IEEE CTU Student Branch

Meeting Minutes

2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012

See also Videos and Photo Galleries for documentation of Activities.

7 Mar |  7 Feb 10 Jan



IEEE Minutes for March 7, 2014

 Members in attendance 

Anthony Luciano                Joshua Soliday

Joseph Dattilo                    Morgan Vlasse

Denisse Gilbert                  Matthew Marquez

Dr. John Santiago               Dr. Kathy Kasley


Topic of discussion:  Events, Operations and News based on “IEEE SB”

             Here is an update about our March 7, 2014 Meeting. The Engineering Summit held at the Freedom Financial Expo on March 1, 2014, was a total success. The Student Branch managed to build a Tesla Coil. Dirt Battery, Mecanum Arduino Rover and Arduino Rover Sumo bots. The Student Branch was mentioned on its success on the Colorado Springs Newspaper, “The Gazettte”.    See the video and photo album for full details displaying the awesome team effort.

Engineering Summit

The Student will now prep for the Denver Maker Fair that will be held on May 2014.  

The Student Branch Officers and it’s current member also working in revising the Student Branch Constitution. Each article will be deal one by one and after the reviews of the changes needed the Club will vote on its New Constitution. There is no exact date for passing the Constitution at this time since the Club will heavily review the changes need to it. Nothing Further to Report.

The Vice-Chair, Joshua Soliday, has decided to step down from his position.  If you or know of anyone who are interested in this position, please contact any of the branch officers.

 If you have any questions or concerns please contact any of the branch officers. please follow us at:

 Our School Page:

 Our Facebook Page:

 Our LinkedIn Page:

 Anthony Luciano-Geigel

CTU IEEE Student Branch Secretary


IEEE Minutes for Feb 7, 2014

 Members in attendance 

Anthony Luciano               Joshua Soliday           Barrie Makin                             

Joseph Dattilo                   Morgan Vlasse          Matthew Marquez    

Denisse Gilbert                Aaron Langenvin       Dr. John Santiago                            

Topic of discussion:  Events, Operations and News based on “IEEE SB”

             Here is an update about our informal Feb 1, 2013 meeting. The chairman assigned members to multiple teams in order to make multiple projects for the Engineering Summit on March 1, 2014. Each team is responsible for on single project for the Engineering Summit. The chairman and treasurer typed the budget needed for the materials in order to build the projects.

 The advisor revised the budget and approved the funds needed in order to further the build of these projects. The teams will meet every week in order to stay on schedule for the projects in order to build the projects.

 The Advisor and Chairman ordered the parts and purchased them after the meeting parts are going to be there this week. The club will meet once a week in order to stay on schedule for the engineering summit. Our next formal meeting will be on Feb 21, 2014.

 If you have any questions or concerns please contact any of the branch officers and follow us at:

 Our School Page:

Our Facebook Page:

Our LinkedIn Page:

 Anthony Luciano-Geigel

CTU IEEE Student Branch Secretary


 IEEE Minutes for Jan 10, 2014

 Members in attendance 

    Anthony Luciano      William Wilder      Matthew Marquez             Dr. John Santiago

    Joseph Datillo           Lucian Ivan              Denise Gilbert                   Aaron Langevin

    Liliana Bengfort       Makin Barrie         Merel Layman                  


 Topic of discussion:  Events, Operations and News based on “IEEE SB”

             Meeting started at 6pm in Rm# 101. Our treasurer Erik Behner, has step down from the position. If anyone is interested running for treasurer, contact current officers for running for the position. The chairman presented the Versalino Inventors Kit to the members and explained each part of the Kit and their functions.

 The members worked on building the Kit while the chairman and secretary were there if any of the members needed help on building the hardware part of the kit. After members build the kit they installed the drivers for the Arduino and the FTDI. Members were then shown on how the coding for the kit works for  C++ Programming. Members also learned about the command used to operate the kit and making the kit functional.

 Next meeting we will resume working on the Versalino Invertors Kit.   Tentatively, the next meeting will be on Jan 24, 2014 in Rm# 113 from 6pm-8pm.

We will also start meeting informally on weekly  basis in order to prep for the Engineering Summit on March 1, 2014.

 If you have any questions or concerns, please follow us at or contact any of the branch officers:

 Our School Page:

Our Facebook Page:

Our LinkedIn Page:

 Anthony Luciano-Geigel

CTU IEEE Student Branch Secretary


1 Nov1 Nov | 5 Oct | 26 Jul12 Jul | 7 Jun | 31 May | 10 May | 4 May | 27 Apr | 19 Apr | 22 Feb | 9 Feb | 25 Jan | 2 Jan

IEEE Minutes for Nov 1st, 2013

Members in attendance

Anthony Luciano, Matthew Marquez, Lucian Ivan, Dr. John Santiago, Josh Soliday, Brian Mackenzie, Erik Behner, Joseph Dattilo, David Collins, Jacque Hobbs, Bobby Williams, Luke Duzanica

Topics of discussion: Budget, Engineering Summit, Future/Current Projects and

IEEE club business

Chairman, calls the meeting in order at 6pm Nov 1, 2013. The officers addressed the issue with past  and current budget presented to the Student Senate. The Chairman met with the Vice-President of the Senate and both came with a resolution towards fixing that problem.

Next topic was our next event, the engineering summit. We are going to participate in this event on March 1, 2014. The club is currently in preparations for that event. The members and officers exchange ideas on what projects we are going to present for the engineering summit. The next order of business is the club getting our own office for storage, projects and work for the club. We will contact the CTU Staff to sign
for the office as soon they are prepared to sign it out to us. The last topic was to vote for a new IEEE Rep. IEEE officers voted for Matthew Marquez an IEEE Student and Music Major to be the new IEEE Rep.

Anthony Luciano-Geigel
CTU IEEE Student Body Secretary

IEEE Minutes for Oct 05, 2013

Members in attendance

Anthony Luciano Joshua Soliday
Robert Schnoor John Kraeer
Joseph Dattilo
Erik Behner

Topic of discussion: IEEE MINUTES 05 Oct 2013

Our Chairman, Joseph Dattilo gave a class regarding coding. He started with the basics and explained how each step works in the world of coding. We are prepping for the Science Festival on 12 October 2013, we are also giving a Presentation on Lego Robotix on the 11 of October 2013. Another event coming for our near Future is the Engineering Summit that will be held on March 8 2014. Our Next Club Meeting will be 18 October 2013, which we will have the IEEE Pikes Peak Region giving our club a presentation.

If you have any Question or Concern, Please Follow us at:

Our Facebook Page:
Our LinkedIn Page:

Anthony Luciano-Geigel
CTU IEEE Student Body Secretary


IEEE Minutes for July 26, 2013

 Members in attendance

Anthony Luciano    Joshua Soliday           Patrick Skrzniecki            Dr. John Santiago         

Robert Schnoor       Matthew Marquez      Frank Willams II            Dr. ChrisGardner        

Joseph Dattilo         Aaron Langevin          Patricia Buchanan           Dr. Kathy Kasley         

Bobby Williams      Dustin Area                  Heath Bieker                   Luke Duzanica            

Kiley Robinson          

 Topic of discussion:  IEEE MINUTES 26 July 2013

 Here is an updated about our July 26, 2013. We had an Oustanding outcome for this Meeting. Our Chairman, Joseph Dattilllo, joined by Our Engineering Dean Dr. Kathy Kasley, Dr. T. Chris Gardner and Dr John Santiago, our IEEE Faculty Advisor. They discussed, how Engineering, IT and Computer Science Professionals work together in order to achieve the same goal. IT and CS students, received the first glimpse of the Club.

 We worked on the Potato Launcher, and assembled it for Saturday Testing.

 Pizza was provided by our Treasurer.

 Visual Aid, was given by our Secretary. On, What is IEEE.

 The symposium from IEEE at Denver is also approaching, if anyone is interested about it. Please contact me.   IEEE symposium will be From August 5 to the 9, 2013. Our Club is  also gearing up for our Next Event. The “What If” Festival, that will take Place September 7, 2013.

 If you have any questions or concerns, please follow us at:

 Our Facebook Page:

 Our LinkedIn Page:


Anthony Luciano-Geigel

CTU IEEE Student Body Secretary

IEEE Minutes for July 12, 2013

Members of Attendance

Joe Dattilo, David Sutton, Robert Schnoor, Josh Soliday, Anthony Luciano, Matthew Marquez, Luke Ivan, Aaron Langevin, Professor John Santiago and Dr. Chris Gardner

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Here is an update about our last meeting. Our Vice-Chairman, David Sutton is currently stepping down as our Vice-Chair because he's leaving to a great Disneyworld Internship. 

If anyone is interested in running for the position of Vice-Chairman, please let either myself or one of the IEEE Officers know. We also talked about our current project, the Quadcopter. The quadcopter just needs to be calibrated manually (ESC), and then is take off again.

Our Treasurer, Robert Schnoor also informed us about the "What If" event and that we are going to partake in later September.

Our Chairman is also interested if anyone has ideas that we can execute in our club meetings to increase experiences in our fields.   If you do happen to have an idea, please inform one of the Officers.

The next meetings will be the 26 and 27 of July 2013. The time for July 26 will be 6pm to 8pm.  For July 27 the time will be from 1pm to 3pm. The meeting will be held at the CTU Campus in Room 113.

The symposium at Denver  from IEEE is also approaching, if anyone is interested about it please contact me.
We hope to see you at the next meetings.
Anthony Luciano-Geigel
IEEE Student Secretary

IEEE Minutes for June 7, 2013

Members of Attendance

oe Dattilo, David Sutton, Robert Schnoor, Josh Soliday, Rob West and Professor John Santiago

IEEE Club Business

Several members excited to build the quadrocopter decided to meet and build the core of the quadrocopter.   The completion of the wiring will be done by several members to complete the wiring/soldering at Joe Dattilo's home.

The quadrocopter is currently held by Robert Schnoor until a secure place at the CTU campus can be found.  Professor Santiago will talk with Joe Sutton about Room 257 about cabinets and place for the quadrocopter project. (Photo Album of Day 1)

IEEE Minutes for May 31, 2013

Members of Attendance

Joe Dattilo, David Sutton, Robert Schnoor, Bobbie Williams Luke Ivan, Anthony Luciano Geigel, Chris Gardner, Wenton Davis, Professor Jing Guo, Professor John Santiago

IEEE Club Business

1.  Professor Santiago bought a quadrocopter from Amazon and the students tested it out.

Check out the trailer below put together by David Sutton, Vice Chairman of IEEE CTU Student Branch.


Unedited videos and bloopers

Some Photos at the 31 May 2013 meeting.

2.  Bobbie Williams gave an informed presentation about a portfolio platform at and encouraged others to try it out.  The platform allows students to present their deliverables on projects and other works to interested prospective employers.  The platform is at where there are CTU Senior Engineering Projects, CTU IEEE Student Branch and CTU Engineering Activities.   All students (non-IEEE and IEEE are encouraged to sign-up.

3.  The WiiMote controller was used to demonstrate how the Nintendo controller and an infrared pen can be used to convert an a projector screen into an interactive whiteboard.  This is based on Johnny's Lee video.

Johnny Lee at TED talks

4.  Professor Santiago brought some Wowwee robotics toys that will be presented at the Space Foundation's Summer of Discovery, 15 Jun 2013.

IEEE Minutes for May 10th, 2013

Members in attendance

Shane Coleman Robert Schnoor Ormoned Fingers

Josh Soliday Brian Mackenzie Patrick Dahlberg

Aaron Langevin Joseph Dattilo Merel Layman

Bobby Williams Luke Duzanica

Wenton Davis Dr. John Santiago


Topics of discussion: Elections, ComSoc Student Competitions, Promotional event


IEEE club business


We started off the meeting by holding Elections and as a result the CTU IEEE Officers are now as follows:


Chair Joseph Dattilo

Vice Chair David Sutton

Treasurer Robert Schnoor

Secretary Shane Coleman


Upon being elected as Chair Joseph Dattilo discussed how we will start holding meetings. To get more people excited about participating in the IEEE we will move to a two part system and begin the meetings with more hands on activities and project updates. The second part will consist of the more mundane IEEE business that needs to be attended to. This will allow those who wish to do the fun exciting stuff and not deal with the political side of things to avoid the political drama that prevents them from attending. We then move on to discuss the ComSoc Student Competitions. We have decided to let all of you review the details of this competition and ask that you please respond with any and all ideas that you may have. The details of this competition can be seen at We will discuss all ideas submitted and if there is enough support we will continue with this endeavor. We also discussed moving forward with the Promotional event. Since Daniel Hawkinson was unable to attend the last meeting we will discuss our progress on the business proposal at our next meeting.


Shane R. Coleman

CTU IEEE Student Body Secretary

IEEE Minutes for May 04, 2013

Members in attendance


Shane Coleman Robert Schnoor Dr. John Santiago Josh Soliday Chris Gardner

Aaron Langevin Daniel Hawkinson

Bobby Williams

Topics of discussion: Club business with emphasis on methods to include elections, promotional event/career fair, sumo bots.

IEEE club business


We started off delaying the elections due to a low turnout. There was a discussion of when to hold meetings and those that were present decided that the best turnouts occurred on Friday. Due to this discussion we have decided to schedule our meetings for Fridays at 6:00 pm for at least the near future. If you have any opinions on when we should hold meetings please let me know. If I have enough people to agree on an approximate time I can inform those attending and have a weighted argument to support this day and time.

Bobby Williams then took the floor to discuss his work in representing the IEEE in the student senates endeavor to change the student senate constitution. He explained that the process is approximately halfway completed and that he is in the progress of getting them together sometime next week to continue the process. If you have anything you wish to recommend to Bobby on this matter you can contact me and I will pass on your thoughts as soon as possible.

To promote more of a turnout we discussed actively participating in the IEEE COMSOC Student Competitions. This event promotes students or teams of students to demonstrate the capacity to improve the lives of people utilizing communication technology to develop projects that support or improve the human needs of people. Bobby Williams has already promoted such things as working computer hacking, helping the blind use computers, gun tracking, and cell phone voice recognition. This would be an excellent opportunity to get CTU the engineering recognition it deserves. We also discussed holding a CTU IEEE promotional event that will work with the school to attract potential students and businesses that want and need information technology, computer science, and electrical engineering to fulfill their needs. A new member Daniel Hawkinson stepped up and volunteered to put together a business proposal that we can present to the school for review. This event would help promote the foundation that CTU was comprised of and ensure that the engineering program no longer goes ignored.

To get things moving in the continuing delay of financial support from the student senate we have decided to move our attention to working with sumo bots. Dr. John Santiago has a few that he will allow us to start playing around with and has led to discussion of starting to work on a scoreboard that we could use to keep track of wins and losses. We could also look into contacting other clubs and organizations and holding battles or other contests such as a soccer match with robots (with a yellow flag or two).

Due to the low turnout we have decided to move the election to Friday, May10th at 5:30 pm. We will also start playing around with the sumo bots and discuss where we would like to go. To remind you of how the nominees for the elections are going Joseph Dattilo and David Sutton have volunteered for Chairman and Vice Chair. There brief bio and reason for running can be seen below. If you are interested in being more active or can’t keep yourself from picking up the latest edition of Scientific American, Popular Science, or Popular Mechanics; maybe you should come and volunteer. Your enthusiasm and dedication could prove to be valuable to our team.


Joseph Dattilo would like to run a Chairman and his bio can be seen at he has also added the following reason for running.

Founder of Virtuabotix LLC, a hobby electronics, and Robotics Company in the Springs. With 6 1/2 years of prior Military experience, and the additional 6 years of leadership experience I hope to contribute to the strength of our fledgling IEEE organization, and give it and its members a much need boost in energy and drive as we develop this club into awesomeness.


David Sutton has also stepped up to run a Vice Chair. A brief bio and description for running can be seen below.


I am David Sutton and I am running for the position of Vice Chairman. I joined the CTU IEEE group when it was started up last year because I believe this is an important way to network, develop experience, and learn about interesting topics that may not be covered in my classes. I am running to become an officer because I want to be more involved in supporting the group by taking a position of leadership. The position of Vice Chairman is responsible for maintaining the group's website, social media profiles, creating presentation slides for meetings, and assisting the treasurer with documenting group expenses. I have experience in all of these areas. I have experience with website design and presentation creation, I know how to use social media because I operate the NarniaMovies facebook page with over eight million fans, and I have been responsible to keeping track of a budget as the group coordinator of a local English Camp. I believe that I can help to innovate the club by leading through my creative vision and technical skills. Please vote for me to become your Vice Chairman in the next IEEE meeting.


As a reminder the positions are as follows. If you are interested in getting more involved with the IEEE running for an officer position is a great start.



Vice Chair



IEEE Student Senate Representative


We will be holding elections on the next meeting Friday, May 10th at 5:30 pm.

Shane R. Coleman

CTU IEEE Student Body Secretary

IEEE Minutes for April 27, 2013


Members in attendance


Shane Coleman Robert Schnoor

Josh Soliday Chris Gardner

Joseph Dattilo David Sutton

Bobby Williams



Topics of discussion: Club business with emphasis on methods to increase member participation and officer elections.


IEEE club business


Bobby Williams is still working hard in representing the IEEE in the Student Senate as they continue to make revisions to the Student Senate Constitution. I will keep update you on this information as soon as Bobby informs me of its completion. On another note we discussed. We spent quite a bit of time on how we can boost are member turn out and keep people interested in attending future meetings. With this some ideas we came up with was to increase club visibility by going to classes and making our presence known and possibly setting up a Chick-fil-a fundraiser which would be nearby. There was also a discussion involving meeting times so we can appeal to those working full time and going to school full time. We also discussed creating some short term goals such as a robot maze competition or sumo-bots that would allow members to have some fun and hands on with the club. Our main objective, however, was officer elections. LD Steiner has officially resigned as Vice Chair and we had two people who stepped up and volunteered to run as Chairman and Vice Chair. Joseph Dattilo would like to run a Chairman and his bio can be seen at he has also added the following reason for running.

Founder of Virtuabotix LLC, a hobby electronics, and Robotics Company in the Springs. With 6 1/2 years of prior Military experience, and the additional 6 years of leadership experience I hope to contribute to the strength of our fledgling IEEE organization, and give it and it's members a much need boost in energy and drive as we develop this club into awesomeness.


David Sutton has also stepped up to run a Vice Chair. A brief bio and description for running can be seen below.


I am David Sutton and I am running for the position of Vice Chairman. I joined the CTU IEEE group when it was started up last year because I believe this is an important way to network, develop experience, and learn about interesting topics that may not be covered in my classes. I am running to become an officer because I want to be more involved in supporting the group by taking a position of leadership. The position of Vice Chairman is responsible for maintaining the group's website, social media profiles, creating presentation slides for meetings, and assisting the treasurer with documenting group expenses. I have experience in all of these areas. I have experience with website design and presentation creation, I know how to use social media because I operate the NarniaMovies facebook page with over eight million fans, and I have been responsible to keeping track of a budget as the group coordinator of a local English Camp. I believe that I can help to innovate the club by leading through my creative vision and technical skills. Please vote for me to become your Vice Chairman in the next IEEE meeting.


As a reminder the positions are as follows. If you are interested in getting more involved with the IEEE running for an officer position is a great start.



Vice Chair



IEEE Student Senate Representative


We will be holding elections on the next meeting Saturday May 4th at 6:00 pm.


Shane R. Coleman

CTU IEEE Student Body Secretary

IEEE Minutes for April 19, 2013


Members in attendance


Shane Coleman Robert Schnoor Dr. John Santiago Joseph Dattilo David Sutton Wenton Davis

Josh Soliday Aaron Langevin

Bobby Williams



Topic of discussion: Discussion of IEEE club business.


IEEE club business


Josh soliday started the meeting by discussing the Regional IEEE meeting that he attended in which a lobbying member of the IEEE discussed his role in working with congress to promote the IEEE’s interest in Engineering job growth and green energy interest in the United States. We then discussed the Student Senates Constitution revision that is in progress. We currently have Bobby Williams representing the IEEE and working with the Student Senate in their revisions. Once they have completed their revisions they will have to post it for two weeks for the student body to review. Once this information is provided to me I will inform everyone where it is posted. When you review it you can then let Bobby Williams know if there are any issues that he can look further into. The CTU IEEE will also be holding elections for all officer positions. If you are interested in running for any of these positions please show up to the next meeting, Saturday, April 27th at 3:00 pm to represent yourself so that the other members can get to know a little about yourself. If you cannot make the next meeting and you are interested please let me know and I can put your name out there for consideration. The election will be held on the following meeting, May 4th. The positions are as follows:



Vice Chair




As a reminder the next meeting will be Saturday, April 27th at 3:00 pm in room 113 (room subject to change).


Shane R. Coleman

CTU IEEE Student Body Secretary

IEEE Minutes for February 22, 2013


Members in attendance


Shane Coleman Luke Duznica Pam Hoffman

LD Steiner Brian Mackenzie Wenton Davis

Josh Soliday Bobby Williams Dr. Kathy Kaisley

Robert Schnoor Lucian Ivan

David Sutton Joseph Dattilo


Topics of discussion: Presentation by Joseph Dattilo, Engineering Summit, Storage Room


Presentation by Joseph Dattilo


Joseph Dattilo, Founder of Virtuabotix LLC and member of CTU’s IEEE, has volunteered to be our sponsor and provide us with discounts on parts and supplies and provide additional support in training and design for our quad-copter project. He suggested that we move forward with our quad-copter project with simple low cost Versalino uno platforms, motors, and sensors. With these we can begin to test and experiment with ultrasonic landing techniques, accelerometer control, and pan tilt turn. We will be having another meeting on Saturday March 2nd in which he will be bringing in some Versalino uno platforms, sensors, motors, and an accelerometer so that we may begin working on designs to display at the Engineering Summit that is coming up. If you would like to learn more about what products and services Virtuabotix provides you can access his website at .


Engineering Summit


I apologize for the miss information that I have been putting out regarding this event. It turns out that this event will be held Saturday, March 9th from 9 AM to 3:30 PM and not on the 8th like I have been previously putting out. The Engineering Summit is going to be located at 3650 N Nevada Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80907. The CTU IEEE has decided to put a booth together in which we will show off some of the things we have been doing. We plan to set up a few Lego Mindstorm robots that attendees can program and play around with. We also would like to put together a small project dealing with the Versalino uno platforms that Joe will be helping us with on are next meeting on Saturday March 2nd. This event is designed to show students what the engineering field is like and provide information on pursuing an engineering degree. If you would like to know more about the Colorado Springs Engineering Summit you can go to .


Storage Room


In order to acquire a secure space in which we can store projects and parts, Josh Soliday has made arrangements with Joe Sutter to clean out and straighten up room 257. I am sorry for such short notice but this will be tomorrow from 8-12. If you read this email in time and can make it please do so. With the progress we are making in getting the parts needed for the quad-copter this space will be valuable. Please stop by if you have the time.


As a reminder the next IEEE meeting will be Saturday, March 2nd at 10:00 AM in room 112




Shane R. Coleman

CTU IEEE Student Body Secretary

IEEE Minutes for February 09, 2013


Members in attendance


Shane Coleman Michael Garcia John Santiago

LD Steiner Brian Mackenzie

Josh Soliday Bobby Williams

Robert Schnoor Lucian Ivan

David Sutton


Topics of discussion: Quad-Copter Project and Budget


Quad-Copter Project


Lucian Ivan, the project lead for the quad-copter project outlined the work breakdown structure that he has put together so far. He explained how each area such as hardware and software will be broken down even further to smaller tasks so that everyone will have an opportunity to work on the project. He also discussed our main goal as of now is to get the quad-copter up and running so we have the foundation to incorporate our future ideas. Going over his plan and discussing the smaller tasks associated with the quad-copter project also brought up the discussion of legal limitations so Josh Soliday will be looking into this to ensure we are within regulatory compliance for wherever we choose to go with the project. Lucian will be making some minor changes to his work breakdown structure and having Dr. Don Schley review his work. He would like everyone to consider what aspect of the quad-copter design they would be interested in working on so he can assign tasks for the project in the near future.




It turns out that we are still having issues in getting funded by the Student Senate and are still in the process of fixing this problem. Robert Schnoor and LD Steiner will be working to clear this issue up over the next couple of weeks. Robert also discussed the possibility of a sponsor who would be willing to help fund our project. He is still in the process of making contact with this individual and will keep us up to date with his progress. We also discussed the possibility of holding fundraisers to obtain the money we need to start moving the project forward. This discussion will be continued in greater detail if Robert and LD do not make much progress in obtaining funding through the Student Senate.



Shane R. Coleman

CTU IEEE Student Body Secretary

IEEE Minutes for January 25, 2013


Members in attendance


Shane Coleman Michael Garcia Marc Olson Dr. Kathy Kaisley

LD Steiner Kill Soo Han Erik Panameno Wenton Davis

Josh Soliday Bobby Williams Ali Ashour

Robert Schnoor Lucian Ivan Ted Engelbart

David Sutton


Topics of discussion: Presentation of WiMAX equipment by Marc Olson/Quad-Copter Project, Engineering Symposium, and Big Brother Big Sister Event,


Presentation by Marc Olson/Quad-Copter Project


One of our members, Marc Olson was kind enough to bring in his WiMAX radio equipment to discuss the specifications and explain how we could use it to meet previously discussed requirements of the quad-copter project. Since this equipment is not designed to be used on a quad-copter we discussed how we would combine these two ideas and meet other requirements of the quad-copter design. Lucian Ivan, who is leading up the project, is in the process of putting together a work breakdown structure and working out a budget with Robert Schnoor. If you are interested in working on a specific area of this project let me know so that I can pass your name on to Lucian for his construction of the work breakdown structure. As a reminder and to inform some of our newer members research for parts and ideas for whether we lean towards there Typhoon model or the Cyclone model can be found at and .

Big Brother Big Sister Event


There was a short discussion of the Big Brother Big Sister project which will be held tomorrow from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM in the Engineering Lab at CTU. I am sorry I did not put out the exact time for this event before but if you have time and are interested in showing up tomorrow to help you are more than welcome. Setup for the City-scape was also conducted after the official meeting came to an end.


Engineering Symposium


During the meeting Dr. Kaisley informed us of an Engineering Symposium that will be held on March 8th. We discussed representing CTU IEEE club at this event and would like to put what we can on the quad-copter project on display. Due to budget and time this may only consist of only the design process but if the budget and time work in our favor we may at least have our first prototype built. As a reminder Lucian Ivan is in charge of putting the work breakdown structure together and would be able to conduct this task easier if he has an idea of what area you wish to work on in the project. If you wish to volunteer with a specific area please let me know so I can pass this information along.




We also had a discussion on buying the CTU Polo’s with the IEEE logo embroidered on them. Due to issues on getting our budget approved and issued we have come up with the plan of having the embroidery done separately. For the time being, if you would like to get a CTU Polo with the IEEE logo embroidered on it you will have to purchase the Polo from the CTU bookstore, which is approximately $30.00, and then let me know so I can put you in contact with Robert for the embroidery process. We hope to have a better system in the future but for those of you who wish to get one now, this is the process that we have established.


Shane R. Coleman

CTU IEEE Student Body Secretary

IEEE Minutes for January 12, 2013


Members in attendance


Shane Coleman Michael Garcia David Sutton Dr. Kathy Kaisley

LD Steiner Kill Soo Han Wenton Davis

Josh Soliday Bobby Williams

Robert Schnoor Stuart Longordo



Topics of discussion: Presentation by Frank Morales, Big Brother Big Sister Event, Quad-Copter project


Presentation by Frank Morales


Guest speaker Frank Morales gave an excellent presentation on Microsoft SharePoint He Walked through his role as a SharePoint Administrator for Evans Army Hospital and stressed the importance of communication with the end user. He provided several examples of SharePoint produced sites explaining how they are set up and explaining how security works within SharePoint. He showed how such a tool could be used to benefit communication within large companies and make projects more efficient. His presentation really helped give us an idea on how SharePoint can be used to aid in the projects the CTU IEEE Club chooses to work on.


Big Brother Big Sister Event


There was discussion of an overview of the lego mindstorm robots and we have the opportunity to have Dr. Kathy Kaisley give us an overview of the lego mindstorm robots on Monday the 14th at 5:00 PM in room 257. This is short notice due to the fast approaching deadline of the event but if you would like the opportunity to participate in this event please attend. As a volunteer you will be asked to assist in setup and teardown of the lego-mindstorm city scape obstacle course, and assisting children in program setup. If you have the time and wish to encourage these youth’s into the wonderful world of engineering please show up to Dr. Kaisley’s presentation.


Quad-Copter Project


There was a short discussion of the research that LD has done for the quad-copter project. He has proposed that we all go to the following sites and conduct our own research in ideas for whether we lean towards there Typhoon model or the Cyclone model. These sites are and . With these two models he explained some of their similarities and differences and explained how they are in the process of introducing there new AERO quad 32 controller board. He is asking all of us to review the parts within the two models and to review additional sensors and parts that we can use to do something unique for our project. We would love to hear these proposals at the next meeting so we can design the quad-copter for building for testing as soon as our budget goes through.



Shane R. Coleman

CTU IEEE Student Body Secretary