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IEEE West Virginia Section First Annual Senior College Student Competition in Engineering

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On Friday May 8, 2009 the newly re-formed West Virginia Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers held its first annual senior college student competition in engineering. All senior students in engineering or the physical sciences in the region covered by the Chapter which includes Charleston, Huntington, Parkersburg, Bluefield, Lewisburg, and Logan among others, were invited to submit their project for evaluation.

The meeting was chaired by Asad Davari, professor of electrical and Computer Engineering at WVU Tech, and by vice-chair Mark Stecker, professor of neuroscience at the Joan C. Edwards Marshall University School of Medicine. The evaluations committee also included Tushar Shah from Eagle Research Corporation, L. Bruce McClung IEEE life fellow from Appalacian Electric Power.

The contestants

From all of the applicants, 5 projects were selected to present their projects at a meeting of the section. These projects covered topics from the use of solar power in West Virginia to advanced communication systems.
  • Nathaniel Kidd-Cost Analysis of Residential Solar Panels in West Virginia
  • Nathaniel Kidd and Nathan Bard. Design and Analysis of an Electric Utility Cart
  • Nathan Bard and Sandra Villavicencio. Automatic speed control of a DC motor with a four quadrant chopper drive.
  • Shalin Limbachia. Wireless and related technologies.
  • Grafton Skaggs and Addis Kassie. Multiple-Input Multiple Output Wireless Test Bed System (MIMO)

The winners

From these 5 applicants, three awards were given out.

The first prize went to Nathaniel Kidd and Nathan Bard from WVU Tech in Montgomery for their project "Design and analysis of an electric cart." which carefully considered the criteria for a cart that could be used by the disabled to help assist with their activities.

Second place was given to Nathan Bard and Sandra Villavicencio who presented "Automatic speed control of a DC motor with a four quadrant chopper drive", describing a new system for controlling the speed and operation of a DC motor.

Third place was awarded to Grafton Skaggs and Addis Kassie for "Multiple input, multiple output wireless test system" which will be useful in testing the properties of wireless networks such as those used in cellular telecommunications.


Thank you to Mark Stecker who took the photos.

First place winners Nathan Kidd and Nathaniel Bard

First place winners Nathan Kidd and Nathaniel Bard

Second place winners Nathan Bard and Sandra Villavicenio

Second place winners Nathan Bard and Sandra Villavicenio

Third place winners Grafton Skaggs and Addis Kassie

Third place winners Grafton Skaggs and Addis Kassie

Nate Kidd presenting.

Nate Kidd presenting

Grafton Skaggs presenting.

Grafton Skaggs presenting

The winners with Dr. Davari.

The winners with Dr. Davari

The jury.

The jury

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