LAACN: Free Referrals in Southern California
Disclaimer: The information contained in this Database is based on the information provided by and representations made by the listed consultants. IEEE has not checked or verified this information and makes no representation concerning the accuracy or completeness of any information in the Directory or Database. IEEE strongly advises the client to independently evaluate the consultant's qualifications and background before commissioning the consultant's services. IEEE, the Alliance of IEEE Consultants Networks, and/or its individual affiliates and their members shall not be liable for any consequences resulting from the use of any of the information obtained herein.

Contractor Status of Listed Consultants
Not all consultants listed in the directory will work through contract engineering firms or job shops. The ones that will have the following phrase at the bottom of their listing: "Available for contract engineering." The remainder are independent businesses that operate stictly on direct contracts with clients as subcontractors or "independent contractors" as defined by IRS Code Section 1706. |
Restrictions on Use of Directory Data
Contract Engineering Firms or Job Shops: You are explicitly prohibited from supplying any information about consultants listed in the LAACN/OCCN Southern California Online Directory to any of your clients without the expressed written permission of the consultant. Attorneys: Use of the following information by an attorney for expert witness designation, are specifically prohibited without prior written permission. Anyone Engaged in Email Marketing: The sole purpose of this database is to make information about our members available to potential clients in industry. Any other use of this information is a misuse of the database and is specifically prohibited. Use of the directory data or any email addresses contained on this site for email marketing is specifically prohibited and is illegal. |