


Norfolk Waterside Convention Center

November 10-16, 2002

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Conference Record & TNS Submissions
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Instructions for Submission of Conference Record and TNS Manuscripts

1) Submissions to CONFERENCE RECORD

All papers presented at the NSS-MIC will be published in the Conference Record provided:

(1) the paper is within the five-page page limit,

(2) source files are received electronically at the PDF conversion site (https://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/confpub/) by November 13,

(3) the PDF proof is approved by the author by November 15, and

(4) the copyright form is submitted at the conference to the guest editor.

These deadlines will be extended only if there is a technical problem with the proof or special arrangements are made with the guest editor before the end of the conference. In no case will submissions be accepted after November 22. This year, Scott Metzler (metzler@duke.edu) will serve as guest editor.

Templates for manuscript preparation are available at IEEE Publications (https://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/confpub/). Additional information on formatting and the electronic submission process is also available. This year, authors must submit manuscripts in Word, Latex, or one of the other acceptable formats by November 13 to https://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/confpub/. IEEE Publications will generate a PDF proof of the manuscript and email it to the author within 24 hours of submission. The proof must then be approved or rejected by the author.


NSS and SNPS Papers

Papers presented at a NSS or SNPS session will be considered for inclusion in TNS as a NSS 2002 paper if PDF manuscripts are received at Manuscript Central https://tns-ieee.manuscriptcentral.com) by midnight eastern standard time (EST) on December 2, 2002. If you have previously used Manuscript Central as an author or reviewer, please use your existing account. If you have not previously used the system, you will need to create an account and author profile. For "Manuscript Type" select "2 Nuclear Science Symposium Manuscript" regardless of whether your paper was presented in a NSS or SNPS session.

All questions regarding NSS submissions should be addressed to the NSS Editor John Valentine at NSS.Editor@ieee.org. All manuscripts must be submitted to Manuscript Central by midnight eastern standard time (EST) on December 2, 2002 to be considered for publication in the TNS.

MIC Papers

Papers presented at a MIC session will be considered for inclusion in a TNS as a 2002 MIC paper if a PDF, PostScript, or Word file is submitted by December 2, 2002. The manuscripts should be e-mailed as attachments to IEEE_EJH@MEDNET.UCLA.EDU. Authors should prepare the manuscript in the same format as the Conference Record. The manuscript may be as long as 8 pages. The final length will depend on the judgment of the reviewers about the appropriateness of the length and may be as long as 10 pages. If you do not have the version of Adobe Acrobat (Distiller) that translates a postscript file to pdf, please send the postscript file. Other software has produced files that are partially or fully unreadable.

All questions regarding MIC submissions should be addressed to the MIC Editor Ed Hoffman at IEEE_EJH@MEDNET.UCLA.EDU. All manuscripts must be submitted by midnighteastern standard time (EST) on December 2, 2002 to be considered for publication in the TNS.

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