Robotics Competition
New Introduction
- pdf | Robotics Competition
Rules - pdf | Competition
Track Photos (pdf) | Competition
Track (pdf) | Competition
Track (dxf) | Registered Teams
unofficial robot page with video links. Thanks Jared Baynes!
Final Round 3
Final Round 2
Final Round 1
Rules Q&A
How firm are the new competition rules dated
Although minor modifications may be necessary to address any unforeseen issues, there will be NO modifications which will effect the basic premises, course layout, or course instructions.
Could you better describe the competition area?
Please see the robotics Rules dated 9/28/07 for a complete description of the competition area.
Can graduate students compete in this competition?
Currently there are no Graduate Student teams that have committed to the competition.
We will consider any adult member teams and Graduate member teams for a competition. The only requirement is that all team members must be signed up for the regional meeting.
Would you please give a better description as to what you mean by “tile
If you go to any lumberyard, or Lowes, or Home
Depot, and ask for "tile board", they will sell you this stuff.
It is often used as a surface in bathrooms, but behaves much like the dry-erase
boards on campus. bright white and shiny surface, thin and rather rigid. comes
in 4x8 sheets.
Does scratching the paint on the cask constitute damaging the cask?
If, in the opinion of the judges, the cask
cannot be re-used, that's damage. I believe we should be able to touch up the
Does our robot have to follow the black lines?
No, but the "walls" are there to
minimize point-to-point navigation. (Your robot could jump over them, I guess.)
I'm guessing that the lightest cask is placed on square A, the middle cask
on square B, and the heavy cask on square C. I just want to make sure.
The cask placement will be random. (Otherwise, there would be no need to
weigh them!)
Will the storage bins be painted inside
and out?
Is there a penalty for going over the
No penalty for scaling the walls.
Do you have any restrictions like,
"robot needs to follow the line throughout the entire task"? In
a different way, can the robot go off of the track and complete the task?
There are no restrictions not contained in the rules, The lines and
walls are there to assist, but do not limit the actions of the robots. If
by "go off the track" you mean "leave the 8x8 board.
NO. Any robot that hits the floor will be disqualified.
You mentioned that the weights of the
cans are evenly distributed. Can you explain that to me a little
bit? If you are planning to put some sand inside the can, like last time,
is the center of gravity of the can going to be towards the bottom? I want
to clarify; how are you going to make the three cans in a way that the weight
will be evenly distributed?
The word is "symmetric", not "evenly-distributed".
In other words, we will try to weight the cans so that the END is not (much)
heavier than the other. (Also, the weight will be fixed internally, so the
balance does not change during a run.) However, the weighting may vary
around the circumference of the cask.
When you are placing the casks on the
spot, are you going to center the cask geometrically or are you going to eyeball
the center? I think the storage bins are going to be placed towards the
back of the square. Is that right?
Eyeball. Look at the picture on the website for the location of the
storage bin.
What if I still have a question?
Bob Ronan can answer your questions.