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Photo of a Clock

The Purpose

The IEEE Oakland-East Bay Communications Society has commissioned a group of its Members with the task to encourage IEEE Student Members participation in the Society's activities, to promote benefits of IEEE Student Membership, and to endorse formation of new IEEE Student Branches.

The Bridging the Digital Divide project, completed in May 2004, is an example of our involvement with the students of the IEEE chapter at UC Berkeley .

Forms of Assistance and Cooperation

  • Maintaining close relationship with existing Student Branches at UC Berkeley and CSU Fresno.
  • Offering assistance in establishing a new IEEE Student Branch. (please click here to view How to Form A Student Branch Power Point presentation)
  • Inviting student members and non-members to the Society's Technical Seminars and monthly Presentations.
  • Organizing Society's events on the campus premises.
  • Providing funding for Student Branch technical projects.

Direct Access to IEEE Student Information

The IEEE Student Concourse Website is the place where students can find membership information and applications forms, apply for the membership by filling up on-line forms, find IEEE publications, learn about Campus Careers, and review Scholarships and Awards listing.

The Communications Society Contact Information

To obtain information on Student Branch formation, membership information, or publications, please contact Bill Kaminsky, the Chapter's Chairman.

For information on the Communications Society activities schedule, please contact a Chapter Officer.