Call for Papers

Important Dates

10 September 2012:
Submission of full papers and tutorial/workshop proposals(Closed)

3 December 2012:
Submission of late breaking reports and videos

3 March 2013:
Workshops and Tutorials

4-6 March 2013:
Main conference


Full Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts; eight camera-ready pages including figures are allowed for each full paper. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and archived in the ACM Digital Library.

Late Breaking Reports

Authors are encouraged to submit their late-breaking results as short two page papers. Accepted short papers will be presented as a poster and published in the conference proceedings.

Video Session

We invite videos related to all aspects of HRI. In addition to the importance of the lessons learned and the novelty of the situation, the entertainment value will be judged. The video itself must be self-explanatory for the audience.
Accepted videos will be published in the conference proceedings and archived in the ACM Digital Library.

Tutorials and Workshops

Proposals are sought from those wishing to organize a tutorial or a workshop on a HRI-related theme. Tutorials and workshops will be held on Sunday, 3 March 2013, one day before the main technical sessions.


There will be an exhibition site at the conference. Financial supporters are encouraged to display state-of-the-art products and services in all areas of robotics and human-robot interaction.