The IEEE NCS IAS/PES Chapter would
like to thank the following companies for their generous donations
to make this Chapter a success.


In order to serve our
IEEE NCS members (i.e. you) we need your input. If you have a good idea
for an event (Tutorial, Seminar, Exhibition, Recreation...) then please
send us an e-mail or contact one of the committee members by phone or snail mail.
- Talk by Dr. Ion Inculet:
Electric Phenomena in Bipolar Clouds
22 October 2003, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Dec 31, 2003
12:15 PM
We are now accepting calls for nominations for the IEEE NCS
PES/IAS executive committee. The closing date for nominations
is Friday, 16 January, 2004. IEEE NCS PES/IAS 2004 members please
nominate or self-nominate for the Chapter executive positions
Chapter Chair
Vice Chair
by contacting the Nomination Committee:
Dr. Petr Musilek, Chair: musilek@ece.ualberta.ca
Dr. Don Koval: donkoval@shaw.ca
Mr. Darin Hucul: dhucul@techna-west.com
Please indicate in the email subject "IEEE PES/IAS nomination"
to ensure that
your email will not be filtered out.
All Executive Committee nominees need to indicate that they
are willing to serve and be of IEEE Member, Senior member or
Fellow grade as well as 2004 member of IAS or PES.
All Chapter members, regardless the IEEE membership grade other
than Students, can come forward or be nominated for Executives
members at large. The member at large positions will be appointed
by the 2004 Chapter Chair after the
31, 2003
12:00 PM
It's election time again!
It's time for you, the member, to have your say. Come out and
vote for the 2004 IAS/PES executive committee at the AGM. There
will also be dinner and a talk (details to follow).
If you are interested in doing more then just voting you can
run for one of the positions on the IAS/PES executive committee,
details can be found here.
The AGM and elections of the 2004 officers:
Date: February 5, 2004
Time: 6:00PM
Place: U of A Faculty Club
- 116 Street (map)
Dec 7, 2003
5:30 PM
Bill Kennedy gave an excellent talk on Dec 2, 2003 about Transmission
Loadability (see previous post).
Some pictures from the event can be found here.
Nov 25, 2003
11:00 AM
Bill Kennedy will once again be giving a talk in Edmonton on
behalf of the IAS/PES chapter.
Transmission Loadability, Some Protection Applications
by Bill Kennedy
Date: Dec 2, 2003
Time: 6:00-9:30
Place: Derrick Golf and Winter Club
Sept 23, 2003
11:00 PM
We have more news on the upcoming talk by Dr.
Ion Inculet (see Sept 11 news
post) so update your calendar to the following:
Electric Phenomena in Bipolar Clouds
by Dr. Ion Inculet
Date: Oct 22, 2003
Time: 5:30-7:30
Place: University of Alberta
Teaching and Learning Complex (ETLC)
2-002 (map)
Sept 11, 2003
9:00 PM
Mark the evening of Oct 22, 2003 on your calendar,
and be at the University of
Alberta, where Dr.
Ion Inculet will give a talk on "Electric Phenomena
in Bipolar Clouds". Dr. Ion Inculet is an IEEE Distinguished
Lecturer and expert in Electrostatic Forces.
Your local IEEE IAS/PES Northern Canada Section will host the
talk and we are still ironing out the final details. Check back
soon for more information. IAS/PES members will also be e-mailed
all the details.
