Oussama Khatib
Professor, Stanford University, USA; President, International Foundation of Robotic Research (IFRR)
Jeff Burnstein
President, Robotic Industries Association (RIA), USA
Zvi Shiller
President, Israeli Robotics Association (IROB), Israel
Toshio Fukuda
2013-2014 IEEE Region 10 Director
Alois C. Knoll
Professor, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Bernd Liepert
Bernd Liepert
Thomas Costabile
Thomas Costabile Executive Director/CEO
Alisa Koniukhovskaia
Koniukhovskaia Alisa
Executive Director of Russian Association of Robotics
Rezia Molfino
Rezia Maria Molfino
University of Genova Professor of Robotics
Karel Eloot
Senior Partner in the Shanghai office of McKinsey & Company.
Sami Haddadin
Director of the Munich School of Robotics and Machine Intelligence
Kazuhiro Kosuge
Professor, Department of Robotics, Tohoku University, Japan