


Chair's Column

Another great Power Engineering Chapter Tour

I was pleased to be able to join the Power Engineering Chapter when they toured Austin Lighting Products on May 25. While not my particular field of engineering, I found the tour to be very interesting. Attending these tours brings back memories of participating in several plant tours while I was a high school and college student in Houston. I was fortunate that my father had friends who were IEEE members and invited us to join their trips to many interesting locations. These trips helped me to arrive at a career in engineering.

Each of you can influence a potential engineer by inviting them to attend your chapter meetings or tours. Or you can provide a presentation or tour that will be of interest. If you have ideas for either, I encourage you to contact your Chapter officers to see how you can assist in their program planning.

Member satisfaction

A lot of discussion is going on among IEEE leaders regarding member satisfaction. I would welcome input from any of you as to what the officers of the Central Texas Section can do to improve your satisfaction with maintaining membership in IEEE.

As always,

John R Purvis, P.E.

Chair, Central Texas Section of the IEEE

Please feel free to contact me at if you have any feedback for the CTS officers.

Issue 48-06

In this Issue:

Chair's Column

Events and Conferences

The Scoop:  Volunteer Information

  • Don't Wait Until Year End! Report Meetings As They are Held

  • Forming New Chapters

  • Technical Symposia Grant Program 2004

  • Identity Standards Update

  • Call for RAB Award Nominations

Chapter & Affinity Activities

Student Branches and Affiliates

Membership News

  • Senior Upgrade Events

  • Managing your Member Profile


  • IEEE-USA Signs Coalition Statement Urging Solution to Visa-Processing Crisis

  • IEEE-USA Cites Concern About Rules on Access BPL Systems in FCC Filing

The Institute On-Line

  • President's Column: A Ruling in Our Favor

  • Question the Candidates

  • Marketplace of Ideas: Undergrad Numbers Fall

  • Digital Library Offers Shorter Subscriptions

  • Member Profile: In a Family of Fellows

  • Conference Spotlights Sister Technologies

  • 2003 Neural Networks Conference Papers Go on Sale

The Analog

June 2004

Editor's Notes

The goal of this newsletter is to provide the more than 4700 members of the Section with up-to-date and meaningful information. We welcome contributions and suggestions that will improve the newsletter. Please contact the editor, Marian Stasney,, if you have any thoughts or suggestions. The deadline for submission is the 25 th of the month. Please send messages in plain, unformatted text. Do NOT forward email.

If this message has been forwarded to you, you can subscribe to the Analog. Please send an Email to: with "Subscribe cts-section" in the body of the Email message.

Suggestion Box