Past events from this Season (September 2011 to June 2012)
Link to older events: (Prior season's events)

28 September 2011 (Wednesday)
Illinois Institute of Technology's Rice Campus
Wheaton, Illinois
The presentation which had been announced by email for September 28 has been
cancelled. There will be no IEEE Fox Valley Subsection meeting in
7th Annual
Real-Time Communications Conference and Expo at IIT
VoIP, Video, Mobility, Web, Grid, and more
(Formerly the VoIP Conference and Expo)
October 4-6, 2011 from 8:00am to 5:00pm
Illinois Institute of Technology's Rice Campus
Wheaton, Illinois
The Fox Valley subsection of IEEE is once again co-sponsoring the Real-Time Communications Conference and Expo at Illinois Institute of Technology on October 4-6 at IIT’s Wheaton Campus. IEEE members will save $100 (discounted rate of $200 rather than the normal price of $300) by using this link to register - As you register use the registration type of "IEEE" to get your discount.
The RTC Conference and Expo, where industry and academia connect, brings together technical professionals and executives from the data, web and telecommunications industry, standards bodies, government agencies, as well as the business community. The presentations, exhibits, social events, and session breaks provide opportunities to discover new aspects of this rapidly evolving field and to meet new contacts and partners. This conference, formerly called the IIT VoIP Conference and Expo, is now in its seventh year and continues to win praise and participation based on its unique ability to bring together groups from different parts of the industry and different areas of technology.
(Further details) Conference Location and Directions
JOINT MEETING with IEEE Chicago EMC Society, Fox Valley Subsection
at Elite Electronics Engineering, Downers Grove, IL
13 October 2011 (Thursday), 6:00pm-9:00pm
Reservations required - presentation begins at 7:00pm
"Oktoberfest" and keynote topic: Mysteries of Grounding, a brief tutorial
The speaker, William Kimmel of Kimmel Gerke Associates is one of the most recognized experts in EMC design consulting.
The presentation will focus on the importance of grounding for system compliance with EMC regulations. Mr. Kimmel will review the basic physics behind grounding, the types of grounds, and key grounding concepts. In addition, the presentation will address ground impedance, ground loops, as well as low frequency
vs. high frequency grounding practices. Lastly, the discussion will cover some common grounding problems and solutions. The speaker will be available after the meeting to answer specific application questions on grounding and related EMC problems.
This event has an "Oktoberfest" theme and includes dinner, refreshments, and music. The dinner and background polka music make for an enjoyable social event and provides a great opportunity for attendees to network. Dinner will be German cuisine of bratwurst, sauerkraut, German potatoes, garlic potatoes, broccoli Florentine, as well as cookies.
( About William Kimmel
of Kimmel Gerke Associates)
Location: Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc,
1516 Centre Circle, Downers Grove IL 60515
7 December 2011 (Wednesday), 6:30pm-9:00pm
(presentation begins at 7:00pm)
"The ARM Processor Architecture and Some Sample Implementations”
Speaker Louis Giokas will give an overview of the ARM concept, a review of some of the details of the standard ARM processor, and description of some of the implementations of the ARM processor.
Louis will use examples from a range of vendors and application types in
describing ARM implementations. The presentation will conclude with future directions for the ARM processor.
Louis Giokas is a member of the IEEE active in the Fox Valley Subsection and
Computer Society. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Villanova University and is pursuing a master's degree in Computer Science at IIT. He has extensive experience in the aerospace and software industries. He has worked for GE Aerospace, Link Simulation Systems, Sperry-UNIVAC and more recently Oracle and IBM. Currently he is a consultant specializing on a range of topics including distributed power, information management and embedded systems.
21 March 2012 (Wednesday), 6:30pm-9:00pm
(presentation begins at 7:00pm)
"Opportunities and Challenges for Concentrating Solar Power”
Speaker: Dr. Zuotao Zeng, Materials Engineer, Argonne National Lab
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) systems use mirrors to focus the sun’s energy to generate heat and produce electricity by a steam turbine. Dr. Zeng will speak on the opportunity of CSP in a world of energy shortage. He will discuss the difference of CSP from PV (Photovoltaics), the advantages and the challenges of utility-scale CSP technology, and the Sunshot project of Department of Energy. He will also present their materials research results for advanced CSP receiver.
Zuotao Zeng is developing materials to improve energy efficiency for clean energy systems
at Argonne National Lab. Dr. Zeng received the prestigious
R&D 100 award
in 2006. Currently, Dr. Zeng is interested in the research of selective absorber materials for high temperature CSP receiver.
Dr. Zeng has PhD degrees in solid chemistry/materials science from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.
2 April 2012 (Monday), 6:30pm-8:30pm
"NG 9-1-1: ESInet Security and Network Management"
This roundtable focuses on important security aspects of Next Generation 9-1-1 networks. It introduces ESInets
(Emergency Services IP networks), the NENA standards-based networks that will enable emergency calls from
anywhere, anytime and any device to reach the network
(List of panel speakers and further details)
(Event Registration)
18 April 2012 (Wednesday), 6:30pm-9:00pm
(presentation begins at 7:00pm)
"Recent developments in International Electric Vehicle Charging Standards -- What Lies Ahead for Electricity as a Vehicular Fuel”
Speaker: Jason Harper, Electrical Engineer, Center for Transportation Research at Argonne National Lab
Location: Auditorium - Illinois Institute of Technology's Rice Campus - Wheaton, Illinois
Mr. Harper will speak on the standards and codes related to Plug-in Electric (PEV) charging and communication. He will cover the basics of PEV charging and describe the types of Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). Mr. Harper will discuss the technical details of how a PEV and EVSE communicate to accomplish charging. He will discuss the on board PEV battery charging systems, the unique charging needed for each vehicle type, and how PEV’s in the future will communicate with the Smart Grid. Mr. Harper will provide an overview of the SAE communication standards and touch on wireless charging of electric vehicles.
Jason Harper is an Electrical Engineer in the Vehicle Systems Group at Argonne National Laboratory. Jason’s research interests include wireless power transfer, RF communication, and embedded systems control. Recent research includes DC fast charging and standards related to PEV to EVSE communication.
Mr. Harper is an IEEE member and has BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering Technology from the Purdue University.
(Presentation Slides)  
19 April 2012 (Thursday), 8:00am-6:00pm
20 April 2012 (Friday), 8:00am-6:00pm
Location: Illinois Institute of Technology's Rice Campus
Wheaton, Illinois
The IEEE is co-sponsoring ForenSecure, the 10th Annual IT Security and Forensics Conference and Expo. This multi-track, technical conference attracts 200+ professionals for an intensive one- and a half-day schedule that includes discussion and debate over forensics, security, data/information governance, cyber crime and security, ethical hacking, eDiscovery, cloud forensics, steganography, policy and compliance, privacy, wireless security, cloud computing, and identity theft.
IEEE members may get a discounted rate of $100 (normal price is $200). To register:
Go to -
Click on “Fees and Information”
Click on the “Register Now” in the lower right
Register as a “General Attendee” ($150 rate/$200 after 3-16)
Enter discount code: IEEE and the rate will reduce to $100
Questions: Contact - Scott Pfeiffer, 630.682.6001 or
Student Attendee rate is $40 - see Fees tab at
(Further details)
Directions to IIT Rice Campus
25 April 2012 (Wednesday), 6:30pm-9:30pm
Location: Illinois Institute of Technology's Rice Campus
Wheaton, Illinois
Presentations, demonstrations and poster sessions about the Real-Time Communications projects created by student in IIT's School of Applied Technology. Your presence supports the students, who benefit from your questions and comments. We greatly appreciate your support and are sure that you will come away with new information, ideas and contacts.
(Further details)
(Event Registration)
18 May 2012 (Friday) 7:00pm
"Passive Thermal Management Systems for Lithium-ion Battery Packs”
Speaker: Said Al-Hallaj, Chairman and CEO, All Cell Technologies
Location: Community Christian Church,
1635 Emerson Ln,
Naperville, IL 60540
Said Al-Hallaj, a former Illinois Institute of Technology professor, will be talking about his company All Cell Technologies and their passive thermal management systems for lithium-ion battery packs and topics on electric transportation.
The Fox Valley Electric Auto Association has invited IEEE members to this meeting.
Said Al-Hallaj is the co-inventor of AllCell’s PCM technology and a world-renowned expert in thermal management of lithium-ion batteries. He possesses 20 years of experience in renewable energy research and development (with a focus on thermal management and electrochemical engineering of lithium-ion batteries) and is an adjunct professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Said’s research ranges from the design and optimization of renewable energy systems to the use of advanced battery and fuel cell systems in electric vehicles and has been published 32 times in peer reviewed journals. Additionally, he has been a featured speaker at over 25 alternative energy and battery conferences and has three registered patents. Said holds a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology and an M.Sc. and B.Sc. in chemical engineering from the Jordan University of Science and Technology.
You may indicate your intent to attend via this
Meetup Link