Thursday, 27 June 2002
Speaker: Terry Richards No details provided at time of printing. Please visit the
‘News’ page of the Section web site for details in the weeks preceding the
meeting. A HYBRID ELECTRIC/PETROL VEHICLE Thursday, 11 July 2002
Speaker: Dr Howard Lovatt, CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics, Lindfield, NSW. Synopsis: Hybrid vehicles are becoming increasingly popular, because they reduce greenhouse gas emissions and also reduce urban pollution. Toyota produces the Prius and the Targo/Estima Hybrids, and Honda produces the Insight and the Civic Hybrids. CSIRO has developed two concept hybrid vehicles: the Holden ECOmmodore, built in conjunction with Holden, and the aXcessaustralia LEV, built in conjunction with the car parts industry. The talk explains: why a reduction in greenhouse gas and urban pollution is important, how hybrid cars work, why hybrid technology is attractive, and how CSIRO contributes to the technology of hybrid vehicles. Biography:
Dr. Lovatt has a first degree from Nottingham University and a PhD from Leeds
University, both in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. He worked for
Switched Reluctance Drives Ltd, a private consultancy firm in the UK, and now
works for CSIRO. He specializes in electrical motor design, power electronics,
and control. For the CSIRO Hybrid car project he led the team that designed the
electric drive train and co-ordinated the design and development of the
batteries, the super capacitors, the energy management algorithms, the
performance modelling, the light metal alloy parts, and the environmental
25 July 2002
No details provided at time of printing. Please visit the
‘News’ page of the Section web site for details in the weeks preceding the
meeting. STEEL
8 August
Speaker: Justin Rickard, Managing Director – Jones & Rickard Pty Ltd & J&R Magnetics Pty Ltd. Synopsis: Lifting (electro) Magnets play an important role in materials handling for the steel industry. Whereas this was once mainly confined to the input end of the steel making cycle, today’s magnets are increasingly used downstream at the final product stage or in the distribution warehouses where they are a major labour saver. In this address, Justin Rickard, who has been associated with the Australian steel industry for most of his professional life and whose Company, Jones & Rickard Pty Ltd, has long been the major supplier of Australian-made electromagnets to Australian steel producers and users, will look at both the design and construction of large magnets including their many variations. The lecture will deal with the seldom discussed theoretical principles of magnetic lifting as well as important practical & constructional considerations. Variable voltage power supplies for magnets, developments in control equipment and safety provisions are also discussed & illustrated, as are some more recent developments such as “electro-permanent” magnets. The lecture will conclude with a brief video. Biography: Justin Rickard AO, FIE (Aust.), MIEE, began his
professional career with the Electricity Commission of NSW, and held the
position of Senior Investigations Engineer in its Transmission Division before
leaving to join his father’s company, Jones & Rickard Pty Ltd. This
Company was for many years a leader in the provision of electrical repairs and
refurbishment services to the Australian power industry. It also boasted a
significant manufacturing capability, mainly in specialized rotating machines
and large electro-magnets. In June, last year, he was awarded the Medal of the
Order of Australia “for services to electrical engineering and the community
through Mission Australia”. SEMINAR -
22 August
Time: Noon to 5.45pm
Cost: $55 Cheque to IEAust.
Contact: Rimma Koldodizner Tel: 89237100 Synopsis: The Seminar will consist of six talks from experts on
various aspects of risk related to the electricity generating industry. An
outline is given below. A. Loy Yang B No. 2-500MW Generator Mark Pearson from Loy Yang P.S., will describe the events that
led to a major failure, in 2000, and return to service, of a 500MW brown coal
generator. The unit had to be completely dismantled and rebuilt on site at a
cost of over $20 million. B. Hazelwood 200MW Generator Transformer In June 1999, the Generator transformer on the 200MW generator transformer failed, and within 9 days, the
spare transformer also failed. The measures taken in overcoming this dire
problem are to be described by John Morrisey from Hazelwood P.S. C. Wallerawang 500MW Generator Turbine The Wallerawang turbine suffered severe damage following major
water ingress to the LP cylinders. David Prike of Siemens will describe the
dismantling and interim return to service until all the necessary parts became
available one year later when the turbine regained its full rating. D. Liddell 500MW Generator Loss of AC switchboard supply led to severe damage when the
Liddell 500MW generator shut down without barring gear in operation. David Hurst
of Alstom will describe the extensive repairs and modifications undertaken at
Alstom Power's Maitland workshop. E. Tarong Generator Transformer When facing a generation shortfall during a high load period in
August 1998, a failure occurred on a Tarong generator transformer. Alan du Mee
of Tarong Energy will describe how, following a worldwide search, a replacement
transformer was found in Collie Power Station (West Australia), then under
construction and the difficulties in transporting it across Australia. F. How insurance works to deal with accidents Colin Cheney, Principal, Marsh's Risk Management Practice, will
provide the overview.
12 September 2002
Speaker: Dr Graeme James, CSIRO Telecommunications and
Industrial Physics, Marsfield NSW (Email: graeme.james@csiro.au) Synopsis: The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is proposed as the
next major radio telescope which, as the name implies, is designed to have an
enormous antenna collecting area of around one square kilometre. This, of
course, will not be achieved with one large antenna but will consist of many
(several thousand in some designs) identical antenna elements to form a large
array. The search for possible designs has posed a major quandary for
antenna engineers in meeting the demanding specifications within an acceptable
A number of designs is being pursued by several countries including
China, Canada, USA, the Netherlands and Australia. Of these, the Australian
proposal using a Lüneburg lens as the antenna element is seen by some as the
most outlandish of all. Why use a Lüneburg lens? This talk will discuss in
layman’s terms the SKA antenna problem, the various solutions proposed by
others, the basic operation of the Lüneburg lens and why we believe the
Australian solution offers the most advantages to future generations of
astronomers. A critical factor in the successful realisation of a Lüneburg
lens is the availability of suitable dielectric materials with the necessary
electromagnetic properties. To this end, CSIRO has undertaken a
multi-disciplinary project to develop artificial dielectrics and the current
status of this work will be included in the talk. Biography: Graeme James has B.E., Ph.D and D.Sc. degrees in
Electrical Engineering from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Between
1973 and 1976 he was a post-doctoral fellow with the Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering, Queen Mary and Westfield College. London, England,
and since 1976 he has been with CSIRO. His main research interests are in the
areas of antennas, feed systems and electromagnetic diffraction. He is a Fellow
of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA) and the Institute
of Electrical Engineers (UK).
26 September 2002
Speaker: Guy Grunwald No details provided at time of publication. Please visit the
‘News’ page of the Section web site for details in the weeks preceding the
14. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN BATHURSTThe NSW Section is a technical co-sponsor of the First
International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA
2002), to be held in Bathurst from 24 to 28 November 2002. Details may be obtained from the Conference web site https://odysseus.mit.csu.edu.au/icita2002.html.
15. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS WEEK 14-21 JULY KICKS OFF WITH HARRICKS ADDRESSThis year the annual Professional Engineers Week will be held
in July. The official opening will be held at the Powerhouse Museum where the
guest speaker will be Professor Ron Ekers, Director, CSIRO Australia Telescope
National Facility. Prof. Ekers will give the Harricks Address entitled:
The Powerhouse Museum, 4pm for 4:30pm,
Sunday, 14 July 2002.
Synopsis: Sixty years ago, astronomers finally broke free of
the boundaries of light when a new science, radio astronomy, was born.
This new way of 'seeing' rapidly uncovered a range of unexpected objects
in the cosmos. In its short life, radio astronomy has had an unequalled record
of discovery, with three Nobel prizes being awarded for discoveries in this
field: Big-Bang radiation, neutron stars, and confirming the existence of
gravitational radiation. Radio telescopes have followed the pattern of exponential
growth seen in many areas of science and technology.
There is no technical reason for this not to continue, but to do so will
require a shift in technology, which will set new challenges. He will argue that a radio telescope with an aperture of one
square km could now be built.
Such a telescope would be so powerful that we could
expand our knowledge of the universe from the earliest stages of its
formation through to planetary exploration with greatly enhanced spacecraft
He will illustrate the potential applications with some examples related
to observations of the early universe, which would be highly complementary to
planned future instruments in other wavebands. One path to achieving this vision is through international collaboration and he will conclude with some remarks on the value of international collaboration in astronomy.
Many members may not be aware of the benefits of IEEE Senior
Membership. As well as recognizing your performance and contribution to the
profession in a tangible way, each new Senior Member receives an attractive fine
wood and bronze engraved Senior Member plaque and a US$25.00 gift certificate
toward one new Society membership. Who can become a Senior Member? Anyone with
ten years in the profession (not 10 years of IEEE membership.) Your educational
experience is counted towards this ten-year requirement. Other criteria are five
years of significant performance and have three IEEE Senior Member or Fellow
references. If you are nominated only two references are needed. Now it is even
easier to become a Senior Member via the IEEE website. Details and application
forms are obtained at www.ieee.org/organizations/rab/md/smprogram.html
Graeme has worked in a variety of
industries with numerous employers. From 1957 to 1975 he worked in Engineering,
Consultancy and Project Management in construction, from 1975 to 1997 in
Technical Education and Training and, from 1997 onwards, in Education and
Training Consultancy. Projects completed from 1957 to 1975
involved industrial construction and food processes, including waste water
treatment, commercial/ public building construction, and project management of
various developments. Clients included ANU, Maidstone Borough Council (UK), NSW
Government Architect, 3M Company, QANTAS (Flight Kitchen, Mascot), AGL Ltd,
Sydney Opera House, Alfa Laval, Moree Abbatoir, Lindemans Wines and Amatil among
others. Work tasks included engineering planning/design, contract establishment
and administration, construction supervision and commissioning, negotiation with
regulatory authorities, supervision of consultants, feasibility studies, and
general liaison/project management. He received engineering excellence
awards for the design of lighting of buildings for the ANU Library, Canberra
(1963) and the 3M Building, Pymble (1968). In the period 1975 to 1997, he was
employed by the TAFE organisation in NSW; during 1975 to 1980 as a
Teacher/lecturer at Bankstown and 1981 to 1982 at Sydney Technical College. From
1982 to 84, he was a secondment to the position of executive Assistant to the
Deputy Director-General (Colleges), and from 1984 to 1997 Head of Section of
(Power) Electrical Engineering at Granville College of TAFE. As an additional
activity, from 1980 onwards, he lectured part-time at the NSW Institute of
Technology/ University of Technology, Sydney at various times. He was appointed
a Visiting Research Scholar at the University of Technology, Sydney in 1985 to
assist with research on industrial applications of solar energy. Since 1997, Gwilliam Associates Pty
Ltd is a company within which many of Graeme’s current activities and programs
are conducted. Projects have been completed for the NSW Board of Studies,
Catalyst Training and TOSHIBA, among others. 18. SECTIONS CONGRESS 2002The Sections Congress 2002 "Creating a Global Community" will be held 18-21 October 2002 at the JW Marriott Hotel in Washington, DC, USA. The Section Chair will be the primary delegate from the NSW Section. SC 2002 will be unlike any other Congress in that it will feature both administrative officer training and leadership training for the assembled delegates. For more information, visit the web page www.ieee.org/sc and click on "SC 2002".
19. STUDENTS RUSH FOR FREE MEMBERSHIPIn the month of May, the New South Wales Section offered free membership to new student members in approved courses. When applications closed at the end of May, over 200 applications had been received. The call for applications was organized by the Student Counsellor, David Tien, with the help of an academic staff member at universities in New South Wales.
has joined the growing list of premiere university partners of IEEE. HBSP
provides selected online courses at a 10% discount for IEEE members. Currently,
thirteen courses in leadership, management, and strategy are being offered to
IEEE members along with one powerful performance resource called Harvard
. HBSP courses utilize Harvard
Business Review articles, interactive case studies and expert feedback from
instructors. Each course is self-contained with all the resources you need
provided for you online. In one to two hours at your desktop, you can acquire
both new and classic business concepts to apply immediately to your job.
21. SUCCESSFUL SEMINAR ON EMCProfessor Paolo Tenti (M’85,
SM’91, F’99), a past president of IEEE Industry Applications Society, and a
Distinguished Lecturer for this Society, gave a day-long tutorial at the UNSW,
Sydney, on 8 February 2002. He was assisted by his colleague from the University
of Padova Dr. Giorgio Spiazzi, who is a very well known expert of EMI in power
electronic applications. The topic of the tutorial was: Electromagnetic
Compatibility in Industrial Equipment: Standards, Problems and Solutions. The
tutorial was repeated in other major cities in Region 10, including Melbourne,
Brisbane, Perth, Auckland, Singapore and Hong Kong, for which Professor Tenti
was on the road for about a month. The tutorial included the following
topics: Introduction to European Directive on EMC; High-frequency emission
standards and case studies; Origin of high-frequency pollution and Design
provisions to reduce EMI; Spectra of signals; Coupling mechanisms and cable
shielding, Shielding properties of materials, EMI Filters, Grounding;
Low-frequency emission standards: definition and case studies; Origin of
low-frequency pollution, definitions and basic compensation techniques; PFC
structures; Example of application: PFC; Immunity standards and case studies The tutorial was well attended, and
very well received by the audiences in all cities. There were thirty attendees
at the Sydney tutorial.
22. COMPUTER SOCIETY NEWSThe IEEE NSW Computer Chapter held a successful seminar on 30
May 2002 at UTS in Sydney.
Prof. G. Sivakumar, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay presented on Internet Security and Cryptographic Protocols,
discussing Cryptographic protocols, which are security-related interactions for
reaching agreement between two or more principals. Professor Sivakumar provided
examples of the use of Cryptographic protocols including authentication and key
distribution, and discussed Cryptographic protocols described by alternate
transmission and receipt of (encrypted) messages in a pre-defined format and
sequence between the principals. More information on Prof. Sivakumar's lecture
is available on the NSW Section Computer Society home page https://ewh.ieee.org/r10/nsw/subpages/ch_comp/ch_comp.htm. The next Computer Chapter seminar will be held at the end of
July. Please check the home page for updates.
23. MAX SYMONS MEMORIAL PRIZEThe Max Symons Memorial Prize, given by the IEEE NSW Section for the best NSW Student Paper submitted to the Region 10 IEEE Student Paper Contest has been awarded to Mr Yuehe Ge of Macquarie University for his paper entitled "Efficient Analysis of Microstrip Circuits Using New Closed-Form Green's Functions". The paper was co-authored with his supervisor Dr Karu Esselle. The prize will be presented at the 30th Anniversary Dinner, details of which appear elsewhere in this issue. Congratulations to Mr Ge on his success.
24. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCESDetails of conferences and other forthcoming international events can be found by visiting the IEEE web site www.ieee.org/conferencesearch/.
25. SUMMER SCHOOL IN COMPLEX SYSTEMSThe third Biennial Complex Systems Summer School will be held from 1 to 6 December 2002. Details can be found at: https://clio.mit.csu.edu.au/rgai/csss2002/.
26. WANTEDResearch engineer/ assistant,
part-time or full-time, wanted in electromagnetics/antennas at Macquarie
University. Contact: Dr Karu Esselle (ph. 9850 9141, email karu@ics.mq.edu.au). PhD scholarships. The Research Group
for Complex Systems at Charles Sturt University is seeking one or two PhD
students to work on intelligent agents for data mining. Contact: Professor Terry
Bossomaier (ph 0419 626 824, email tbossomaier@csu.edu.au). Wanted to purchase. Hardbound copy
(1st or 2nd edition) of ‘A treatise on the theory of
Bessel functions’, by G.N. Watson. Contact: the Editor (ph 9372 4289, email ts.bird@ieee.org).
27. SThe Australian Microelectronics
Network in association with the NSW CAS/SSC Society is holding a course and
workshop in Sydney on RF-CMOS circuit design. The presenter of the course is
Professor Asad Abidi. Information on Professor Abidi is given on the website: www.ee.ucla.edu/faculty/bios/abidi.htm. Details are given below. Course title:
RF-CMOS Circuit Design
- Principles and Practice
Date: Tuesday, 16 July
MGSM Executive Hotel and Conference Centre,
Course topics:
Low Noise Amplifiers
Specifications: Noise, Impedance, Dynamic Range ·
Fundamental Limits to Low Noise, and ·
Practical Design Considerations, low power methods Mixers
Basics ·
Understanding mixer action through noise, and ·
Practical design considerations. Oscillators
Basics ·
Understanding oscillators through phase
noise mechanisms, and ·
How to design an integrated VCO to a
specified figure of merit. Integrated passive elements
Spiral Inductors - Qualitative understanding - Influence of Substrate - Good design practice. ·
Varactors - Continuous voltage-controlled, and
- Discrete
Full Package: $475 non-members, $325
members, $125 students Workshop Only: $395 non-members,
$275 members, $100 students Cocktail Reception Only: $100
non-members, $75 members, $50 students 28. NSW SECTION AND CHAPTER COMMITTEES FOR 2003The Nominations committee invites members to submit nominations for appointments to the year 2003 Section and 7 Chapter committees. Already the following Section Committee nominations have been received: F. Barker, T. Bird, D. Burger, K. Carruthers, S. Duvall, K. Esselle, G. Gwilliam, W. Lachs, J. Logothetis, P. Ogunbona, A. Parfitt, B. Poon, F. Rahman, S. Reisenfeld, J. Robinson, D. Tien, J. Vasseleu & R. Zakarevicius. Members are invited to nominate no later than 6 September 2002. Please select and print out the text between the Start and Finish lines below. Please contact Andrew Parfitt [Tel: 9372 4187, Fax 9372 4106]. All nominations for Section and Chapter Committee members will be considered at the Annual General Meeting, to be held on 29 November. -Start-------------------------------------------------------------2003 COMMITTEE
Name: Signature:
Address: Postcode: Tel (H): Tel (W): FAX: email: POSITION: SECTION/CHAPTER: Post
return not later than 6 September 2002 to: Andrew Parfitt
[Tel: 9372 4187, Fax 9372 4106] IEEE Committee C/- PROFESSIONAL CENTRE OF AUSTRALIA,
Private Bag No. 1,
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