The Committee
Aishik Mukhopadhyay
Vice President
Being the Vice President of the committee, it is my duty to liaise and coordinate with all the main committee members and work closely with the president for the success of the event. I have to step up in the instances of presidents unavailibity. Its my duty to ensure the smooth running of the committee.
Rehmat Singh
Assistant Business Manager
Aseem Singhal
Business manager
Essentially, as business manager, I am responsible for finding sponsors for our club so that we can serve the IEEE population better. My role is to canvass funds for the club and to ensure that the contracts with the sponsors are met with. I look forward to bringing in more funds, as well as bringing more joy to the IEEE family.
Parvathy K
Program Co-ordinator
As the Project Co ordinator, I am in charge of coming up with the action plan of the event. My job includes coordinating the different aspects of the symposium to ensure that it will be a succesful event.
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