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IEEE Energy 2030 Conference

Conference Support from NSF

Deadline Extended to September 23, 2008

1. Objective

The first IEEE Energy 2030 conference will take place in Atlanta on November 17/18, 2008. A block of rooms and conference facilities have been reserved at the Marriott Marquis hotel in downtown Atlanta. A limited amount of NSF funding is available as support for students and junior faculty from US universities.


2. General Conference Focus and Organization

IEEE Energy 2030 is a new conference on Sustainable Energy Infrastructure being initiated by the IEEE, including the IEEE New Technology Directions Committee, IEEE USA, IEEE Standards Association, Power and Energy Society, Power Electronics Society and Industry Applications Society. The conference will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas amongst experts from around the world, covering a broad range of disciplines on the technology, policy and economic framework required for the creation of a global sustainable energy infrastructure by 2030. The IEEE, as the technology leader in electrical and related technologies, with 43 societies and 370,000 members, is uniquely positioned to help define what the transformed infrastructure is likely to look like, and to initiate the discussion on the challenges that need to be overcome to achieve success.

Conference themes include reduced carbon generation, smart grid and power delivery, replacement of fossil fuel consumption at the load point, improved energy efficiency, reduced energy consumption and impact of carbon cap and trade legislation on choice of technology solutions. Specific technology topics include smart grid, plug-in hybrid vehicles, wind, solar and other renewable energy, fuel cells, energy efficient lighting, energy storage and energy conversion. The conference will include invited and original technical papers, industry presentations, and an exhibition providing an opportunity to showcase new and emerging technologies that will impact energy sustainability in the years ahead.

The conference will provide a unique opportunity for interaction between leaders in technology, policy and economics related to sustainable energy, and will help identify technology gaps and provide a framework to guide research and technology development.


3. Suggested Program for IEEE Energy 2030

Planned technical activities include invited key-note and plenary talks to help frame the conference, oral and poster paper presentations of original work, a panel to present vision and challenges, and sessions to help roadmap the path to sustainable energy.

4. Junior Faculty and Student Support


The opportunity for junior faculty and students in US universities to be exposed to a cross-disciplinary sustainable energy program that ties in elements of public policy and economics, can significantly impact their approach to research issues and problems. The opportunity to meet with technology leaders from other fields, and to understand how all these technologies intersect and interact will provide exposure on the complexity of real-life problems in the energy field. NSF has granted limited funds to the conference organizers  to support junior faculty and undergraduate and graduate students who will be presenting papers at the conference. The funds will be used to cover registration fees of the selected faculty and students from US universities.

4.1 Eligibility

All junior, senior and graduate students enrolled in an electrical engineering program of an US higher education institution, and who are presenting papers at the conference, will be given first priority. Women and under-represented minorities are especially encouraged to apply.  Junior faculty from US universities at the Assistant Professor level who are presenting papers at the conference will also be eligible to apply for support. An ad-hoc committee of the conference will determine, on a merit basis, which of the applicants will be supported.

4.2 Requirements

Students need a sponsoring faculty and are encouraged to seek matching travel funds from either university or industry. More specifically students are required to satisfy the following requirements:

  • Submission of an application form requesting support
  • A letter of recommendation from sponsoring faculty
  • A statement representing the student's interest in the field of energy and his/her reasons for attending the IEEE Energy 2030 Conference.
  • A statement of intent to attend all the recommended meetings and sessions at the IEEE Energy 2030 Conference
  • Most recent original transcripts


Junior faculty will be required to submit

  • An application form requesting support, and stating that they are tenure-track faculty at an eligible US university.
  • A statement representing the person’s interest in the field of energy and his/her reasons for attending the IEEE Energy 2030 Conference.
  • A supporting letter from their Department Chair, which should also explain what cost sharing will be available.

4.3 Publicity

  • The program is being actively publicized using an email blast to all IEEE members. In addition, the program will also be announced via the us-power-faculty-l@mtu.edu and us-power-grads-l@mtu.edu electronic-mail list servers addressed to US Power Faculty and graduate student subscribers. Announcements of the availability of the NSF funds are being sent to all prospective authors and paper presenters at the conference.

4.4 Selection Criteria

  • The students and junior faculty will be selected based on the following proposed factors:
  • First authors of an accepted conference paper who agree to present the paper.
  • Level of additional support by university and industry - this is a very important factor since it represents the level of interest of the universities and local industries in the area of electric power
  • Scoring of the paper during the review process
  • Statement of reason for attending the meeting
  • Student's GPA in the case of a student applicant
  • Only one author per paper will be supported


5. Application Forms to be Completed

-Student Form

-Junior Faculty Form







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