2021 4th International Conference on Robotics, Control and Automation Engineering (RCAE 2021) will take place in Wuhan Institute of Technology (Liufang Campus), Wuhan, China during November 4-6, 2021.
It is co-sponsored by Wuhan Institute of Technology and Beijing Institute of Control Robots and Intelligent Technology (BICRI).
2021年第四届机器人、控制与自动化工程学术会议将于2021年11月4-6日在中国-武汉工程大学流芳校区举办。 此次会议旨在促进机器人、控制与自动化工程领域内的交流与合作,为相关研究领域内的专业人士与学者,研究者提供专业的学术交流平台。本次会议投稿将会由国内外业内专家组成的会议委员会进行专业审稿,欢迎从事相关领域的研究人员以及专家踊跃投稿!
Robotics, Control and Automation Engineering is a multidisciplinary engineering field concerned with the design, modeling, analysis, and control of predominantly computer-based automated systems or processes. Researchers, engineers, practitioners, and students, from industry, universities and government agencies are invited to present their latest work and to discuss research and applications for
robotics, control and automation engineering cooperation. Technical sessions, poster sessions, and technical visits will be organized.
- 文章出版/会议论文集
Submitted papers will be peer reviewed by conference committees, and accepted full papers will published in RCAE 2021 Conference Proceedings.
大会录用论文将收录到 RCAE 2021 会议论文集。 欢迎大家踊跃投稿!
Good News! RCAE 2020 论文集在会后1个月上线 IEEE Xplore. 并于会后两个月被 Ei Compendex 和 Scopus 双检索。
Co-sponsored by


Group Photo-RCAE 2018

Group Photo-RCAE 2019