- Prof. Bhaskar Gupta has been appointed as the Vice-Chancellor Jadavpur University.
- Prof. Bhaskar Gupta started an Indo-Belgium collaborative project with the initiative of the respective governments on CHANNEL MODELLING INCORPORATING RECONFIGURABLE ANTENNA EFFECT FOR 5G APPLICATIONS.
- Prof. Bhaskar Gupta served on the International Steering Committee, delivered Keynote Speech and acted as the Chief of Jury for Best Paper Award in 22nd Mediterranean Microwave Symposium 2023 held at Sousse, Tunisia.
- Prof. Subhransu Ranjan Samantaray Elected as Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE).
- Prof. Subhransu Ranjan Samantaray Joined IEEE Task Force on Big-Data Analytics for Synchro-Waveform Measurements.
- Prof. Sivaji Chakravorti Elected as the President of the West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology in 2023.
- Prof. Sushmita Mitra Elected as the Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences.
- Prof. Ashok Kumar Tripathy Continuing as a member of steering committee on National mission on Power electronics for 10 years.
- Prof. Ashok Kumar Tripathy - Member National expert panel of DST.
- Prof. Ashok Kumar Tripathy - Member Energy committee INAE.
- Prof. Ashok Kumar Tripathy - Member State advisory council OERC.
- Sanjay Kar Chowdhury - R10 Outstanding Volunteer award.
- Sanjay Kar Chowdhury - MGA Outstanding Achievement Award.
- Sanjay Kar Chowdhury - Appointed as Industry Engagement Liaison officer in MGA for 2024 to 2025.
- Dr. Sambit Bakshi has been selected as a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Systems Council (SysC) for the year 2023-2025.
- Prof. Hare Krishna Ratha Winner of IEEE R10 Ethics Champion.
- Prof. Ashish Ghosh Has been appointed as the Director of IIIT Bhubaneswar.
- Prof. Tripti Swarnkar Has been appointed as Professor in NIT Raipur.
- Dr. Mousiki Kar Appointed as Project Evaluator for IEEE HTB/SIGHT Project Grant 2023.
- Dr. Mousiki Kar Appointed as IEEE Pre-University Education Coordinating Committee (PECC) STEM Grant 2023 reviewer.
- Dr. Mousiki Kar Selected as IEEE TryEngineering STEM Champion 2023.
- Prof. Debatosh Guha has been selected as a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (APS) for the year 2022-2024.
- Ms. Debi Dutta, IEEE APS SBC Chair, CU, received IEEE APS PhD travel grant award for the year of 2021 in Singapore.
- IEEE MTT-S SBC, Jadavpur University has been adjudged for the "2021 IEEE MTT-S Outstanding Chapter Award.
- Mr. Ardhendu Kundu, Ex-Chair of IEEE MTT-S SBC (2020), JU, is the winner of "IEEE Region 10 Young Professionals REVOL 2021 program" and currently acting as the "IEEE Region10 YP Ambassador".
- The IEEE NIT Silchar Student Branch (EDS) Chapter has been selected as the 2021 recipient of the IEEE Electron Devices Society Student Branch Chapter of the Year Award.
- Prof. Sushmita Mitra has been elected a Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) wef January 1, 2022.
Prof. Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary, Department of Electronics Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, India has been selected for the NASI- Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award 2021.
- Prof. Sushmita Mitra has been awarded the prestigious J C Bose National Fellowship for the year 2021.
- Prof. Debatosh Guha has been elected as a Fellow of Indian Academy of Sciences (IASc) wef 2021.
- Prof. Sivaji Chakravorti has been appointed as Vice-President of Indian National Academy of Engineering wef 1st January,2021.
- Mr.Sanjay Kar Chowdhury has been selected to serve as Vice Chair, Operations, Outreach and Strategy Planning, IEEE India Council for 2021.
- Dr. Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary, Department of Electronics Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, India has been conferred with the prestigious INAE Young Engineer Award 2020 in the INAE ANNUAL CONVENTION 2020.
- Prof. Debatosh Guha has been conferred with the 'Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowship-2020' given by SERB-DST, Government of India, in association with INAE.
- Amlan Chakrabarti Professor, University of Calcutta has been appointmented as a Computer Society Distinguished Visitor (DV) and eligibility for Computer Society funded intercity travel for the term of 1 January 2020 through 31 December 2022.
- Prof. Ujjwal Maulik, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, has been elected as the fellow of IEEE.
- Prof. Sujit Biswas has been nominated as the Vice Chair - Technical Activities for IEEE India Council
- Dr. Sushmita Mitra, Professor, Head, Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, has been elected a Fellow of INSA for 2019
- Winners of 2018 TWAS (the world academy of sciences) Prize - Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay of India, for her outstanding contributions in computational biology, multiobjective optimization and genetic algorithm-based classification and clustering techniques
- Dr. Amitava Chatterjee, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Jadavpur University has been elected Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering (FINAE) in 2018.