Welcome Message from the Chair
It is my great pleasure to welcome all of the attendees to the IEEE
Region 5 Technical, Professional, and Student Conference (TPSC), which
will be held in Kansas City, Missouri, April 17-20, 2008. This years
theme will be the BASICS2 Technical Conference. (Biotechnology,
Avionics, Security, Informatics, Computers, Software, Systems)
The 2008 BASICS2 Technical Conference is an annual
conference that provides a forum for interdisciplinary interaction between
Computer Scientists, Electrical, and Computer Engineering professionals,
faculty and students. The conference is a venue for the exchange of
information on new technologies, paradigms and ideas, and consists of a
program of events that will help in the technical and professional
development of attendees.
The conference will be held on the JC Nichols Plaza and UMKC campus.
I, as the chair of this 2008 BASICS2 Technical
Conference, sincerely hope that this conference will have great impact on
all the participants through a mutually beneficial information exchange,
and person to person communications during the technical sessions,
banquet, and so on. I am looking forward to meeting you at the conference
and wish all the participants a pleasant stay in Kansas City.
Ghulam M. Chaudhry
Chairman of the Organizing Committee