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  • (21)Simon Haykin, Modern Filters, MacMillan, 1989
    You need to know DSP already to read this book. Entry-level book is written with clear style; very readable.

  • (22)Ronald E. Crochiere, R. Rabiner, Multirate Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1983
    This title is no longer being mass-produced. It is now being printed on demand by the publisher. While this process keeps information readily available, the print quality of these books is generally that of a copier and not of a normal book.
      1. Intended for a one-semester advanced graduate course in digitalsignal processing or as a reference for practicing engineers andresearchers.

  • .

  • (23)Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1989
    This is probably the most complete reference in DSP. It's full of examples covering the whole stuff in DSP. However this is certainly not fur use as an introductory book because the aim is not the explanation of fundamental concepts in DSP (for that go to Lyons "Understanding Digital Signal Processing"). Maybe it is possible to learn DSP with this book but then as a companion of a good undergrad course, not for self-study. As stated by another reviewer, this book is over-crowded with developments, details and examples that could be overwhelming to the newcomer. This is probably its biggest drawback, in that its completeness hinders on its readability. So be aware that this is not an easy DSP book, it's THE DSP book.

  • (24)Richard E. Blahut, Fast Algorithms for Digital Signal Processing, Addison Wesley, 1987
    (No reviews yet).

  • (25)Steven A. Tretter, Introduction to Discrete-Time Signal Processing,Wiley, 1976
    (No reviews yet)

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