Thursday, 14 March 2002, 5.30-8.00
pm 1st
Professor Vic Gosbell, the Technical Director of the Integral Energy Power
Quality Centre, School of Power Engineering, at the University of Wollongong,
will speak on Power quality monitoring to establish utility
performance. Synopsis:
regulators see one of their tasks as the maintenance of appropriate levels of
customer quality of supply, including voltage variations, unbalance, harmonics
and voltage dips. It is impractical to measure the supply quality of each
customer and some sampling technique has to be applied. The detailed methodology
of cost-effective evaluation of an entire utility network is being studied at
the University of Wollongong in association with several distribution companies.
The talk will give an overview of issues such as which disturbance types to
measure, whether to measure at low of medium voltage and how to characterise the
mass of resulting data so that performance acceptability can be easily
established. If a utility is required by regulators to set up a monitoring
program, the data can be used for much more than just to satisfy regulatory
promising forms of PQ data analysis such as trends and correlations and their
application will be briefly discussed. 2nd
Sakai, the Senior Design Engineer/Manager
of Toshiba’s Fuchu manufacturing complex and an advisor to the Japanese
Government on solar energy systems, will speak on Power electronics technology for power quality improvement. Synopsis: Power quality is becoming an important subject. Improvement of power quality is a challenge to the modern engineer. The causes of poor power quality are well understood and with more comprehensive standards being implemented, measurement and compliance will be an important issue in future. Commercialisation of developing technology, such as dedicated microprocessors for controlling semiconductor-switching devices and improved power electronic switching devices, have enabled a number of innovations for improving power quality. Modern power electronic switching devices such as IGBT, LLT, GTO & IEGT are revolutionizing the synthetic Ý conversion of power. These devices have enabled the commercialisation of Static Var Compensators, Active Power Filters, Solid State Switches and Circuit Breakers which, when integrated into power system design, can improve power quality. In the future, IEGT devices will enable more powerful energy conversion and NAS MW Class battery storage systems are expected to have a key role in the improvement of power quality. This lecture will overview the present state of power electronic development and introduce new innovative ways to improve power quality. A key point of this lecture will include comparing both equipment level and system level solutions. VIRTUAL SURGERY
Thursday, 11 April 2002 Speaker:
Laurie Wilson
works in
the areas of home telemedicine and virtual surgery
Telecommunications and Industrial Physics.
surgery, where the surgeon navigates via previously recorded 3D images, is
becoming increasingly common. Robotic surgery replaces the sometimes uncertain
and inaccurate hand movements of a surgeon with precisely-computed robotic
New user interfaces allow surgeons to use virtual reality techniques to
manipulate instruments by remote control in keyhole surgery.
In CSIRO, we are working on a number of initiatives in this area.
We are using artificial intelligence techniques to interpret medical
images, so as to produce 3D models, on which surgeons can plan and rehearse
CSIRO's haptic workbench creates stereoscopic views of organs, which
simulate the precise sense of touch associated with different tissues, and
promises to be an important part of surgical training and rehearsal.
New communications technology being developed by CSIRO is making it
possible for a number of surgeons to work in the same virtual space, and
eventually to perform true telesurgery for patients in remote or inaccessible
Thursday, 23
May 2002 Speaker:
Kearney is the
Renewable Energy at Sustainergy
Synopsis: The greenhouse effect has been a topic for discussion for many years now; with trends suggesting major industry shifts once emissions become a part of daily life. Fossil fuels are a principal cause of greenhouse emissions. With 90% of Australia’s electricity coming from coal, can we continue to enjoy the low-cost electricity that we have come to rely on? What are the alternatives? Can renewable energy and other fuels fill the gap? What is the size of the task asked of Australia at Kyoto, and what will it cost? RISK - SAFETY –
Thursday, 13 June 2002 Speaker:
Ron H. Stillman is currently Adjunct Professor, Department of Electrical
Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales and partner in
a consulting practice specialising in power system risk engineering, forensic
and statistical analysis.
During the course of a year there will be tens of thousands of outages to power
supplies in Australia.
Some will involve a serious component or equipment failure and some will
involve injury to persons, and or damage to property. The question which
inevitably arises if pursued in a court of law, is, that based on the premise
that negligence is a failure to recognise an obvious risk - could such a failure
have been avoided, and why did the cause leading to failure go undetected? It
may also be suggested that the supply authority, knowing of the risk, simply
proceeded no matter what the outcome - the basis for criminal negligence. This
discussion attempts to explore some of the underlying concepts of risk, safety
and causation in a legal action for negligent liability as the result of an
accident in which persons are injured and or property damaged. The legal
worldview of risk is different from that of the engineer, consequently it is
vital to appreciate its importance and to understand the practical constraint
placed on the usefulness of reliability theory and risk analysis techniques.
legal system is concerned with judgments which involve probabilities. In civil
cases the standard of proof is expressed in the context of the “balance” or
“preponderance” of probabilities. In criminal proceedings, it is enunciated
in terms of
“beyond” reasonable doubt, both of which are expressions of
uncertainty without necessarily stating the degree of doubt in statistical or
mathematical terms.
Risk is the chance or possibility of danger, loss, injury, or other
adverse consequences arising out of uncertainty.
The single most important question which engineers have to address is
concerned with safety; what can be delivered and what does society expect?
Whilst an engineering system may be reliable, it may not necessarily be
safe, nor risk free.
Safety is the elimination of danger where danger is the balance between
the chance of an undesirable event ending in an accident and the cause and
consequences of an accident. The
restructuring of the electricity supply industry in Australia has drastically
changed the legal nature of the old quasi-state power authorities. Statuary
immunities inherent in the doctrine of policy considerations are now subsumed
into the ordinary law of liability for negligence.
June 2002 No
details available at the time of publication. Please check the news section in the weeks preceding the meeting.
12. FREE MEMBERSHIP OFFER FROM POWER ENGINEERING SOCIETY (PES)Did you know that the Power Engineering Society (PES) offers free membership to IEEE
Student Members for one year?
If you are in the first year of IEEE Student membership and following a
four-year undergraduate program in Electrical Engineering (Power), you may be
eligible for this benefit.
Some students in Region 10 have already received one year’s IEEE
membership free by becoming PES members.
More are sure to follow in the future as the scheme becomes more
widely known.
To apply, complete the coupon on the PES web site
and follow the instructions.
Andrew Parfitt received BE and PhD degrees from the University of Adelaide. From
1987 to 1992 he was with the Defence Science and Technology Organisation at
Salisbury in South Australia before joining the Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Department of the University of Adelaide as a member of academic
staff in 1992. He was Associate Dean (Undergraduate Matters) in the Faculty of
Engineering at the University of Adelaide from 1995 to 1997. In 1998 he joined
CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics in Sydney where he is currently
a Principal Research Scientist. Andrew’s research interests include antenna
and radio frequency engineering, and he has published widely in the areas of
printed circuit and integrated circuit antenna technology and numerical
electromagnetics. He is currently leader of CSIRO’s Space & Satellite
Communications Team and the Advanced Radio Frequency Subsystems project in the
Cooperative Research Centre for Satellite Systems. He holds adjunct Associate
Professor positions at the University of Sydney and with the Institute for
Telecommunications Research at the University of South Australia. From 1998 to
1999 he was a Visiting Fellow at Macquarie University. Andrew is a senior member
of the IEEE, and was Chairman of the
Technical Program Committee of the 2000 Asia-Pacific Microwave
of the conferences listed below and other forthcoming international events,
visit the IEEE web address www.ieee.org/conferencesearch. 2002
IEEE/IEEJ Joint IAS Power Conversion Conference – Osaka Int. Conf. Center,
Japan, 2-5 April 2002
International Underwater Technology Symposium The Sanno Hotel, Tokyo, Japan,
16-19 April 2002 Cool
Chips V Computer Society Tokyo Prince Hotel, Japan, 18-20 April 2002 IEEE
Int. Joint Symp Applications of Ferroelectrics New Public Hall Nara, Japan, 28
May-1June 2002 IEEE
Power Electronics Specialist Conf. Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, 23-27
June 2002 IEEE
Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Mandarin Hotel, Singapore, 3-6
September 2002 11th
International Symposium on Electrets, Monash University, Clayton, Vic., 2-4
October 2002
IEEE Speech Coding Workshop Tsukuba Intl Congress Centre, Japan, 6-9
October 2002
IEEE/PES Transmission & Distribution Conference, Yokohama, Japan, 6-10
October 2002
International Conference on Power System Technology, Kunming, China, 13-17
October 2002
International Power Quality Conference, Singapore, 21 October GLOBECOM 2002 IEEE Global
Telecommunications Conf Taipei Int. Convention Centre, Taiwan, 18-22 Nov 2002 Pacific
Rim Int. Symp on Dependable Computing Tsukuba-city Ibaraki, Japan, 16-18
December 2003 IEEE 7th
Int Conf Properties & Applications of Dielectric Materials Nagoya, Japan,
1-6 June
15. A NEW CHAPTER - ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT SOCIETY NSW - JOIN NOW!Wade H Shaw, President, IEEE Engineering Management Society, was formally advised of plans to form a NSW Chapter of EMS. We have his personal support. A core group of members already exists. To find out more, contact Claude LeCompte on (02) 8925 1624 or Stefan Mozar on (02) 8850 4454.