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 2017-08-03         Source: Liu Wei        Attendees: 16     

Technical Seminar: Breathable On-Skin Sensors for Long-Term Health Monitoring

Time/Date: 9:30am to 10:30am, 03 Aug. 2017
Venue: E4-04-02, Engineering Block E4, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore

Prof. Takao Someya
Professor, University of Tokyo, Janpan
Globalfoundries Visiting Professor, National University of Singapore

Prof. Takao Someya reported a hypoallergenic electronic sensor that can be worn on the skin continuously for a week without discomfort. It is so light and thin that users forget they even have it on. The elastic electrode constructed of breathable nanoscale meshes holds promise for the development of noninvasive e-skin devices that can monitor a person¡¯s health continuously over a long period .








 2017-07-20         Source: Liu Wei        Attendees: 6   

Technical Seminar: Eddy-Current Non-destructive Testing, Sparse-Grid Surrogate Model, Bayesian Inversion, and Model Choice

Time/Date: 10:30am to 12:00pm, 20 Jul. 2017
Venue: Seminar room, Level 15, Connexis, 1 Fusionopolis Way, Singapore

Prof. Dominique Lesselier
CNRS--Univ. Paris Sud, France
Fellow of the Institute of Physics
Fellow of the Electromagnetics Academy

Description The original forward model is replaced by a computationally-cheap surrogate model (sparse-grid) in order to better deal with the "curse of dimensionality". Then, a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm is applied to tackle the inversion. The expensive database training part is shifted to off-line calculation. So, one benefits from the MCMC algorithm due to its high estimation accuracy, and does not suffer too much from the computational burden.







 2017-07-19         Source: Liu Wei        Attendees: 19   

Technical Seminar: Electromagnetic Modeling and Imaging of Disorganized Fiber-Based Laminates

Time/Date: 4:30pm to 5:30pm, 19 Jul. 2017
Venue: E4-04-02, Engineering Block E4, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore

Prof. Dominique Lesselier
CNRS--Univ. Paris Sud, France
Fellow of the Institute of Physics
Fellow of the Electromagnetics Academy

Description Fibered laminates involving in each of their layers glass or graphite fibers embedded in periodic fashion within a given material matrix suffer from damages at production and in usage, and electromagnetic testing is a way to get proper information on them. Tools, both of modeling and imaging, were summarized in the expos¨¦, and a host of examples given, from low frequency to resonance, as encountered in practice as a function of the structures to be tackled. Guidelines for further exploration in the realm of non-destructive testing and evaluation were also provided.







 2017-03-17         Source: Liu Wei        Attendees: 27   

Technical Seminar: Harvesting Ambient RF Energy for the Internet-of-things using Multiple Antennas

Time/Date: 4:30pm to 5:30pm, 17 Mar. 2017
Venue: E4-04-06, Engineering Block E4, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore

Prof. Ross Murch
Chair Professor
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Fellow of IEEE, IET, HKIE

Description The IoT is predicted to bring a revolution in the way we monitor our health, environment and infrastructure and allow enhancements in efficiency, performance and services. There are many challenges in enabling this revolution and the issue of the power source for the devices or things in IoT is considered in this talk. In many instances the devices will be portable and wireless and need battery power which has a finite life and therefore needs to be replenished periodically. To overcome this challenge, the presentation describes approaches to harvest ambient RF energy using multiple antennas and novel matching techniques.








 2017-02-24         Source: Liu Wei        Attendees: 27   

Distinguished Lecturer Talk: Many names, many advantages - Are resonant cavity antennas the killer planar space-saving approach to get 15-25 dBi gain?

Time/Date: 11:00am to 12:00pm, 24 Feb. 2017
Venue: E5-02-32, Engineering Block E5, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore

Prof. Karu Esselle
Department of Engineering
Macquarie University, NSW, Australia
Fellow of IEEE
IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer

The talk reviewed the historical achievements of resonant cavity antenna technology, giving emphasis to breakthroughs in the last ten years. Special attention was given to methods that led to aforementioned bandwidth enhancement and area reduction, dramatic improvement of gain-bandwidth product and unprecedented gain-bandwidth product per unit area demonstrated by RCAs, both theoretically and experimentally.






 2017-02-23         Source: Liu Wei        Attendees: 42      

Distinguished Lecturer Talk: Multiphysics Modeling in Computational Electromagnetics: Challenges and Opportunities

Time/Date: 16:30¨C17:30, 23 Feb. 2017
Venue: Meeting Room S2-B2 (S2-B2b-77), School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Prof. Jian-Ming Jin
Y. T. Lo Chair Professor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US
Fellow of IEEE, ACES, and Electromagnetics Academy
IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer

As computational methods for solving Maxwell¡¯s equations become mature, the time has come to tackle much more challenging multiphysics problems, which have a great range of applications in sciences and technologies. The presentation showed five examples to illustrate the nature and modeling of multiphysics problems. The speaker discussed the methodologies and some of the challenges in multiphysics modeling.






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IEEE Singapore CRFID Chapter