context Image Analysis in Dialog HCI Using Self-Configuring Novelty Search Genetic Algorithm
Evgeny Sopov and Ilia Ivanov
Russian Sub-Word Based Speech Recognition Using Pocketsphinx Engine
Sergey Zablotskiy and Maxim Sidorov
Automatically Generated Classifiers for Opinion Mining with Different Term Weighting Schemes
Shakhnaz Akhmedova, Eugene Semenkin and Roman Sergienko
Acoustic Emotion Recognition - Two Ways of Features Selection based on Self-Adaptive Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
Christina Brester, Maxim Sidorov and Eugene Semenkin
09:40 |
Pedestrian Detection using HOG-based Block Selection
Minsung Kang and Young Chul Lim
Stereo Vision-based Visual Tracking using 3D Feature Clustering for Robust Vehicle Tracking
Young-Chul Lim and Minsung Kang
An Autonomic System for Intelligent Truck Parking
Jose Garcia, Vicente R. Tomás López, Luis A. García Fernández and Juan J. Martínez Durá
Smooth Trajectory Generation with 4D Space Analysis for Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance
Suhyeon Gim, Lounis Adouane, Sukhan Lee and Jean-Pierre Derutin
11:00 |
Coffee-Break (11:00 - 11:45)
11:00 |
An Experimental Comparsion of Dynamic Routing Protocols in Mobile Networks
Vadim Glazunov, Oleg Gusikhin, Leonid Kurochkin, Mikhail Kurochkin and Sergey Popov
Input-output Characteristics of LIF Neuron with Dynamic Threshold and Short Term Synaptic Depression
Mikhail Kiselev
Neural Network Based Complex Visual Information Processing: Face Detection and Recognition
Vaclav Zacek, Eva Volná and Jaroslav Zacek
Neural Networks Based Local Weather Prediction System
Ján Adamčák, Rudolf Jakša and Ján Liguš
Rete-ECA: A Rule-based System for Device Control
Rachel Lee and Sang-Young Cho
Design and Development of a Wireless Emergency Start and Stop System for Robots
D. García, R. Barber and M. A. Salichs
Proposal of Electronic Tag for Monitoring Environmental Conditions During Product Transportation
Mikhaylov Dmitry, Smirnov Alexander, Khabibullin Timur, Froimson Mikhail, Zuykov Alexander, Sychov Nikolay, Grigorenko Andrey and Tolstaya Anastasia
A Heuristic Framework for Path Planning the Largest Volume Object from a Start to Goal Configuration
Evan Shellshear and Robert Bohlin
A Variable Structure Controller for a Class of Hyper-redundant Arms
Decebal Popescu, Nirvana Popescu, Mircea Ivanescu and Dorin Popescu
Discrete Event System Based Pyroprocessing Modeling and Simulation
Hyo Jik Lee, Won Il Ko, Sung Ki Kim, Seong Yeol Choi, Han Soo Lee, Geun Il Park and In Tae Kim
A Compact Planar-patch Descriptor based on Color
Eduardo Fernández-Moral, Javier González-Jiménez and Vicente Arévalo
The Effect of Tactical Situation Display on Attack Helicopter Pilot’s Workload
Eunghyun Lee and Yongjin Kwon
Common Diagonal Stability of Second Order Interval Systems
Bengi Yildiz, Taner Büyükköroğlu and Vakif Dzhafarov
Decentralized Diagnosis and Diagnosability of a Class of Hybrid Dynamic Systems
Louajri H. and Sayed-Mouchaweh M.
Evaluation of Sensor Signal Health Using Model with Uniform Noise
Lenka Pavelkova and Ladislav Jirsa
3D Simulation of Industrial Large-scale Ceramics Furnace in SIMIO Platform Environment
Georgios Tsaousoglou and Stamatis Manesis
Design of a Filter-bank by the Wave Digital Filter Technique - An approach for the Chebishev Bank-Filter by the Wave Digital Filter Technique
Adan Bonilla Chavez, Bohumil Psenicka and Jiri Hospodka
Complex Motion Planning for NAO Humanoid Robot
Walaa Gouda and Walid Gomaa
Designing CAx-process Chains - Model and Modeling Language for CAx-Process Chain Methodology
Pascal Schug and Alexandr Kotlov
Input and State Constrained Nonlinear Predictive Control - Application to a Levitation System
Joanna Zietkiewicz
A Performance Evaluation of Surface Normals-based Descriptors for Recognition of Objects Using CAD-Models
Carlos Manuel Mateo, Pablo Gil and Fernando Torres
Implementing an Adaptive Higher Level Observer in Trusted Desktop Grid to Control Norms
Jan Kantert, Hannes Scharf, Sarah Edenhofer, Sven Tomforde, Jörg Hähner and Christian Müller-Schloer
Multi-robotic System with Self-organization for Search of Targets in Covered Area
Jolana Sebestyénová and Peter Kurdel
Cell Formation Problem: An Multithreading Tabu Search for Setup Time Optimization for Limited Machine Magazines - A New Solution for a Classical Problem
Arthur T. Gómez, Felipe R. Ferrary, José V. Canto Dos Santos and Leonardo Chiwiacowsky
Relay Based PID Auto-tuning Applied to a Multivariable Level Control System
Diogo C. Nunes, Jan E. M. G. Pinto, Daniel G. V. Fonseca, André L. Maitelli and Fábio M. U. Araújo
The Impact of the Diversity on Multiple Classifier System Performance - Identifying Changes in the Amount of Fuel in the Fleet Management System
Rafał Łysiak and Marek Kurzyński
Flexible Shape Measurement System for Chemical Plant Using Magnetic Sensors
Kumiko Yoshida and Kikuhito Kawasue
Reduced DoFs of Digital Hand Based on Anatomy for Real Time Operation
Hiroshi Hashimoto, Akinori Sasaki, Koji Makino and Kaoru Mitsuhashi
WSN-based near Real-time Environmental Monitoring for Shelf Life Prediction through Data Processing to Improve Food Safety and Certification
G. E. Biccario, V. F. Annese, S. Cipriani and D. De Venuto
A stable tracking control of skid steered mobile platform
Seungwoo Jeon, Wootae Jeong and Duckshin Park
Development of a Parallel Link Arm for Object Handling by Wheeled Mobile Robot
Toyomi Fujita and Hiroshi Sugawara
Numerical Investigation of Newton’s Method for Solving Continuous-time Algebraic Riccati Equations
Vasile Sima and Peter Benner
Experimental Evaluation of a Modified Obstacle Based Potential Field Algorithm for an Off-road Mobile Robot
Rickard Nyberg, George Nikolakopoulos and Dariusz Kominiak
Towards Establishing and Maintaining Autonomous Quadrotor Formations
Audrow J. Nash, Terrill E. Massey, Christopher J. Wesley, Saketh Simha Kosanam and James M. Conrad
12:00 |
13:00 |
Lunch (13:00 - 14:30)
14:30 |
Consensus Coordination in the Network of Autonomous Intersection Management
Chairit Wuthishuwong and Ansgar Traechtler
Cognitive Systems in Intelligent Vehicles - A New Frontier for Autonomous Driving
Elvio Amparore, Marco Beccuti, Simona Collina, Flavia De Simone, Susanna Donatelli and Fabio Tango
ECG Signals for Biometric Applications - Are we there yet?
Carlos Carreiras, André Lourenço, Ana Fred and Rui Ferreira
Hierarchical Modelling of Industrial System Reliability with Probabilistic Logic
Kamil Dedecius and Pavel Ettler
Dimension Reduction with Coevolutionary Genetic Algorithm for Text Classification
Tatiana Gasanova, Roman Sergienko, Eugene Semenkin and Wolfgang Minker
BeeAdHocServiceDiscovery - A MANET Service Discovery Algorithm based on Bee Colonies
Gianmaria Arenella, Filomena de Santis and Delfina Malandrino
Fuzzy Rule Bases Automated Design with Self-configuring Evolutionary Algorithm
Eugene Semenkin and Vladimir Stanovov
Detection and Tracking of Dynamic Objects using 3D Laser Range Sensor on a Mobile Platform
Josip Ćesić, Ivan Marković, Srećko Jurić-Kavelj and Ivan Petrović
Information Framework for Energy Systems Using Agent-based Cloud Computing Technology
Francisco Maturana, Luois Mann, Juan Asenjo, Shweta Chatrola and Ray Staron
Comparison of Different Powered-wheelchair Control Modes for Individuals with Severe Motor Impairments
Alfredo Chávez, Héctor Caltenco and Vítězslav Beran
An Improvement in the Observation Model for Monte Carlo Localization
Anas W. Alhashimi, Roland Hostettler and Thomas Gustafsson
Control of a Pedaled, Self-balanced Unicycle with Adaptation Capability
Chun-Feng Huang and T.-J. Yeh
Using Ultracapacitors as Energy-storing Devices on a Mobile Robot Platform Power System for Ultra-fast Charging
Carlos Arantes, João Sepúlveda, João Sena Esteves, Hugo Costa and Filomena Soares
Hybrid and Multi-controller Architecture for Autonomous System: Application to the navigation of a mobile robot
Amani Azzabi, Marwa Regaieg, Lounis Adouane and Othman Nasri
Preliminary Tests and Validation Protocols for an Artificial Multifunctional Foot
João Almeida, Maria José Ferreira, Pedro Lobarinhas, Luís F. Silva, Abílio Leite, Alfredo Araújo and Fernando Sousa
Approximate Distance Queries for Path-planning in Massive Point Clouds
David Eriksson and Evan Shellshear
A Multi-layer Approach for Interactive Path Planning Control
Simon Cailhol, Philippe Fillatreau, Jean-Yves Fourquet and Yingshen Zhao
Swing-up Control of a Single Inverted Pendulum on a Cart With Input and Output Constraints
Meta Tum, Giyeong Gyeong, Jae Heon Park and Young Sam Lee
Sliding Mode Control of Linear Time-varying Systems - Application to Trajectory Tracking Control of Nonlinear Systems
Yasuhiko Mutoh and Nao Kogure
L1 Adaptive Output Feedback Controller with Operating Constraints for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Lei Pan , Chengyu Cao and Jiong Shen
Modeling and H∞ Composite Control of the Coupled Hysteretic Dynamics in Piezoelectric Micro-displacement Systems
Liang Tang, Lei Liu and Xin Guan
On the Stabilization of the Flexible Manipulator - Liapunov based Design. Robustness.
Daniela Danciu, Dan Popescu and Vladimir Rasvan
Nonlinear Feedback Control and Artificial Intelligence Computational Methods applied to a Dissipative Dynamic Contact Problem
Daniela Danciu, Andaluzia Cristina Matei, Sorin Daniel Micu and Ionel Rovenţa
16:00 |
17:00 |
Coffee-Break (17:00 - 17:15)
17:15 |
Describing Functionalities and Reactions of Cars and Managing Their Feature Interactions
Ahmed Khoumsi and Zohair Chentouf
Observer-based controller Design for Remotely Operated Vehicle ROV
Adel Khadhraoui, Lotfi Beji, Samir Otmane and Azgal Abichou
New Mechanisms to Enhance the Performances of an Adaptive Algorithm of Particle Swarm Optimization
Ahlem Amor, Nadia Smairi and Kamel Zidi
Load-aware Reconfiguration of LTE-Antennas - Dynamic Cell-phone Network Adaptation Using Organic Network Control
Sven Tomforde, Alexander Ostrovsky and Jörg Hähner
Aggregated Performance and Qualitative Modeling Based Smart Thermal Control
Afef Denguir, Francois Trousset and Jacky Montmain
Prime - A Service-oriented Framework with Minimal Communication Overheads
Sergey Zhigalov and Yuri Okulovsky
A Steady State Sequence Entropy Model for Flow Controlled Multi-input Single-output Queues with Logical Constraints
Anthony John Walker and Glen Bright
Stereo-based Pedestrian Detection in Crosswalks for Pedestrian Behavioural Modelling Assessment
D. F. Llorca, I. Parra, R. Quintero, C. Fernández, R. Izquierdo and M. A. Sotelo
Impedance Shaping Controller for Robotic Applications in Interaction with Compliant Environments
Loris Roveda, Federico Vicentini, Nicola Pedrocchi, Francesco Braghin and Lorenzo Molinari Tosatti
Hybrid Control Architecture for Mobile Robots Navigation in Partially Known Environments
Madjid Hank and Moussa Haddad
Task Level Optimal Control of a Simulated Ball Batting Robot
Dennis Schüthe and Udo Frese
Operational Assistance System using 3-DOF Joystick with Reaction Force Display to Load Transfer Machine in a Plane
Tomoya Kuneguchi, Yoshiyuki Noda, Yukinori Sago and Kiyoaki Kakihara
The Curved Surface Visualization of the Expert Behavior for Skill Transfer Using Microsoft Kinect
Kaoru Mitsuhashi, Hiroshi Hashimoto and Yasuhiro Ohyama
Linear Switching System Identification Applied to Blast Furnace Data
Amir H. Shirdel, Kaj-Mikael Björk, Markus Holopainen, Christer Carlsson and Hannu T. Toivonen
Modelling Exitement as a Reaction to a Virtual 3D Face
Egidijus Vaškevičius, Aušra Vidugirienė and Vytautas Kaminskas
New Solutions for Modeling and Verification of B-based Reconfigurable Control Systems
Raja Oueslati, Olfa Mosbahi, Mohamed Khalgui and Samir Ben Ahmed
Electric Utility Enterprise Architecture to Support the Smart Grid - Enterprise Architecture for the Smart Grid
I. Parra, A. Rodríguez and G. Arroyo-Figueroa
Design and Development of an Energy Efficiency Knowledge Center (EEKC)
Bhaskaran Gopalakrishnan, Mohammad S. Jalali, Subodh Chaudhari, Deepak Gupta and Ed Crowe
Material Handling, Inventory and Productivity Improvement - A Lean Six Sigma Approach Case Study
Wa-Muzemba Anselm Tshibangu
20:00 |
Social Event (20:00 - 23:00)