Past Events - 2020
Public Seminar by Raghavender Goud Deshagoni (Raghu)
TRaghu was awarded one of five student participation awards at the Electrical Safety Workshop held in Jacksonville, Florida, USA in March of
this year. He will present his
award winning paper and
his observations from the conference at which it was presented.
Title: Factors Determining the Effectiveness of a Wind Turbine Generator Lightning Protection System
When: 25 June 2019, 12 noon to 1pm
Where: Room CO431, Fourth Floor, Cotton Building, Kelburn Campus, Victoria University of Wellington.
All welcome.
As a result of the growing supply and demand for wind power, wind turbine generators are increasingly being installed at sub-optimal sites
that have high soil resistivity and a high incidence of lightning strikes. This means that lightning protection systems for wind turbines
are becoming a critical component of wind farm design. Not only do effective lightning protection systems ensure the safety of the physical
wind turbine structure and human operators, but they also protect the electrical and control systems installed inside wind turbine generators
and safeguard the lives of human operators. This presentation discusses a framework to assess the effectiveness of wind turbine lightning
protection systems at the wind farm design phase. Performing the analysis at this early stage reduces lightning-induced downtime, which leads
to increased energy yield. Our results show that the grounding system plays a critical role in the wind turbine lightning protection system.
For this reason, we also analyse various influential parameters of a grounding system design. We present results from full-wave electromagnetic
simulations of the complete wind turbine grounding system, including the foundation.
About the Author: Raghavender Goud Deshagoni
Raghavender Goud Deshagoni received his Bachelor of Technology degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological university, India and Master of Technology degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,
India in 2006 and 2009 respectively. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. with the School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University
of Wellington, New Zealand. His research interests include lightning protection systems, earth system design, and wind turbine generators.
He had worked in the electrical power industry for seven years before starting his Ph.D.
A Special Competition for students - IEEE ComSoc Student Competition
Read all about it here:
( Deadline: Project submissions are now due September 17th!
The annual Communications Technology Changing the World Student Competition ( recognizes students who demonstrate the capacity to improve the lives of people through the development and application of communications technology.
The competition is open only to ComSoc Student/Graduate Student members aged 18+; both individual students and groups of students are allowed to participate. Participants will submit technical projects for consideration and the winner(s) will be chosen by a select committee.
The top prize winner will receive $2000 USD and the runner-up will receive $1000 USD. The top prize winner (a team leader or individual competitor) will be invited to attend IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM) with all expenses paid, where they will be presented with the prize.
View a list of past winners
Submission of your project was at:
2019 International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference
The IEEE I2MTC - International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference - is the flagship conference of the
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, and is dedicated to advances in measurement methodologies, measurement systems,
instrumentation, and sensors in all areas of science and technology. These features make I2MTC a unique event and one of the
most important conferences in the field of instrumentation and measurement.
IEEE I2MTC is proposed as a catalyst to promote interactions between industry and academia. A wide spectrum of research results
will be presented, with potential practical applications in current industrial technology, as well as industry and application
driven developments.
More information is available from their website which is located at:
A Special Competition for Student Members organised by Region 10
The IEEE R10 Postgraduate Research Paper contest aims to improve the engineering students’ written communication skills and reporting novel and original research results to the science & technology community. The contest will facilitate the recognition of these skills and encourage other student members to develop technical, written and verbal communication skills. All graduate students under IEEE Region 10 are invited to submit entries for this contest. The submission deadline is 15 June 2020.
For more information, please visit:
The winners will be awarded with the following cash prizes and E-certificate:
- First place: USD 300
- Second place: USD 200
- Third place: USD 100
- WIE Prize: USD 200
Post Graduate Symposium Event 2020
Annually, we hold a special Post Graduate Symposium event which alternates
in location between the Massey and Victoria
University campuses in order to showcase the research activities of our post-graduate students in our two universities located within the New Zealand Central Section
region. This year it is the turn of Victoria University of Wellington
to host the Symposium and, as a result of COVID-19 and other factors which have affected the semester break
times at the universities, it has been decided to hold the event on a weekend day to enable all students and potential visitors to attend the Symposium.
The organisers are calling for submissions from those communities to prepare presentations and contribute to this important event. The call for papers
and other information is available
in the
following flyer
and you are urged to begin preparations as soon as possible, noting the deadline given below and also provided in the flyer.
Cash prizes are awarded for excellence in
presentation and food and drink is also provided to
registered participants.
Event :Post Graduate Symposium 2020
Date: Saturday 29 August 2020
Time: 9:00am-6:00pm
Location: AM 102 and 104, Alan MacDiarmid Building
Victoria University of Wellington (Kelburn Campus)
Gate 7, Kelburn Parade
To register for this event, it is essential that you send the following details to your local student representative by
no later than the 10th August, the representative details are as follows:
Sponsored by the New Zealand Central Section, and
Post Graduate Branches of Victoria and Massey Universities.
Talk by Dr John Cioffi - ComSoc, Melbourne, Victoria
Dear members
The IEEE ComSoc chapter in Melbourne, Victoria have arranged a Zoom presentation by Dr John Cioffi, who is affectionately known
as the “father of DSL”. Many of us have met John during his visits to NZ in the past. This presentation is being sponsored by
the IEEE COMSoc Chapter in conjunction with Telsoc (Telecommunications Society of Australia). We have been invited to join in
on this presentation, along with all members of the ComSoc Chapter and the Central Section.
An advertisement and registration for the event including a comprehensive biography can be found at:
The main details of the event are as follows:
Event :Talk by Dr John Cioffi (pictured
Title: NBN - "New Broadband Normal"
Date: 26 August 2020
Time: 12:30 PM to 01:45 PM (Note: All times are Australia/Melbourne)
Location: Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID:873 2265 0579
Passcode: 919744
Registration: No Admission Charge - Please register for the event at
(All times are Australia/Melbourne)
- Starts 04 August 2020 02:15 PM
- Ends 26 August 2020 12:15 PM
The world and broadband now evolve to a new normal. A centennial pandemic suddenly intensifies our broadband dependency and mandates more ubiquitous and reliable communication everywhere, including Australia's NBN. What does this mean for broadband evolution plans? What must change? What can change? Fiber to everyone's wristwatch was never an economically viable solution, but there are paths that address need and viably advance into the new altered future. Existing facilities' combined intelligent leverage, and best use of advanced, powerful, and distributing computing can indeed provide viable solutions. This talk investigates such paths, how to measure their advance, and suggests paths that transcend well into tomorrow's New Broadband Normal.
IEEE NZ Wireless Workshop 2020 - Friday 28 August 9:00am and 5:30pm
We are happy to announce that this year's
IEEE NZ Wireless Workshop will proceed (non-virtually!), albeit
one week earlier than was originally anticipated.
The workshop were be held on *Friday 28 August* between 9:00am and 5:30pm
at Rutherford House, VUW Pipitea Campus (Wellington CBD, adjacent to main railway station).
Further details including a detailed programme
were posted at
Suitable topics for presentation included: wireless communications research, emerging technologies,
product and system development, industrial experience and strategy, and spectrum policy. As in
previous years, we anticipate that the program will include a mix of presentations from industry,
academics and students.
Pawel Dmochowski and Peter Smith
(on behalf of the organizers)
The winners and a selection of good quality papers will be recommended to IEEE R10 flagship conference TENCON for acceptance subject to another review by the conference reviewers. The accepted papers will be invited for presentation at TENCON at their own expense. All papers presented at the conference will be published in the TENCON Proceedings. Further details can also be obtained from the following pdf file.
Employment Challenges in the Post COVID-19 Era for Students & Young Professionals.
The IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Professional and Career Development Resources for Members (PCDRM) group has organized a virtual panel discussion
on Employment Challenges in the Post COVID-19 Era for Students & Young Professionals.
1. Dr. Amit K. Gupta (Chief of Rolls-Royce Electrical (RRE) at Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd)
2. Dr. Udey Deshpandey (CTO of D&V Electronics)
3. Mr. Deepak Mathur (Chief General Manager of ONGC, Gujarat, India)
Moderated by Dr. Tomy Sebastian (Managing director of Halla Mechatronics, MI, USA and IAS President 2017/18)
Join us for this 90 minute discussion on 11th July 2020 and listen to the opinions of this elite panel of industry experts about this challenge.
Date: 11th July 2020
Time: 4.00 - 5.30PM IST (GMT + 05.30) Broadcasted Via Webex
A flyer for the event was available for your interest.
available from here.
IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Invited Talk
Dear New Zealand Central Section Members,
You were invited to attend (zoom meeting) the following IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Invited Talk organised by the IEEE NZ North Section ComSoc Chapter and School of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Auckland University of Technology (AUT).
The following IEEE speaker was the presenter.
Speaker: Rashmi Munjal (PhD Candidate, AUT)
Title: A Sustainable Internet Data Dissemination Architecture by Utilizing the Existing Public Transport Networks
Zoom (Virtual) Lecture
Date: Friday 26 June 2020
Time: 12 noon
Registration: Free
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 598 786 5209
Please contact Associate Professor Nurul Sarkar ( ) for more details.
Abstract: Smart City research relies on advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and
communication technologies to deal with big data-driven applications. At every instant, there is a huge delay tolerant data being
generated through many devices all over the urban city. The accumulation process of this non-real-time data from different areas of
a smart city is a challenging issue. The conventional network is facing serious problems such as traffic overload and energy consumption
due to high traffic demands. Therefore, network designers are looking for more options to accommodate numerous data requirements.
Aiming to find a promising way to tackle this problem, we designed a heterogeneous networking architecture, which utilizes the
existing public transport network as an alternative communication network along with infrastructure-based networks. In the proposed
work, we are enlightening a subcategory of Internet of Vehicle(IoV) as the Internet of Bus (IoB), where public buses enable a service
of data carrier among the smart city by introducing a Software-Defined Connectivity(SDC), where opportunistic sensing comprises delay-tolerant
big data collection, processing and disseminating from one place to another place around the city. The objective is to analyze great
potential behind using public transport network and apply an advanced neural network (NN) algorithm by locating the travel time of public
buses data to feed as inputs and use them for the progression of the bus arrival time prediction. The model will use the scheduled timetable
data of buses from the transport agency and numerical studies confirm that this heterogeneous network architecture helps to achieve efficient
resource utilization and evaluate the level of accuracy in predicted bus arrival time and scheduled arrival time with significant savings of
energy. Rashmi Munjal’s research work is supervised by Dr William Liu, Dr Xue Jun Li, and Prof Jairo Gutierrez.
Nurul I Sarkar, PhD, SMIEEE (ComSoc), Fellow ITU-UUM
Annual General Meeting 2020 - Was RESCHEDULED
Dear NZ Central Section members, our Section's annual AGM meeting for 2020 that was temporarily postponed is now rescheduled as a virtual event. The new details were given below:
Venue: Virtual meeting via Skype.Date: Thursday December 17th, 2020
RSVP: Please contact our secretary, Steven Le Moan (, to obtain attendance details for the virtual meeting.
Time: 4 - 5pm according to the following plan:
- Welcome
- Chair's report
- Treasurer's interim report
- NZ Council Chair: Donald Bailey
- Treasurer: Yi Mei
- Election of officers for 2021
- Note: The nominations for new officer positions for 2021 received to date, are as follows:
- Chair: Yi Mei
- Treasurer: Donald Bailey
- Secretary: Murray Milner
By default, Murray Milner will also hold the position of Immediate Past Chair.
Other positions held by members of the committee for the 2020 year will roll over into the 2021 year.
We are still looking for candidates for the following positions:
- Vice Chair
- Under-study for our current Webmaster
These candidates will be sought after the AGM.
Thanks for your support.
For your information, the Chair's report for the AGM is available
from here.
The Treasurer's report is also available , please view it here.
Young Professionals Event: Transitioning from Academia to Industry
The IEEE New Zealand Central Section Young Professionals group
were excited to hold an event “Transitioning from Academia
to Industry” on Tuesday 17 November, 6:00 – 7:00 pm, which explored the necessary skills and strategies to smoothly move out of an academic (university) environment and into a career
within the industry. Professionals with years of experience working in the industry shared how to transit to an industry role successfully,
and what industry is looking for when hiring new employers. Following the panel discussion, free pizza
was provided for networking
and further discussions.
The 2020 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) will be held at the Osaka International Convention Center, Osaka, Japan on 16-19 November, 2020.
TENCON is a premier international technical conference of IEEE Region 10, which comprises 58 sections, 6 councils, 34 subsections in the
Asia Pacific region. The theme for TENCON2020 is "Advancing Technologies for Sustainable Development Goals to Transform Our World".
TENCON2020 is expected to bring together researchers, educators, students, practitioners, technocrats, and policymakers from across academia,
government, industry and nongovernmental organizations to discuss, share and promote current works and recent accomplishments across all
aspects of electrical, electronic and computer engineering, as well as information technology. Distinguished people will be invited to deliver
keynote speeches and invited talks on trends and significant advances in the emerging technologies.
Full details can be obtained from the TENCON website
The IEEE Central Section, as part of the IEEE Communication Society in New Zealand, annually supports the international conference now known as ITNAC. Last year it was held in Auckland at the AUT University premises. This year the conference returns to Australia and will be held in Melbourne with assistance from RMIT University. A call for papers has recently been published and students and researchers working in the networking field of telecommunications are encouraged to submit papers to this important conference. Student support funds are available to presenters from NZ for worthy accepted papers from several local sources. Please carefully note the deadlines in the attached flyer when preparing your submissions. The next NZ version of this conference is expected to be in 2022.
2nd IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Virtual Lecture
Members are invited to attend the following IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Virtual Lecture organised by the IEEE Joint NZ North,
South, and Central ComSoc Chapter.
Speaker: Professor Arumugam Nallanathan, (Queen Mary University of London), UK.
Title: Artificial Intelligence in Massive IoT Networks
Date: Wednesday 28 October 2020
Time: Starting 10 am (NZ time)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 963 1344 4416
Registration: Free
Participants can register as proof of their attendance via the link below:
Link to Registration (Free):
Please contact Associate Professor Nurul I Sarkar at
( ) for more details.
Narrow Band-Internet of Things (NB-IoT) is an emerging cellular-based radio access technology, which offers a range
of flexible configurations for different coverage enhancement (CE) groups to provide reliable uplink connections for massive IoT devices with diverse
data traffic. To optimize the number of served IoT devices, the uplink resource configurations need to be adjusted in real-time according to the dynamic
traffic, this brings the challenge of how to select the configurations at the Evolved Node B (eNB) in the multiple CE groups scenario with high-dimension
and interdependency. To tackle this challenge, multi-agent reinforcement learning (RL) is proposed as a promising solution, where the RL agent (i.e.,
implemented at the eNB) automatically updates the uplink resource configuration by interacting with the environment (i.e., the communication procedures
in NB-IoT). In this talk, Professor Nallanathan will explain how the machine learning techniques such as deep learning, artificial neural networks (ANN)
can be used dynamically to solve the numerous challenges in the Internet of Things (IoT).
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The Annual Joint IEEE, IET and Engineering New Zealand Institution's Breakfast Event, 14 October, 2020
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This annual joint event between the engineering institutions (IEEE, IET and Engineering New Zealand) is always worth
attending as speakers are carefully chosen to reflect the interests of our respective memberships. Once again,
we trust that our speaker and topic will be of great interest to our members.
All members and guests of the IEEE Central Section, IET Wellington Network and ENZ Wellington Branch
are welcomed to this special event, hosted by all three institutions on the morning of 14 October 2020 in Central Wellington.
The guest speaker for this event is Andrew Rushworth, Managing Director of Zero Emission Vehicles Limited who will address
Engineering and Innovation for New Zealand in a Changing Global Context as it relates to the expansion of commercial electric
vehicles in the New Zealand market.
Date : Wednesday 14 October, 2020.
Time : 7:15am for 7:30am start on 14 October, 2020.
Location : Wellesley Boutique Hotel, 2 Maginnity Street, Wellington 6011
Presenter :Andrew Rushworth, Managing Director of Zero Emission Vehicles Limited
Title: “Engineering and Innovation for New Zealand in a Changing Global Context”
Cost: $15.00 for members of any of the three hosting institutions, $30.00 for any guests.
RSVP: Essential to (numbers are limited so first in first served for registrations)
flyer for this event is also available from here.
Andrew will describe some of his experience with innovation and engineering related to the introduction of new technology
into the New Zealand market. This will focus on his particular interest in the technical and commercial development of commercial electric vehicles
but will cover a wider range of experience with strategic collaboration related to R&D and market development both in New Zealand and offshore.
Based on his recent experience, he will indicate some changes that he is seeing in the global market which will impact on New Zealand. Supply chain
changes driven by both negative reactions to globalisation and more recently the COVID-19 pandemic is starting to impact on the way we need to do
business in New Zealand. These affects are impacting on both the introduction of new technology into the New Zealand market and the ability for New
Zealand businesses to export technology into international markets. Cooperation and collaboration between all parties involved in research, product
development and market development are becoming critical for success. Within this mix, the role of sound governance and the nature of inputs from
Government is becoming crucial.
All these factors will be touched on by Andrew in his presentation, based on many years of experience in working in this field involving the
intersection of engineering, innovation, market development and strategic collaboration.
Andrew has over 30 years developing and marketing technology for international markets. During this period,
he has led the strategic design, development, and marketing of new technology projects for multiple global corporations. He founded and led
an entrepreneurial technology development business undertaking complex automation and information projects and designing
innovative new products. Over the course of his global career, he has established extensive business networks nationally
and internationally. |
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Andrew is typically involved at a strategic level where his combined technical and market knowledge provide, along with his leadership, the greatest benefit.
In 2005-2009, he was brought on to Indian-based multinational Larsen & Toubro to revitalise a non-performing business unit, which he achieved through the
introduction of both product and process, which included training and mentoring key engineers from India in New Zealand.
Since 2010 Andrew has been the Managing Director of Zero Emission Vehicles Limited (ZEV), a consortium of Manawatu-based companies bringing together a
spectrum of engineering disciplines to design and build electric heavy vehicles. With ZEV, Andrew was responsible for the first fully battery-electric
truck deployed into commercial operation in New Zealand in 2013 and is now overseeing further domestic launches as well as ZEV's first foray overseas
with electric vehicles for the Australian mining industry.
IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Virtual Lecture
Members were invited to attend the following IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Virtual Lecture organised by the IEEE Joint NZ North,
South, and Central ComSoc Chapter.
Speaker: Professor Mohammed Atiquzzaman (University of Oklahoma), USA
Title: Connecting Space Assets to the Internet: Challenges and Solutions
Date: Wednesday 16 September 2020
Time: Starting at 5pm (NZ time)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 939 6060 9556
Passcode: 985015
Registration: Free
(Participants should have registered as proof of their attendance.)
Please contact Associate Professor Nurul I Sarkar at
( ) for more details.
Data communications between Earth and spacecrafts, such as satellites, have traditionally been carried out through dedicated links.
Shared link using Internet Protocol-based communication offers number of advantages over dedicated links. The movement of spacecrafts however gives rise to
mobility management issues.
This talk will discuss various mobility management solutions for extending the Internet connection to spacecrafts. The talk with provide an overview of the
network-layer based solution being developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force and compare with the transport-layer based solution that have been
developed at University of Oklahoma in conjunction with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Network in motion is an extension of the host
mobility protocols for managing the mobility of networks which are in motion, such as those in airplanes and trains. The application of networks in motion
will be illustrated for both terrestrial and space environments.
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Post Graduate Symposium Event 2020
Annually, we hold a special Post Graduate Symposium event which alternates
in location between the Massey and Victoria
University campuses in order to showcase the research activities of our post-graduate students in our two universities located within the New Zealand Central Section
region. This year it is the turn of Victoria University of Wellington
to host the Symposium and, as a result of COVID-19 and other factors which have affected the semester break
times at the universities, it has been decided to hold the event on a weekend day to enable all students and potential visitors to attend the Symposium.
The organisers are calling for submissions from those communities to prepare presentations and contribute to this important event. The call for papers
and other information is available
in the
following flyer
and you are urged to begin preparations as soon as possible, noting the deadline given below and also provided in the flyer.
Cash prizes are awarded for excellence in
presentation and food and drink is also provided to
registered participants.
Event :Post Graduate Symposium 2020
Date: Saturday 29 August 2020
Time: 9:00am-6:00pm
Location: AM 102 and 104, Alan MacDiarmid Building
Victoria University of Wellington (Kelburn Campus)
Gate 7, Kelburn Parade