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Frequently Asked Questions about IEEE Canadian Foundation Scholarships

The Questions

  1. Who can be nominated?
  2. How much detail should I include in my report?
  3. Why is the quality of my nomination important?
  4. Should I check that my SBC's letter of nomination is complete?
  5. How can I get help in making my nomination sucessful?
  6. What happens if more than one candidate is nominated?
  7. What happens if I take a year off from my studies between my penultimate and final year?
  8. Why are there two values for these scholarships?
  9. Who gets the money?

The Answers

1 Who can be nominated?

To have a chance to be an awardee, you must be an IEEE student member in a Student Branch in your penultimate year with an IEEE McNaughton Learning Resource Centre. You should have been active in the Branch and the Centre for a year. You should be known by your Student Branch Counselor (SBC) as an active IEEE student member.

2 How much detail should I include in my report?

Include all of your McNaughton Centre and Student Branch activities - past, present, and planned. Show how you will contribute to the Centre and promote the aims of IEEE as an IEEE Scholar.

3 Why is the quality of my nomination important?

The number of Scholarships is limited - the better nominations win! and you get the benefit of financial assistance as well as recognition as a Scholarship holder. A secondary benefit is that the process helps you to write well and sell yourself - effective communication is important in the "real world". Remember, when the decision is being made, the IEEE Canadian Foundation only knows about you from your application.

4 Should I check that my SBC's letter of nomination is complete?

Yes. If any of the information requested is missing, your scholarship application may be rejected. Be sure both your school ID number and your IEEE membership number are included. (Also make sure both the letter and your report are sent in time.)

5 How can I get help in making my nomination sucessful?

Here are some suggestions for people to ask. Your Student Branch Counselor (SBC). If your school is not familiar with this scholarship, ask an SBC at another school where a scholarship was recently awarded - check the list of scholarships awarded on this set of pages. The IEEE Canada Student Activities Committee (SAC) Chair and/or Student Representative - check the IEEE Canada or SAC home pages for contact information.

6 What happens if more than one candidate is nominated?

If more than one candidate is nominated by the Student Branch Counselor, the nominations will not be considered. The Student Branch Counselor must make the decision,

7 What happens if I take a year off from my studies between my penultimate and final year?

First of all - penultimate means the one before the last. It is used because IEEE student members are enrolled in programs of differing durations. The award is made near the end of your penultimate year and is based on what you have done during that year. If you delay taking your final year because you enroll in an "internship" or "work experience" year or something similar that your school organizes (or recognizes), then the payment of the award is delayed for a year untill you enroll in your final year and incur the tuition expense.

8 Why are there two values for these scholarships?

The higher amount is for students attending University, where fees are generally higher than at College.

9 Who gets the money?

Not you, but your School (usually the Registrar's Office). The money is to be applied against your tuition fees. (Sometimes the money is put into the general scholarship account - this error can be corrected but it is in your interest to check!)
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