Joining LAACN

LAACN: How to Join the Network in 5 Easy Steps
IEEE-USA Directory fees are for a year and are just $99 for IEEE Members at any grade. If you select Los Angeles Area and/or Orange County as local networks, you will be full members of those organizations at no additional cost. Note: there is no directory fee discount for not selecting a local network. LAACN and OCCN operate with cash on hand and the Affinity Group rebates from the Los Angeles Council and the Orange County Section and currently charge no additional fees for membership. By joining LAACN and/or OCCN, you also automatically are listed in the national directory. Membership includes a listing in the national directory, the national newsletter, the joint LAACN/OCCN online newsletter, listing in the LAACN/OCCN joint web directory, and other LAACN membership benefits. Problems? If you have problems registering or updating your listing, please contact the Local Directory Administrator. |