2008 IEEE Region 5 Technical, Professional, and Student Conference
April 17-20, 2008 Intercontinental Hotel - Kansas City at The Plaza |
Call For Tutorials
The IEEE - Kansas City Section and the University of Missouri - Kansas City are proudly hosting the 2008 IEEE Region 5 Technical, Professional, and Student Conference, to be held at the Intercontinental Hotel, Kansas City, MO, April 17-20, 2008. Conference events at a glance (please see https://ewh.ieee.org/conf/basics2 for more information):
The conference technical committee is now accepting tutorial proposals to provide short but comprehensive coverage of the technologies of interest to the IEEE constituents, which includes but is not limited to the areas of P-BASICS2, such as: Codes and Management in Power, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Avionics, Security, Informatics, Computers, Software, Systems, Communication, and Networking. Each tutorial will last 3 hours, including a 15 minute refreshment break. For tutorial proposal submission please send an outline of your proposed session, not to exceed 2 pages in a double-spaced 12 point font, as well as the presenter(s) short bios and CVs highlighting their relevant expertise in the area. Submission of the complete tutorial material is not required at this time. Your outline should include the tutorial title, abstract, goals, and the intended audience (including their assumed prerequisite knowledge). We will offer complementary conference registration and $500 compensation to the presenter(s)[1] pending the approval of their proposed tutorial and a minimum attendance of seven registered audience. Important Dates:
Submissions: [1] In case of multiple presenters, they shall share the $500 compensation but each will still receive a complementary registration. Download the "Call for Tutorials" pdf