About Sponsorship

I am considering to become cooperate sponsorship, what kind of sponsorship menu do you have?
Please send E-mail to your Secretariat of WRS. (info@worldrobotsummit.org)
Can you tell me the conditions and benefits of becoming a sponsorship?

As a condition of the sponsor, it is a company or organization related to robotics, If the sponsors who agrees with the purpose of the WRS event, it is basically accepting.
*The final decision will be in charged is organizer, it is because a national project.

As an advantage, it is possible to publicize for a wide range of people, such as exchange opinion with competitors and robot industry people. It is an international competition of robotics hosted by national government and international appeal is also expected.

Could you tell me the price according to the grade?
The graded price are not announced. If you have any questions about WRS 2020, please send E-mail to your Secretariat of WRS. (info@worldrobotsummit.org)

About Participation

It is going to be held in 2019?
There is no plan to hold WRS in 2019.
Next time is scheduled to be held in Fukushima Prefecture in August and Aichi Prefecture in October in 2020.
I want to participate in WRS, please tell me participation programme?
We call for WRS2020 team entries from Friday June 28 to Friday September 6. Note that entry application needs to be done by Saturday August 31. (JST)
Please click here for more details about challenge participation.
How to participate as a team
Fill out Entry Form necessary information, then ID will be issued for each entry by E-mail. After ID issued, download Application Sheet and submit after filling out necessary items. Application is completed with this. Although it depends on challenge you applied, we will inform you examination result in order from around October.
Please click here for more details.
About entry for participation, if I didin't entry WRS 2018, it would be not qualified for participation for WRS 2020?
Don't worry that if you do not participate in WRS 2018, you can entry for WRS 2020.
We will soon to be updating specific details about how to apply and other information.

Please email
for inquiries
and applications
regarding sponsorship.
