IEEE Orlando Section Monthly
Welcome to the IEEE Orlando Section web site.
Established in 1959 and serving over 1,400 members in
and Sumter
Vol. 45
No. 7
August 2012
Calendar of Events:
Employment Assistance:
Oct 8-10: 2012 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (IPCC 2012), Orlando, FL
Others Links:
IEEE Orlando Chapter of the Joint Society on Control Systems,
Robotics & Automation, and Systems, Man
& Cybernetics
Tuesday, August
14th, 2012
5:00 -
6:30 p.m. - before the Executive Committee Meeting
An interactive technical meeting,
““Controller Algorithms and Devices for Power Distribution in the ‘Smart Grid’” ”
facilitated by William Hortos.
Control systems, comprised of automated devices, are integral elements of proposed implementations of the Smart Grid for intelligent power generation and distribution. The multimedia discussion highlights the algorithms for control and distribution of power in the implementation of the Smart Grid’s functional requirements. This presentation follows an introductory discussion presented on June 12, 2012, but is standalone for new attendees with diverse technical backgrounds.
Orlando Business Development Center, District 2 (affiliated with the UCF and the S.B.A.)
at 3218 East Colonial Drive, Suite #G, Orlando, FL 32802
In Herndon Plaza just east of Maguire Blvd.
This is the shopping center across Colonial Drive from Fashion Square.
It is on the west end of the building around to the South-West corner from the HH Gregg entrance.
Free to all IEEE members and Non-IEEE members. |
Please indicate your interest in attending the meeting at
w.hortos@ieee.org by 6 p.m., August 13, , 2012.
William Hortos, w.hortos@ieee.org, 407-876-1026.
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IEEE Orlando Section Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday, August
14th, 2012
6:30 - 7:00 p.m. Social and Refreshments 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. ExCom Meeting |
Tentative Agenda:
Orlando Business Development Center, District 2 (affiliated with the UCF and the S.B.A.)
at 3218 East Colonial Drive, Suite #G, Orlando, FL 32802
In Herndon Plaza just east of Maguire Blvd.
This is the shopping center across Colonial Drive from Fashion Square.
It is on the west end of the building around to the South-West corner from the HH Gregg entrance.
Free to all IEEE members and Non-IEEE members. |
IEEE Orlando Section ExCom Members:
Register Here
Register Here |
Mike Orlovsky,
410.979.0476 (Cell)
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Recognition of our Full Set of 55 Orlando Section IEEE "Member 1st 50 Years"
We are honored to have an esteemed group of
55 Orlando Section members
who have been identified as being members
who have been with IEEE continuously since the beginning. As mentioned by Gordon Day, 2012 IEEE President and CEO,
“IEEE was founded on January 1, 1963, through the merger of the AIEE (founded 1884) and IRE (founded 1912).
So 2012 is IEEE's 50th year and we're celebrating it modestly, focusing primarily on honoring those members who
have been with us continuously since the beginning. There are about 9400 of them. They have all now received a
pin identifying them as a "Member 1st 50 Years". Please offer a note of congratulations when you see them in your travel.
An extra special thank you to Lynn Guthrie and Stan Buchanan who also are active members of our 2012 IEEE Orlando EXCOM.
Thank you and congratulations!
Mike Orlovsky,
IEEE Orlando Section Chair
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IEEE Orlando Section, 2012 Annual Awards Banquet Announcement
The annual Orlando Section IEEE awards banquet will be held October 27th, a Saturday night.
It will be held at the Renaissance Inn (the Normandie Suite) at 5445 Forbes Place (1/2 mile north of the airport,
just off Hwy 436 or Semoran), Orlando, Florida, 32812, starting at 6:00pm with dinner being served at 7:00pm
with meeting and awards immediately after.
Appetizers and soft drinks will be served from 6:00 till 7:00.
A Cash bar will also be available. All participants will receive free parking.
The fees for attendance will be as follows:
If purchased by
If purchased After
IEEE Member and Guest:
IEEE Student Member and Guest
IEEE Life Member and Guest
Awards Winner and Guest
Student Scholarship Winner
Deadline for all reservations is C.O.B. October 23, 2012.
Please confirm your intent to attend, along with your desired main course to:
The menu will include Fresh Greens, starch and vegetable and main course choice of Grilled Chicken or
London Broil (vegetarian plates are available on request).
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IEEE Membership Benefits: Bringing Together a Trusted Voice, Global Community, and Profession
The IEEE is the world's largest technical society, bringing members
access to the industry's most essential technical information, networking opportunities, career development tools,
and many other exclusive benefits. New Benefits:
IEEE memberNet
IEEE's online membership directory, connecting members worldwide. Offered as an exclusive benefit of membership.
Software Offer for IEEE Students
IEEE, in conjunction with Microsoft, is pleased to offer a wide selection of development
software to IEEE Student members.
E-book Archive
IEEE and Wiley Press offer members access to over 220 e-books via IEEE Xplore
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Benefits and Status of IEEE Life Membership
- Dues and Regional assessments are waived for a Life member.
For qualifying Life members, Society fees are waived
(IEEE Bylaw
Individuals may receive reduced member rates at IEEE sponsored conferences.
IEEE Policy 10.1.15 (Conference Registration Fees) indicates "There must be a reduced fee, waiver of fees, or fee differential for Student members. Reduced fees, waiver of fees, or fee differential for unemployed IEEE members, retired members, and Life members, and for special registrants (e.g., guests, speakers, and exhibitors) are permitted at the discretion of the Conference Committee. The individual registration fee for retired members and for Life members must be no more than that for Students."
Life members continue to receive the same
benefits that are available to other IEEE members.
IEEE Financial Advantage Program
(includes IEEE Insurance Program)
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Member Recognition
The Orlando Section Monthly seeks member
If an IEEE colleague received an award, promotion, appointment, or any other achievement, please inform The Orlando Section Monthly so it can run a notice in its monthly Member
Recognitions column. In addition to providing the member's name, please include a brief biography of the member's career and a description of the achievement. Send all notices to
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Keep in Touch
to the Orlando Section E-mail List to keep
in touch with all the Orlando Section
activities. Just send an e-mail with
SUBSCRIBE in the subject line to IEEE
Orlando Section.
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Change of Address?
Update your profile or E-mail Alias via
Web, mail, fax, or phone:
Or send address changes including
your name, IEEE member number and
all pertinent information to: IEEE,
445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331,
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 or call
(800) 678-4333 Or fax your address
changes to (732) 562-5445 Or via
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To unsubscribe, please go to the
E-Notice subscription form
and be certain to include your IEEE member number.
If you need assistance with your E-Notice subscription, please visit:
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