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Power and Energy Society |
GM 2014
This Panel Session is organized by the
Emerging Technology Coordinating Committee (ETCC) to
bring the latest
news of Energy Storage Technologies to IEEE PES
members and other PES GM 2014 attendees. Time: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Location: National Harbor 6
Dr. Nouredine Hadjsaid, Institut
National Polytechnique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France
Abstracts | ||||||||||||||
Energy Storage Technologies Energy storage is currently gaining more importance in the context of energy transition paradigm. It is expected to play a key role as an enabling technology in the process of lowering the carbon foot print of the electrical system, particularly with renewable energies on the rise and the event of the plug-in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (PHEV). Storage has always been used in the power industry but at a limited scale as it is considered to be non-competitive for most grid applications. However, the new emphasis put on energy storage in the context of this new energy paradigm has triggered new efforts in research and development on storage technologies. Most of research roadmaps have pointed out that the energy storage will play a major role in the future with breakthrough capabilities. Hence, several new technologies have emerged in recent years. In addition, large in situ pilot projects for demonstration purposes have recently been launched to demonstrate on real scale the effectiveness of these new technologies in terms of performances as well as in terms of system benefits, business models and best practices. The panel will be dedicated to the emerging energy technology storage. The presentations will cover technology, economy, system integration and feedback experience on some real scale pilot projects for grid applications. Top |
BC Hydro Case Study: Battery Energy Storage in Field BC Hydro has recently deployed a battery energy storage system (BESS) in Field, British Columbia, Canada. The project aims to prove the potential benefits of islanding and peak shaving functionality using a battery energy storage system (BESS) on a distribution feeder. The peak shaving function schedules the battery to discharge at times of high demand thus reducing the peak load through the system and consequent stress on substation components as well as defer the need for capital upgrades required to meet increasing demand. Islanding allows the battery to supply power to a portion of the distribution network when disconnected from the main grid due to a planned or unplanned outage. In this state the battery is effectively acting as a back-up source of power. In January 2010, BC Hydro initiated a project in partnership with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) to install battery energy storage on its distribution system in the hopes of achieving both of these benefits. The system was put into service in June 2013. The paper focuses on the challenges faced by the project in both design and deployment and provides a summary of the achieved benefits from 12 months of operation. Major challenges included: meeting the demands of climate and utility grade specifications; telecommunications and network design; and operationalizing the system for monitoring and maintenance. Top |
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Energy Storage Technologies Integration into Electrical Networks Today, the rise of intermittent sources, the decentralized generation trend, and the increasing peak demand could lead to grid instability. Energy storage is one solution to bring more flexibility, to help balancing generation and demand, and provide back-up. Locally, it will improve our network management, reducing congestion costs, reduce or delay investments and leverage Demand Response. Energy Storage will play a key role to develop a low carbon society. Furthermore, new challenges, new policies, and technology availability result in new business opportunities. Storage technologies are clearly linked to power conversion systems, automation and control, and global energy management system where Schneider Electric is a major player. The aim of this panel session is to discuss new business opportunities, innovative power conversion control and energy management systems. Current demonstrators and feedback on field tests will be highlighted. Top |
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New scheduling tools for emerging storage technologies: Experience from Shetland Islands To effectively utilize energy storage, system and network operators need new tools that can account for the inter-temporal characteristics of such devices, while still retaining non-linear AC models of distribution networks where they are connected. This work has developed Dynamic Optimal Power Flow tool which can help planning charging and discharging schedules so to maintain secure system operation especially in systems with new technologies such as distributed generation, demand side participation as well as storage (including electric vehicles). This presentation will outline the new tool and discuss its practical implementation within the Northern Isles New Energy Solutions (NINES) project on Shetland Islands. The aim of the project was to investigate how to increase integration of wind into exiting islanded system, supplied by thermal generation through appropriate scheduling of demand side and energy storage, while respecting commercial arrangements for distributed generation connections, as well as maintain secure system operation on islands that are not connected to the mainland GB system. Top |
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Storage for massive grid integration of renewables: technology selection and feedback from the field With increasing renewable energy integration into the grids, business models appear for storage either for self-consumption of locally generated energy or for grid ancillary services. The selection and sizing of the storage technology is a difficult task especially since different technologies are becoming mature beside lead-acid batteries (i.e. redox flow, Li-ion or high temperature, etc.) so that the question of choosing the right technology and optimizing the size for a given technology becomes a critical one. In a grid-connected storage operation, a degree of flexibility exists for the exploitation of a storage system that may be an arbitrage between using storage or accepting penalties depending on what is more costly. Therefore, sizing is also tightly related to the management strategy. The aim of this paper is to show which parameters need to be used for performing an accurate sizing and how these parameters may differ from the manufacturer datasheets. In a second stage, our point is illustrated on 3 technologies on which real field experiments were carried out on the “Colosse platform” at INES near Chambery. After showing few requirements put on the association of renewable generation associated with storage in different configurations, an illustration of important sizing parameters is shown. These parameters differ from the conventional technical datasheets that are provided from the manufacturers. In a third section, feed-back on experimental use of 3 different storage systems (redox-flow, sodium-nickel chloride, lithium-ion) is discussed. For proper technology sizing, both an accurate model and the correct energy management algorithms are needed. Another important aspect of the storage system design is the knowledge of its relevant parameters that differ from a conventional battery use (e.g. in an electric vehicle). Finally, up to now, the major cost factor is still on the integration of a storage system. Top |
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Overview of the new energy technology storage challenges from technical, regulation and business models view points Storage of energy and especially storage of electricity is not a new topic: there is more than 140 GW of hydro pumping storage all around the world. But what is new is that new technologies appear in the market (e.g. flywheel and other types) and that some existing technologies have improved and are going to improve dramatically their performance and cost (e.g. battery storage). On the other side, particularly in Europe, the need for flexibility of the electrical system is growing very fast, mainly because of the surge of renewable energy generation in the energy mix. We can also notice that in developed countries takes far longer to build a tansmission line than to build a wind farm. In this case energy storage can be a transitional solution for use of the power generated. This new situation makes storage of energy an increasingly interesting way of solving the problems arising now in the electrical systems. This new landscape entails a technical challenge, a regulation challenge, and a business model challenge. The presentation overviews these three challenges and highlights the links among them. Top |
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