

   Tuesday Paper Sessions


   Communications for Smart Grid


17 January, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Session Chair: Hui Ni, Accenture 


·         2012ISGT0333, Secure Wireless Data Communications for Distribution Automation in the Smart Grid

C. Lippincott, Freeware Technologies


·         2012ISGT0269, A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Communication Scheme for Advanced Metering Infrastructure

P. Deng, Colorado State University

L. Yang, Colorado State University


·         2012ISGT0264, High-Speed Communication-Assisted Tripping and Sectionalizing for Distribution Systems

S. Turner, Beckwith Electric Co.


·         2012ISGT0251, Communication Technologies for BCIT Smart Microgrid

G. Stanciulescu, BC Hydro, Canada

H. Farhangi, BCIT, Canada

A. Palizban, BCIT, Canada

N. Stanchev, BCIT, Canada


·         2012ISGT0051, Security Hub Architecture Support for IEC61850 Information Exchange Protocols

S. Aggarwal, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati


Advanced Metering Infrastructure

17 January, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM   

Session Chair:  Chris Thomas, Institute for Sustainable Energy Development, USA                 

·         2012ISGT0385, A Fuzzy Markov Model for Scalable Reliability Analysis of Advanced Metering Infrastructure

S. A. Zonouz, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

R. Berthier, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

P. Haghani, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign


·         2012ISGT0172, Synchronizing SCADA and Smart Meters Operation for Advanced Smart Distribution Grid Applications

S. T. Mak, ESTA International, USA

N. Farah, ESTA International, USA


·         2012ISGT0432, WISEMEN: WhIte SpacE for smart MEteriNg

S. Subramani, Telecommunication Research Laboratory, Toshiba Research Europe

Z. Fan, Telecommunication Research Laboratory, Toshiba Research Europe

S. Gormus, Telecommunication Research Laboratory, Toshiba Research Europe

P. Kulkarni, Telecommunication Research Laboratory, Toshiba Research Europe

M. Sooriyabandara, Telecommunication Research Laboratory, Toshiba Research Europe


·         2012ISGT0346, Economic Analysis of Privacy-Aware Advanced Metering Infrastructure Adoption

D. P. Ghosh, Cornell University

D. E. Schrader, Cornell University

W. D. Schulze, Cornell University

S. B. Wicker, Cornell University


·         2012ISGT0273, Comparison of Data Forwarding Mechanisms for AMI Networks

S. Cespedes, University of Waterloo, Canada

A. A. Cardenas, Fujitsu Laboratories of America

T. Iwao, Smart Network Division


Electrification of Transportation

17 January, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM   

Session Chair: A. Goodarzi, US Hybrid Corporation                   

·         2012ISGT0444, Fleet Electrification: A Step toward the Ultimate Microgrid?

Timothy J. McCoy, U.S. Navy

J. M. Voth, Herren Associates

D. E. Anderson, Herren Associates


·         2012ISGT0253, Security Concerns of a Plug-In Vehicle

H. Chaudhry, Argonne National Laboratory

T. Bohn, Argonne National Laboratory


·         2012ISGT0382, Power Management Strategies for Hybrid Electric Trucks in Smart-Grids

P. Khayyer, Ohio State University

A. Izadian, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology


·         2012ISGT0192, Measurement and Analysis of Consumption Energy for Korean High-speed Trains

T. Lee, Korea Railroad Research Institute

H. Cho, Korea Railroad Research Institute

S. Kim, Korea Railroad Research Institute

K. Kim, Korea Railroad Research Institute


·         2012ISGT0376, A Novel Approach to feed Electric Bus on Traction

N. Parimi, University of Missouri

S. Ramineni, University of Missouri



Control and Monitoring of Smart Grid


17 January, 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM


Session Chair: X. Feng, ABB


·         2012ISGT0384, Simulation Models for Evaluation of Network Design and Hierarchical Transactive Control Mechanisms in Smart Grids

D. Jin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

X. Zhang, IBM Research Division

S. Ghosh, IBM Research Division


·         2012ISGT0397, A New Automatic Generation Control with Heterogeneous Assets for Integration of Renewables

A. Keyhani, The Ohio State University

A. M. Annaswamy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


·         2012ISGT0426, A New Monitoring Architecture for Distribution Feeder Health Monitoring, Asset Management, and Real-Time Situational Awareness

J. A. Wischkaemper, Texas A&M University

C. L. Benner, Texas A&M University

B. D. Russell, Texas A&M University


·         2012ISGT0328, Identification of Aged Cable Section in 12.5 kV URD System using EMTP Simulation

B. Pushpanathan, Mississippi State University 

S. Grzybowski, Mississippi State University

T. O. Bialek, Mississippi State Universit


·         2012ISGT0156, A Novel Charging-Time Control Method for Numerous EVs based on a Period Weighted Prescheduling for Power Supply and Demand Balancing

H. Yano, NEC Corporation, Japan

K. Kudo, NEC Corporation, Japan

T. Ikegami, University of Tokyo, Japan

H. Iguchi, NEC Corporation, Japan

K. Kataoka, University of Tokyo, japan

K. Ogimoto, University of Tokyo, Japan


·         2012ISGT0422, Control Method for Multi-Microgrid Systems in Smart Grid Environment-Stability, Optimization and Smart Demand participation

M. A. Sofla, University of Toledo, USA

R. King, University of Toledo, USA



Smart Grid Demonstrations

17 January, 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM


Session Chair: Kai Xie, SGCC China


·         2012ISGT0239, PJM Advanced Technology Pilots for System Frequency Control

H. Ni, PJM Interconnection LLC


·         2012ISGT0124, PNM Smart Grid Demonstration Project from Modeling to Demonstration

S. Abdollahy, University of New Mexico

O. Lavrova, University of New Mexico

A. Mammoli, University of New Mexico

S. Willard, University of New Mexico

B. Arellano, University of New Mexic


·         2012ISGT0147, Smarter Micro Grid for Energy Solution to Rural Ethiopia

T. T. Erbato, TU-Darmstadt, Germany

T. Hartkopf, TU-Darmstadt, Germany


·         2012ISGT0329, Regulatory Impact Analysis of Smart Meters Implementation in Brazil

D. R. V. Leite, Superintendence of Distribution Services Regulation, Brazil

H. Lamin, Superintendence of Distribution Services Regulation, Brazil

J. M. C. de Albuquerque, Superintendence of Distribution Services Regulation, Brazil

I. M. T. Camargo, Superintendence of Distribution Services Regulation, Brazil


·         2012ISGT0410, Development and Implementation of Renewable Energies in Colombia as part of the National Political Agenda: a Review of Regulations and Incentives

D. Ortiz, U. Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia

M. Gualteros, Universidad Nacional, Colombia

S. Sanabria, Universidad Nacional, Colombia

J. Sabogal, Universidad Militar, Colombia


·         2012ISGT0188, Kentucky Smart Grid Roadmap Initiative

Y. Du, University of Kentucky

Y. Liao, University of Kentucky

M. Turner, University of Louisville

M. Sunkara, University of Louisville

J. DeRouen, Kentucky Public Service Commission

A. Greenwell, Kentucky Public Service Commission

J. Rogness, Kentucky Public Service Commission

K. Cole, Kentucky Public Service Commission

J. Gardner, Kentucky Public Service Commission


Demand Response and Real-Time Pricing

17 January, 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM


Session Chair: Mark Petri, Argonne National Laboratory


·         2012ISGT0255, The Industry Demands Better Demand Response 

M. Zimmerman, Building IQ 


·         2012ISGT0300, New Energy Concepts and Related Information Technologies: Dual Demand Side Management

A. Monti, E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen, Germany

F. Ponci, E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen, Germany

D. Müller, E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen, Germany

R. Streblow, E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen, Germany

D. Cali, E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen, German 


·         2012ISGT0138, Demand Response Control for PHEV Charging Stations by Dynamic Price Adjustments

D. Ban, North Carolina State University

G. Michailidis, North Carolina State University

M. Devetsikiotis, University of Michigan


·         2012ISGT0157, Diverse Demand Side Portfolio: Another Step towards Smart Grids

S. S. Mohtavipour, Tarbiat Modares University

G. R. Yousefi, Isfahan University of Technology

F. Fallahi, Niroo Research Institute


·         2012ISGT0135, Demand Responsive Bidding Strategy of a Buyer in Uniform Price Electricity Market

A.K. Jain, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India

S.C. Srivastava, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India

S.N. Singh, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India

L. Srivastava, Majhighariani Institute of Technology & Science, India


·         2012ISGT0303, Lighting Systems Control for Demand Response

S. Husen, Philips Research, Eindhoven, Netherlands
A. Pandharipande, Philips Research, Eindhoven, Netherlands
L. Tolhuizen, Philips Research, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Y. Wang, Philips Research, Eindhoven, Netherlands
M. Zhao, Philips Research, Eindhoven, Netherlands


Microgrid Operation and Control

17 January, 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM


Session Chair: Guang Li, ERCOT


·         2012ISGT0127, Growing the Business without Increasing the Electrical Supply Capacity: A Smart Microgrid Approach

J. J. van der Merwe, Energy Cybernetics, South Africa

L. J. Grobler, NorthWest University, South Africa


·         2012ISGT0454, Soft Synchronization of Dispersed Generators to Micro Grids for Smart Grid Applications

A. Mazloomzadeh, Florida International University

V. Salehi, Florida International University

O. Mohammed, Florida International University


·         2012ISGT0233, Optimal Energy Management of a Rural Microgrid System Using Multi-objective Optimization

X. Zhang, Arizona State University

R. Sharma, NEC Laboratories America

Y. He, Iowa State University


·         2012ISGT0340, Sustainable Energy Microsystem (SEM): Preliminary Energy Analysis

M. Brenna, Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

M.C. Falvo, Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

F. Foiadelli, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

L. Martirano, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

D. Poli, University of Pisa, Italy


·         2012ISGT0353, Managing Intermittent Renewables in a Microgrid

Q. Fu, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

A. Solanki, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

L. F. Montoya, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

A. Nasiri, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

D. Yu, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

V. Bhavaraju, Innovation Center, Eaton Corporation



Renewable Energy and Distributed Power Systems

17 January, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM


Session Chair: Nivad Navid, Midwest ISO


·         2012ISGT0392, Smart Grid Volt/Var Management: Challenges of Integrating Distribution DG

E. Tom Jauch, Beckwith Electric Company


·         2012ISGT0366, Technical and Economic Impacts of Distributed Generation on the Transmission Networks

C. Táutiva, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

H. Duran, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

A. Cadena, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia


·         2012ISGT0225, Grid Integration of Renewable Sources in the Distribution Networks: An Analysis Through ATP-EMTP

F. A. M. Moura, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Brazil

J. R. Camacho, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil  

M. L. R. Chaves, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil

G. C. Guimarães, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil


·         2012ISGT0158, Maximum Power Extraction of Tidal Streams

M. J. Jahromi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

A. I. Maswood, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

K.J. Tseng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

B. Bhangu, Rolls Royce, Singapore

N. H. Tehrani, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


·         2012ISGT0435, A Comparative Study of MPPT Methods for Distributed Photovoltaic Generation

A. Barchowsky, University of Pittsburgh

J. Parvin, University of Pittsburgh

G. Reed, University of Pittsburgh

M. Korytowski, University of Pittsburgh

B. Grainger, University of Pittsburgh


·         2012ISGT0471, Comparison between high and low capacity in the optimal location of distributed generation with uncertain data

H. Goodarzi, Islamic Azad University, Iran

M. R. Haghifam, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran



Vehicle-to-Grid Technology in Smart Grid

 17 January, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM


Session Chair: Thomas Bialek, SDG&E


·         2012ISGT0236, Economic Analysis of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G)-Enabled Fleets Participating in the Regulation Service Market

A. D. Los Rios, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

J. Goentzel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

K. E. Nordstrom, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

C. W. Siegert, XL Hybrids


·         2012ISGT0386, Combined Bidding of Regulation and Spinning Reserves for Unidirectional Vehicle-to-Grid

E. Sortomme, Alstom Grid


·         2012ISGT0178, Integration of Electric Vehicles in Smart Homes - An ICT-based Solution for V2G Scenarios

M. M¨ultin, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

F. Allerding, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

H. Schmeck, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany


·         2012ISGT0212, A Detailed Analysis of the Effective-Load-Carrying-Capacity Behavior of Plug-in Electric Vehicles in the Power Grid

S. V. Chakraborty, Virginia Tech

S. K. Shukla, Virginia Tech

J. Thorp, Virginia Tech


·         2012ISGT0318, Economic Assessment on V2G Frequency Regulation Regarding the Battery Degradation

S. Han, University of Tokyo, Japan

K. Sezaki, University of Tokyo, Japan

S. Han, Konkuk University, Korea


Storage Devices with Applications to Smart Grid

17 January, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM


Session Chair: A. Edris, Quanta Technology


·         2012ISGT0323, Optimal Storage Sizing for Integrating Wind and Load Forecast Uncertainties

S. Dutta, NEC Laboratories America and University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign

R. Sharma, NEC Laboratories America


·         2012ISGT0203, System Constraints Effects on Optimal Dispatch Schedule for Battery Storage Systems

J. Hill, Drexel University

C. Nwankpa, Drexel University


·         2012ISGT0389, Optimal Sizing of Smart Grid Storage Management System in a Microgrid

S. Bahramirad, S&C Electric Company

H. Daneshi, Southern California Edison


·         2012ISGT0181, Smart Grid Applications of Selected Energy Storage Technologies

S. O. Geurin, University of Arkansas

K. Barnes, University of Arkansas

J. C. Balda, University of Arkansas


·         2012ISGT0186, A New Battery Energy Storage System Control Method Based on SOC and Variable Filter Time Constant

L. Guo, Tianjin University, China

Y. Zhang, Tianjin University, China

C. S. Wang, Tianjin University, China


Microgrid Technology in Power Systems

17 January, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM


Session Chair: Jason Stamp, Sandia National Laboratory


·         2012ISGT0350, Generation Capacity Design for a Microgrid for Measurable Power Quality Indexes

Q. Fu, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

A. Solanki, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

L. F. Montoya, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

A. Nasiri, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

V. Bhavaraju, Innovation Center, Eaton Corporation

D. Yu, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


·         2012ISGT0357, Economic Dispatch for a Microgrid Considering Renewable Energy Cost Functions

N. Augustine, Polytechnic Institute of New York University

P. Moghe, Polytechnic Institute of New York University

K. Sheikh, Polytechnic Institute of New York University

S. Suresh, Corporate Research, Siemens


·         2012ISGT0393, Improvement of Micro Grid Dynamics Using Micro Grid Frequency Controller

M. A. Tabrizi, Tennessee Technological University

G. Radman, Tennessee Technological University


·         2012ISGT0308, A Framework for Real-Time Power Management of a Grid-Tied Microgrid to Extend Battery Lifetime and Reduce Cost of Energy

S.A. Pourmousavi, Montana State University

R. K. Sharma, NEC Laboratories America

B. Asghari, NEC Laboratories America


·         2012ISGT0204, Microgrid Operator's Capacity and Storage Investment Strategies under Environmental Regulations

Y. He, Iowa State University

R. Sharma, NEC Lab America

X. Zhang, Arizona State University


·         2012ISGT0442, Development of a Series Fault Model for DC Microgrids

F. M. Uriarte, University of Texas at Austin

H. B. Estes, University of Texas at Austin

T.J. Hotz, University of Texas at Austin

A. L. Gattozzi, University of Texas at Austin

J. D. Herbst, University of Texas at Austin

A. Kwasinski, University of Texas at Austin

R. E. Hebner, University of Texas at Austin


Tuesday Evening Poster Session


17 January, 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM


Poster Paper Presentation


Session Chair: Jianhui Wang, Argonne National Laboratory


·         2012ISGT0242, Controlling the Heating Mode of Heat Pumps with the TRIANA Three Step Methodology

H.A. Toersche, University of Twente, Netherlands

V. Bakker, University of Twente, Netherlands

A. Molderink, University of Twente, Netherlands

S. Nykamp, University of Twente, Netherlands

J. L. Hurink, University of Twente, Netherlands

G. J. M. Smit, University of Twente, Netherlands



·         2012ISGT0316, Noise Modeling and OFDM Based Receiver Design in Power-Line Communication

T. Guzel, Tubitak-Uekae, Turkey

E. Ustunel, Tubitak-Uekae, Turkey

H. B. Celebi, Tubitak-Uekae, Turkey

M. K. Mihcak, Bogazici University, Turkey


·         2012ISGT0377, Multi-objective Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Programming for Optimal Location and Sizing of Distributed Generation

Z. M. Yasin, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia

T.K. Abdul Rahman, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia

Z. Zakaria, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia


·         2012ISGT0276, Smart Grid for Offshore Wind Farms: Towards an Information Model based on the IEC 61400-25 Standard

T. H. Nguyen, University of Agder, Norway

A. Prinz, University of Agder, Norway

T. Friiso, Origo Solutions AS, Norway

R. Nossum, University of Agder, Norway


·         2012ISGT0321, Energy Storage in Future Smart Grid

H. Delic, Bogazici University, Turkey

J. Shah, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India

T. Wadghule, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India

N. Yadav, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India

N. Singh, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India


·         2012ISGT0372, Solar Radiation Prediction Based on Recurrent Neural Networks Trained By Levenberg-Marquardt Back propagation Learning Algorithm

N. Zhang, University of the District of Columbia

P. K. Behera, University of the District of Columbia


·         2012ISGT0297, A Novel Fuzzy-Logic-Control for a Z-Source Inverter as a Transformer-Less Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power Conditioner

A. Bahmanabadi, Farahani Engineering Company, Iran

K. Abbaszadeh, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Iran

J. Olamaei, Islamic Azad University, Iran


·         2012ISGT0032, Tidal In-Stream Generation with Improved PCC Voltage Profile

M. J. Jahromi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

A. I. Maswood, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

K.J. Tseng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

B. Bhangu, Rolls Royce Singapore, Singapore


·         2012ISGT0432, Optimal Placement of Branch PMUs in the Indian Smart Grid

M. Rihan, Aligarh Muslim University, India

M. Ahmad, Aligarh Muslim University, India

M. S. Beg, Aligarh Muslim University, India


·         2012ISGT0326, Analysis of Battery Storage Utilization for Load Shifting and Peak Smoothing on a Distribution Feeder in New Mexico

O. Lavrova, University of New Mexico

F. Cheng, University of New Mexico

S. Abdollahy University of New Mexico

H. Barsun, University of New Mexico

A. Mammoli, University of New Mexico

D. Dreisigmayer, Northern New Mexico College

S. Willard, Public Utility Service Company of New Mexico

B. Arrelano, Public Utility Service Company of New Mexico

C. V Zeyl, East Penn Manufacturing


·         2012ISGT0325, WAMPAC for INDIAN Power Sector

J. Bardolia, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India

A. Mohole, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India

J.P.Shah, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India



·         2012ISGT0362, Integrating Variable Distributed Generation within Short-Term Electricity Markets

D. M.A lvarez, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

A. I. Cadena, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

J. M. Alzate, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia


·         2012ISGT0210, Residue and Identification based Wide-area Damping Controller Design in Large-scale Power System

Y. Zhao, Tsinghua University, China

C. Lu, Tsinghua University, China

Y. Liu, China Southern Power Grid Company

Y. Han, Tsinghua University, China


·         2012ISGT0246, Placement of Energy Storage Coordinated with Smart PV Inverters

A. K. Barnes, University of Arkansas

J. C. Balda, University of Arkansas

A. Escobar Mejía, University of Arkansas

S. O. Geurin, University of Arkansas


·         2012ISGT0406, Role of Advance Metering Infrastructure for Power Sector of Nashik

J. Shah, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India

A. Tyagi, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India

B. Ugale, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research¸ India



·         2012ISGT0467, Rule Based Algorithm for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) Integration in Residential Electric Grid Areas

H. Turker, Grenoble Electrical Engineering Laboratory, France

A. Hably, Grenoble Image Parole Signal Automatique Laboratory, France

S. Bacha, Grenoble Electrical Engineering Laboratory, France

D. Chatroux, Commissariat at Energie Atomique, Grenoble, France


·         2012ISGT0290, Impact of Rooftop PV Generation on Distribution Transformer and Voltage Profile of Residential and Commercial Networks

A. S. Masoum, Curtin University, Australia

P. S. Moses, Curtin University, Australia

M. A. S. Masoum, Curtin University, Australia

A. Abu-Siada, Curtin University, Australia



·         2012ISGT0378, A New Approach to Decrease Reserve Demand When Bulky Wind Power or UHV is Connected

Q. Wei, Henan Electric Research Institute, China

W. Guo, Henan Electric Research Institute, China


·         2012ISGT0026, Direct Torque Control for Variable Speed Wind Turbine Driven Induction Generator Using ANN Algorithm

D. V. N. Ananth, VITAM Engineering College, India

D. Himabindhn, VITAM Engineering College, India



·         2012ISGT0342, Network Topological Analysis to Assess the Power Smart Grid

R. Moreno, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

A. Torres, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia


·         2012ISGT0113, Social Welfare Based Nodal Pricing with FACTS Cost Models in Hybrid Electricity Markets

A. Kumar, University of Denver

W. Z. Gao, University of Denver


·         2012ISGT0286, Transmission Switching Action Modeling in Stochastic Energy and Spinning Reserve Market

R. Aazami, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran


·         2012ISGT0304, Application of PHEVs For Smart Grid In Indian Power Sector

A. Shinde, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India

J. Shah, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India

E. Pisalkar, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India



·         2012ISGT0315, Inter-Area Stability Prediction Index Based on Phasorial Measurement

O. Gómez, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia

M. A. Rios, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia


·         2012ISGT0478, The Impact of Terrestrial Radiation Effects on the Reliability of a Smart Grid

X. Yao, Microelectronics Research and Development Corporation
H. Ni, PJM
G. Vera, Microelectronics Research and Development Corporation



Wednesday Paper Sessions

Smart Grid Cyber Security

18 January, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Session Chair: Hassan Farhangi, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Canada


·         2012ISGT0022, Secure Authenticated Key Exchange with Revocation for Smart Grid

F. Zhao, Toshiba Corporation
Y. Hanatani, Toshiba Corporation
Y. komano, Toshiba Corporation
B. Smyth, Toshiba Corporation
S. Ito, Toshiba Corporation
T, Kambayashi, Toshiba Corporation


·         2012ISGT0123, A Study on Interdependencies of Cyber-Power Networks in Smart Grid Applications

B. Falahati, Mississippi State University

Y. Fu, Mississippi State University


·         2012ISGT0261, Secure and Efficient Cryptosystem for Smart Grid Using Homomorphic Encryption

X. He, University of Southern California

M.O. Pun, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories

C.C. Kuo, University of Southern California


·         2012ISGT0268, Efficient Authentication Scheme for Data Aggregation in Smart Grid with Fault Tolerance and Fault Diagnosis

D. Li, Institute of Science and Technology, China

Z. Aung, Institute of Science and Technology, China

J. R. Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A. Sanchez, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


·         2012ISGT0421, Smart Grid Cyber Security and Substation Network Security

J. Farquharson, Burns & McDonnell

A. Wang, Burns & McDonnell

J. Howard, Burns & McDonnell


·         2012ISGT0202, Using an IPv6 Moving Target Defense to Protect the Smart Grid

S. Groat, Virginia Tech

M. Dunlop, Virginia Tech

W. Urbanksi, Virginia Tech

R. Marchany, Virginia Tech

J. Tront. Virginia Tech



Smart Home Solutions

18 January, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Session Chair: Cuong Nguyen, General Electric


·         2012ISGT0260, Demand Response Implementation in a Home Area Network: A Conceptual Hardware Architecture

M. Pipattanasomporn, Virginia Tech

M. Kuzlu, Virginia Tech

S. Rahman, Virginia Tech


·         2012ISGT0411, An Integer Linear Programming Based Optimization for Home Demand-side Management in Smart Grid

Z. Zhu, Loughborough University, United Kingdom

J. Tang, Loughborough University, United Kingdom

S. Lambotharan, Loughborough University, United Kingdom

W. H. Chin, Toshiba Research Europe

 Z. Fan, Toshiba Research Europe


·         2012ISGT0139, Secure Remote Access to Smart Energy Home Area Networks

B. Vaidya, University of Ottawa, Canada

D. Makrakis, University of Ottawa, Canada

H. Mouftah, University of Ottawa, Canada


·         2012ISGT0234, Residential Task Scheduling Under Dynamic Pricing Using the Multiple Knapsack Method

N. Kumaraguruparan, University of Minnesota

H. Sivaramakrishnan, University of Minnesota

S. S. Sapatnekar, University of Minnesota


·         2012ISGT0309, Detection of Operating Condition in Home Appliances Using Current Data on Electric Distribution Boards

Y. Iwafune, University of Tokyo, Japan

Y. Yagita, University of Tokyo, Japan

K. Ogimoto, University of Tokyo, Japan


·         2012ISGT0374, Fusebox dialects: Central appliance recognition for a smarter grid

A. Dalen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

C. Weinhardt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany



Standards and Testing Technologies

18 January, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Session Chair: Yan Zhou, Argonne National Laboratory


·         2012ISGT0128, Overview of SAE Standards for Plug-in Electric Vehicle

T. Bohn, Argonne National Laboratory

H. Chaudhry, Argonne National Laboratory


·         2012ISGT0358, Update and Review of IEEE P2030 Smart Grid Interoperability and IEEE 1547 Interconnection Standards

T. Basso, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

J. Hambrick, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

D. DeBlasio, National Renewable Energy Laboratory


·         2012ISGT0452, Reviewing Smart Grid Standards for Protection, Control, and Monitoring Applications

M. G. Kanabar, GE Digital Energy

I. Voloh, GE Digital Energy

D. McGinn, GE Digital Energy


·         2012ISGT0039, A New Standard for Integrity of Home Network Equipment Connected to the Smart Grid

A. R. Martin, TE Connectivity, California, USA


·         2012ISGT0103, A Digital Test bed for a PHEV/PEV Enabled Parking Lot in a Smart Grid Environment

W. Su, North Carolina State University

W. Zeng, North Carolina State University

M.Y. Chow, North Carolina State University


·         2012ISGT0450, A Test Bed for Self-regulating Distribution Systems: Modeling Integrated Renewable Energy and Demand Response in the GridLAB-D/MATLAB Environment

D. Wang, University of Victoria, Canada

B. d. Wit, University of Victoria, Canada

S. Parkinson, University of Victoria, Canada

C. Crawford, University of Victoria, Canada

N. Djilali, University of Victoria, Canada

D. Chassin, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA

J. Fuller, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA


Charging Stations in Microgrids

18 January, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Session Chair: Géza Joós, McGill University, Canada

·         2012ISGT0122, Optimal Design of Grid-Interfaced EV Chargers with Integrated Generation

S. J. Gunter, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

K. K. Afridi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

D. J. Perreault, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


·         2012ISGT0115, Photovoltaic Charging Station for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles in a Smart Grid Environment

G. Preetham, University of Houston

W. Shireen, University of Houston


·         2012ISGT0249, The impacts of charging pricing strategy on the return of interest of a PHEV charging Station

D. He, Georgia Tech

Z. Tan, Georgia Tech

L. Suneja, Georgia Tech

R. G. Harley, Georgia Tech


·         2012ISGT0274, Modeling and Studying of Power flow in a Parking Lot with Plug-in Vehicles and the Impact in the Public Utility

F. Andrade, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain

J. J. Cárdenas, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain

L. Romeral, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain

J. Cusidó, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain


·         2012ISGT0424, Charging station selection optimization for plug-in electric vehicles: an oligopolistic game-theoretic framework

J. Joaqu´ın Escudero-Garz´as, Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona, Spain

G. Seco-Granados, Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona, Spain



Smart Building Solutions

18 January, 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM


Session Chair: A. Khodaei, Adica


·         2012ISGT0305, Moving Towards a Smart Hospital

J. Sarkar, KKWIEER, Nashik, India

N. Kushwaha, KKWIEER, Nashik, India

J. Shah, KKWIEER, Nashik, India


·         2012ISGT0336, A Demand Based Approach to Optimisation of Energy Supply Mix for Smart Buildings

M. Prodanović, IMDEA Energía Institute, Spain

T. Gafurov, IMDEA Energía Institute, Spain

M. B. Téllez, IMDEA Energía Institute, Spain


·         2012ISGT0296, Network Constrained Economic Demand Dispatch of Controllable Building Electric Loads

J. Berardino, Drexel University, USA

Mohammed Muthalib, Drexel University, USA

C.O. Nwankpa, Drexel University, USA


·         2012ISGT0195, Economic Model Predictive Control for Building Climate Control in a Smart Grid

R. Halvgaard, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

N. K. Poulsen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

H. Madsen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

J. B. Jørgensen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark


·         2012ISGT0161, User Interaction Interface for Energy Management in Smart Homes

B. Becker, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

A. Kellerer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

H. Schmeck, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany


Smart Grid Optimization

18 January, 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM


Session Chair: H. Pinto, Nexant


·         2012ISGT0219, Collaborative Optimization of Distribution Grid Operation

H. Fan, General Electric

P. Backscheider, General Electric

J. Fan, General Electric

J. D. McDonald, General Electric


·         2012ISGT0278, Smart Grid Software Applications as an Ultra-Large-Scale System: Challenges for Evolution

M. Anvaari, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

D. S. Cruzes, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

R. Conradi, Norwegian University of Science and Technology


·         2012ISGT0451, An Economical Way of Solving Profit Maximization Problems in Smart Grid

T. Cui, University of Southern California

H. Goudarzi, University of Southern California

S. Hatami, University of Southern California

S. Nazarian, University of Southern California

M. Pedram, University of Southern California


·         2012ISGT0306, Optimal Job Scheduling with Day-ahead Price and Random Local Distributed Generation: A Two-stage Robust Approach

A. Danandeh, University of South Florida

L. Zhao, University of South Florida

B. Zeng, University of South Florida

M. Abdollahian, University of South Florida


·         2012ISGT0317, Energy Production Cost and PAR Minimization in Multi-Source Power Networks

S. Ghebremariam, University of Akron

S. Beygi, University of Akron

H. R. Bahrami, University of Akron

Y. Sozer, University of Akron

H. Mohsenian-Rad, Texas Tech University


·         2012ISGT0319, Prediction and optimization methods for electric vehicle charging schedules in the EDISON project

A. Aabrandt, Technical University of Denmark

P. B. Andersen, Technical University of Denmark

A. B. Pedersen, Technical University of Denmark

S. You, Technical University of Denmark

B. Poulsen, Technical University of Denmark

N. O’Connell, Technical University of Denmark

J. Ostergaard, Technical University of Denmark



Electric Vehicle Technologies

18 January, 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM


Session Chair: G.K. Venayagamoorthy, Clemson University


·         2012ISGT0228, Modelling of System Components for Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) Applications with Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)

H. Turker, Grenoble Electrical Engineering Laboratory, France

S. Bacha, Grenoble Electrical Engineering Laboratory, France

D. Chatroux, Commissariat at Energie Atomique, Grenoble, France

A. Hably, Grenoble Image Parole Signal Automatique Laboratory, Franc



·         2012ISGT0272, Electricity Pricing for PHEV Bottom Charge in Daily Load Curve based on Variation Method

M. Takagi, University of Tokyo, Japan

Y. Iwafune, University of Tokyo, Japan

K. Yamaji, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth, Japan

H. Yamamoto, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan

K. Okano, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan

R. Hiwatari, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan

T. Ikeya, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan


·         2012ISGT0301, Potential for Electric Vehicles to Provide Power System Reserve

E. Keane, University College Dublin, Ireland

D. Flynn, University College Dublin, Ireland


·         2012ISGT0337, Benchmarking Electric Vehicle Charging Control Strategies

A. Schuller, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

J. Ilg, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

C. V. Dinther, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany


·         2012ISGT0373, PEV-Based Combined Frequency and Voltage Regulation for Smart Grid

C. Wu, Tsinghua University, China

H. Mohsenian-Rad, Texas Tech University, USA

J. Huang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

J. Jatskevich, University of British Columbia, Canada


·         2012ISGT0121, Evaluation of EV Charging Load Contributing to stabilize PV output with Consideration for Rapid Charge

T. Ito, University of Tokyo, Japan

Y. Iwafune, University of Tokyo, Japan

R. Hiwatari, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan



PMUs and Wide Area Measurements

18 January, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Session Chair: Chaoyang Jing, eMIT


·         2012ISGT0257, Observability Analysis and Critical Measurement Detection for Power Systems Measured by PMUs

M. Göl, Northeastern University, USA

A. Abur, Northeastern University, USA


·         2012ISGT0245, Communication Network Modeling and Simulation for Wide Area Measurement Applications

Y. Deng, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

H. Lin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

A. G. Phadke, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

S. Shukla, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

J. S. Thorp, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

L. Mili, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University


·         2012ISGT0232, Redundancy Architecture Design of PMU Networks for Availability of Synchrophasors

M. C. Ruschmann, Binghamton University, USA

N. E. Wu, Binghamton University, USA

J. Huang, Binghamton University, USA


·         2012ISGT0383, Real-time Power System Analysis and Security Monitoring by WAMPAC Systems

V. Salehi, Florida International University, USA

A. Mazloomzadeh, Florida International University, USA

J. F. Fernandez, Florida International University, USA

O. A. Mohammed, Florida International University, USA


·         2012ISGT0036, Co-ordinated Control of Inter-area Oscillations using SMA and LMI

A. Pal, Virginia Tech, USA

J. S. Thorp, Virginia Tech, USA


·         2012ISGT0398, Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Observability in Power Systems

G. Tran, Technische Universit at Munchen, Germany

A. Kiani, Technische Universit at Munchen, Germany

A. Annaswamy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Y. Sharon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

A. L. Motto, Corporate Research, Siemens

A. Chakraborty, Corporate Research, Siemens



Smart Grid Technologies and Applications

18 January, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Session Chair: R. Brown, Quanta Technology

·         2012ISGT0094, What Your Smart Grid Needs From a Power Management System

F. Kling, Operation Technology Inc, USA


·         2012ISGT0231, Modernizing Power Grids with Distributed Intelligence and Smart Grid-Ready Instrumentation

R. Piacentini, National Instruments, USA


·         2012ISGT0220, Mission Critical Infrastructure for Installations

C. D. Lute, Concurrent Technologies Corporation, USA

T. L. Conrad, Concurrent Technologies Corporation, USA

S. A. Kenner, Concurrent Technologies Corporation, USA

C. L. Tremel, Concurrent Technologies Corporation, USA


·         2012ISGT0458, Multi Agent System based Fault Location and Isolation in a Smart Microgrid System

S. Alwala, West Virginia University,

A. Feliachi, West Virginia University

M. A. Choudhry, West Virginia University


·         2012ISGT0375, Induced Chaos for an Agile Smart Grid

R. Kumar, Albeado, Inc, USA

C. Reed, Albeado, Inc, USA

P. D. Ray, Albeado, Inc, USA


·         2012ISGT0395, Assuring Transient Stability in the Smart Grid

R. Kumar, Albeado, Inc, USA


Wind Energy Applications

18 January, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Session Chair: Johan Enslin, UNC Charlotte

·         2012ISGT0379, Finite State Markov Chain Model for Wind Generation Forecast - A Data-driven Spatiotemporal Approach

S. Murugesan, Arizona State University

J. Zhang, Arizona State University

V. Vittal, Arizona State University


·         2012ISGT0445, Operating Reserve Requirements in a Power System with Dispersed Wind Generation

M. Ghofrani, University of Nevada

A. Arabali, University of Nevada

M. Etezadi-Amoli, University of Nevada

Y. Baghzouz, University of Nevada


·         2012ISGT0448, Study of the Implementation of STATCOM on DFIG-Based Wind Farm Connected to a Power System

T. M. Masaud, Colorado School of Mines

P.K. Sen, Colorado School of Mines


·         2012ISGT0364, Wind Power Integration via Aggregator-Consumer Coordination: A Game Theoretic Approach

C. Wu, Tsinghua University, China

H. Mohsenian Rad, Texas Tech University, USA

J. Huang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong



Microgrid Monitoring and Islanding

18 January, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Session Chair: C.W. Ten, Michigan Technological University

·         2012ISGT0313, Post Disturbance Island Identification via State Estimation

L. Zhang, Northeastern University

A. Abur, Northeastern University


·         2012ISGT0314, Distributed Generation Regulation for Intentional Islanding in Smart Grids

M. Brenna, Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

F. Foiadelli, Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

D. Zaninelli, Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

P. Petroni, Enel Distribuzione S.p.A, Italy

G. Sapienza, Politecnico di Milano, Italy


·         2012ISGT0065, Energy Management System Architecture for New Energy Power Supply System of Islands

C. Li, Hunan University, China

Y. Tan, Hunan University, China

Y. Cao, Hunan University, China

Y. Liu, Hunan University, China

G. Qi, Hunan University, China

R. Zhang, Hunan University, China

S. Shao, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA

H. Zhou, Zhejiang University, China


·         2012ISGT0035, Cooperative Operation and Optimal Design for Islanded Microgrid

C. Wang, Tianjin University, China

M. Liu, Tianjin University, China

L. Guo, Tianjin University, China


·         2012ISGT0216, Energy Management Strategy of Islanded Microgrid Based on Power Flow Control

Y. Zhang, Tianjin University, China

H. J. Jia, Tianjin University, China

L. Guo, Tianjin University, China



Thursday Paper Sessions


Applications of Computation Methods

19 January, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Session Chair: Y. Fu, Mississippi State University


·         2012ISGT0267, Distributed Methods for Solving the Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow Problem

D. Phan, Watson Research Center, USA

J. Kalagnanam, Watson Research Center, USA


·         2012ISGT0433, Efficient Distributed OPF for Decentralized Power System Operations and Electricity Markets

M. Costley, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

S. Grijalva, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA


·         2012ISGT0205, Pricing and Peak Aware Scheduling Algorithm

X. Li, University of Rhode Island

J. C. Lo, University of Rhode Island



·         2012ISGT0441, Analytical Description of a Series Fault on a dc Bus

A. L. Gattozzi, University of Texas at Austin

J. D. Herbst, University of Texas at Austin

F. M. Uriarte, University of Texas at Austin

R. E. Hebner, University of Texas at Austin


Impact of Smart Grid on Distribution Systems

19 January, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Session Chair: Rich Gordus, ComEd


·         2012ISGT0208, Topology Identification in Distribution Network with Limited Measurements

Y. Sharon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A. M. Annaswamy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A. L. Motto, Corporate Research, Siemens

A. Chakraborty, Corporate Research, Siemens


·         2012ISGT0007, Calculation of Load Point Indices of Distribution Systems Due To Inserting a DG Device In Radial Systems

A.M. Abdullah, Cairo University, Egypt


·         2012ISGT0218, Analyzing the Impact of Electric Vehicles on Distribution Networks

B. Cuifen, Tsinghua University, China

G. Wensheng, Tsinghua University, China

L. Jing, Siemens Ltd

L. Hua, Siemens Ltd


·         2012ISGT0250, Enhancing Power Quality on Distribution Systems with Fault-Current Limiters

A. Escobar, University of Arkansas

J. C. Balda, University of Arkansas

J. Bourne, University of Arkansas

A. K. Barnes, Arkansas Power Electronics International Inc.

R. M. Schupbach, Arkansas Power Electronics International Inc.


·         2012ISGT0193, Decentralized Topology Inference of Electrical Distribution Networks

N. Honeth, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

A. Saleem, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

K. Zhu, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

L. Vanfretti, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

L. Nordström, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden



Smart Transformers in Power Systems

19 January, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Session Chair: Guohui Yuan, ManTech (DOE)


·         2012ISGT0044, Three-phase Instrument Transformer Calibration with Synchronized Phasor Measurements

Z. Wu, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

K. Thomas, Dominion Virginia Power

R. Sun, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

V. A. Centeno, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

A. G. Phadke, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


·         2012ISGT0223, Distribution Transformer Loading with Deferred Loads

A. Vukojevic, General Electric

N. Parwal, General Electric

C. Yasko, General Electric


·         2012ISGT0226, Aging Rate of Low Voltage Transformer for a High Penetration of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)

H. Turker, Grenoble Electrical Engineering Laboratory, France

S. Bacha, Grenoble Electrical Engineering Laboratory, France

D. Chatroux, Commissariat at Energie Atomique, Grenoble, France

A. Hably, Grenoble Image Parole Signal Automatique Laboratory, France


·         2012ISGT0281, Overloading of Distribution Transformers in Smart Grid Due to Uncoordinated Charging of Plug-In Electric Vehicles

M. A. S. Masoum, Curtin University, Australia

P. S. Moses, Curtin University, Australia

S. Hajforoosh, Islamic Azad University, Iran


·         2012ISGT0275, Distribution Transformer Stress in Smart Grid with Coordinated Charging of Plug-In Electric Vehicles

M. A. S. Masoum, Curtin University, Australia

P. S. Moses, Curtin University, Australia

S. Hajforoosh, Islamic Azad University, Iran


·         2012ISGT0207, Architecture of Solid State Transformer-based Energy Router and Models of Energy Traffic

J. Zhang, North Carolina State University

W. Wang, North Carolina State University

S. Bhattacharya, North Carolina State University



Power Electronic Applications to Smart Grid

19 January, 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM


Session Chair: Adel Nasiri, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


·         2012ISGT0141, Enhanced Modeling and Control of VSIs in Microgrids Operating in Grid-Connected Mode

L. Rese, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil 

A. Simoes Costa, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil

A. S. e Silva, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil          


·         2012ISGT0310, Optimization of Task Sharing towards Multi-Agent Control of PEBB Based Power Systems

E. Krüger, Aachen University, Germany

J. Liu, Aachen University, Germany

F. Ponci, Aachen University, Germany

A. Monti, Aachen University, Germany


·         2012ISGT0243, Design and Control of a Grid-Connected Three-Phase 3-Level NPC Inverter for Building Integrated Photovoltaic Systems

R. Y. Kim, Chungnam National University, Korea

H. Cha, Chungnam National University, Korea

B. M. Song, Baylor University, USA

K. Y. Lee, Baylor University, USA


·         2012ISGT0126, Modified Grid-Connected Current Source Inverter for Multistring PV System

D. Amorndechaphon, University of Phayao, Thailand

S. Premrudeepreechacharn, ChiangMai University, Thailand

K. Higuchi, University of Electro-Communications, Japan


·         2012ISGT0388, Study of unified control of STATCOM to resolve the Power quality issues of a grid-connected three phase PV system

J. Han, West Virginia University

S. Khushalani-Solanki, West Virginia University

J. Solanki, West Virginia University

J. Schoene, EnerNex



Smart Grid Data Management

19 January, 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM


Session Chair: Faramarz Maghsoodlou, Cisco


·         2012ISGT0175, Improving Utility Operational Excellence through Non-Operational Data Management

R. Shetty, GE Digital Energy, USA

J. Fan, GE Digital Energy, USA

J. D. McDonald, GE Digital Energy, USA


·         2012ISGT0380, A Data Mining Framework for Online Dynamic Security Assessment: Decision Trees, Boosting, and Complexity Analysis

M. He, Arizona State University

J. Zhang, Arizona State University

V. Vittal, Arizona State University


·         2012ISGT0214, Data Mining as an Enabling Technology for Home Energy Management System

S. Veleva, Saints Cyril & Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia

D. Davcev, Saints Cyril & Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia


·         2012ISGT0283, Dynamic Prediction of Energy Delivery Capacity of Power Networks: Unlocking the Value of Real-Time Measurements

P. Schell, Ampacimon, Belgium

L. Jones, Alstom Grid, USA

P. Mack, Pepite, Belgium

B. Godard, Univeristy of Liège, Belgium

J. L. Lilien, Univeristy of Liège, Belgium


·         2012ISGT0294, Data Protection and Smart Grid Communication - The European Perspective

F. Pallas, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany


·         2012ISGT0356, Development of a Real-Time, High-Speed Distribution Level Data Acquisition System

J. Bank, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA

B. Kroposki, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA


Control and Monitoring Systems

19 January, 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM


Session Chair: William Rosehart, University of Calgary


·         2012ISGT0341, Control and Monitoring Requirements for Distribution Systems with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources

A. Yazdani, Quanta Technology, USA 

F. Katiraei, Quanta technology, USA


·         2012ISGT0311, Distributed Hierarchical Control for Renewable Energy Integration in a Smart Grid

A. Kiani, Institute of Automatic Control Engineering, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany

A. Annaswamy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


·         2012ISGT0312, A Concept of Robust Power System Security and its Application under Renewable Energy Sources Penetration

Y. Okumoto, Chugoku Electric Power Company

N. Yorino, Hiroshima University

Y. Zoka, Hiroshima University

Y. Sasaki, Hiroshima University

S. Fujita, Shikoku Electric Power Co

T. Yamanaka, Hiroshima University


·         2012ISGT0173, Voltage Stability Improvement through Centralized Reactive Power Management on the Smart Grid

H. Kazari, Sharif University of Technology, Iran

A. Abbaspour Tehrani Fard, Sharif University of Technology, Iran

A. S. Dobakhshari, Sharif University of Technology, Iran

A. M. Ranjbar, Sharif University of Technology, Iran


·         2012ISGT0117, Smart Control Interface for Robust Operation of DG units in grid connected and Islanded modes

A. Kahrobaeian, University of Alberta, Canada

Y. A. R. I. Mohamed, University of Alberta, Canada


·         2012ISGT0238, Stochastic Model Predictive Control Method for Microgrid Management

A. Hooshmand, University of Houston

M. H. Poursaeidi, University of Houston

J. Mohammadpour, University of Houston

H. A. Malki, University of Houston

K. Grigoriads, University of Houston



Coordinated PEV-Grid Operations


19 January, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM


Session Chair: L. Wu, Clarkson University


·         2012ISGT0354, Quantifying the Long-term Power System Benefits of Electric Vehicles

A. Shortt, University College Dublin, Ireland

M. O’Malley, University College Dublin, Ireland


·         2012ISGT0284, Impacts of Stochastic Residential Plug-In Electric Vehicle Charging on Distribution Grid

K.J. Yunus, ABB Corporate Research

M. Reza, ABB Corporate Research

H. Parra, ABB Corporate Research

K. Srivastava, ABB Corporate Research


·         2012ISGT0162, Integration of Plug-In Electric Vehicle Charging and Wind Energy Scheduling on Electricity Grid

C. T. Li, University of Michigan

C. Ahn, University of Michigan

H. Peng, University of Michigan

J. Sun, University of Michigan


·         2012ISGT0280, Practical Storage and Utilization of Household Photovoltaic Energy by Electric Vehicle Battery

K. Yoshimi, Waseda University, Japan

M. Osawa, Waseda University, japan

D. Yamashita, Waseda University, Japan

R. Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan

T. Niimura, Hosei University, Japan

T. Masuda, Nissan Motor, Japan

H. Kondou, Nissan Motor, Japan

T. Hirota, Nissan Motor, Japan


·         2012ISGT0331, Control of Battery Electric Vehicle Charging for Commercial Time of Day Demand Rate Payers

A. Halbleib, University of Louisville

M. Turner, University of Louisville

J. Naber, University of Louisville


Active Distribution Systems

19 January, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM


Session Chair: Saeed Kamalinia, S&C Electric


·         2012ISGT0266, Emergency Reconfiguration and Distribution System Planning under the Single-Contingency Policy

J. Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

P. M. S. Carvalho, University of Lisbon, Portugal

J. Kirtley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA


·         2012ISGT0180, Impact of Smart Grid and Green Power Generation on Distribution Systems

C. J. Mozina, Beckwith Electric Co


·         2012ISGT0155, Distribution network reconfiguration with MILP

A. Ajaja, Hydro-Québec Distribution, Canada

F.D. Galiana, McGill University, Canada


·         2012ISGT0302, Model-Based Automated Reconfiguration for Fault Isolation and Restoration

K. J. Russell, Electrical Distribution Design Inc

R. P. Broadwater, Virginia Tech


·         2012ISGT0145, Electric Vehicle Model for Estimating Distribution Transformer Load for Normal and Cold-Load Pickup Conditions

C. Desbiens, Hydro-Québec Distribution, Canada


·         2012ISGT0196, Impact of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Charging on a Distribution Network in a Smart Grid Environment

S. S. Raghavan, Illinois Institute of Technology

A. Khaligh, Illinois Institute of Technology



Sensor Applications in Smart Grid

19 January, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM


Session Chair: Tom Prevost, OMICRON Electronics


·         2012ISGT0338, Analytics for Distributed Smart Grid Sensing

M. Afzal, Tollgrade Communications

V. Pothamsetty, Tollgrade Communications


·         2012ISGT0211, A Novel IEC 61850-Based Distribution Line/Cable Protection Scheme Design

H. Khorashadi Zadeh, Siemens Energy

M. Manjrekar, Siemens Energy


·         2012ISGT0299, Optical MV Current & Voltage Sensors as a New Generation  

D. Parker, Alabama Power Company, USA

Y. Harlev, Optisense Networks, USA

D. Presotto, IMS, Brazil


·         2012ISGT0247, Lighting Control System based on DALI and Wireless Sensor Networks

F. Domingo-Perez, University of Córdoba, Spain

A. Gil-de-Castro, University of Córdoba, Spain

J. M. Flores-Arias, University of Córdoba, Spain

F. J. Bellido-Outeirino, University of Córdoba, Spain

A. Moreno-Munoz, University of Córdoba, Spain


·         2012ISGT0327, Role of Smart Sensors for Making Smart Grid a Reality

S. Kora, K.K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India

P. Malu, K.K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India

R. Wani, K.K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, India


·         2012ISGT0256, Fault Location and Self-healing of Distribution network based on Function Block and Wireless Sensor

B. Duan, Xiangtan University, China

G. Li, Xiangtan University, China

C. Qiu, Xiangtan University, China

J. Pan, Xiangtan University, China

Y. Tan, Xiangtan University, China