Activities during 2005 - 2011:
SolidWork: a Universal Engineering Tool Lecture, 2011
Eftar Aytam with coopperation with JEA, 2011.
Three administrative meeting were held during 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Shared the IEEE Jordan Section and Student activity community in the general meeting with the Student Branches (2007).
Shared the GOLD in holding “Business skills” lecture (2007).
Launching the WIE website (2007).
Ramadan Members Iftar (Fast), during Ramadan, 2007.
Meeting with all EXCOM of IEEE and all student Branches in March, 2006 .
Presentation Skills Training course held in March 2007 for Amman University Branch .
Participating UAE WIE Group in their 3 rd anniversary July 2006, such meeting gives us the opportunity to have a closed look on the activities of a winner group within IEEE .
Prompting IEEE in the meeting with Female Engineers in Jordan Engineering Association (2006) .
WIE and GOLD Affinity Group held an Appreciation Meeting in Nov 2006 to thank the student who shared in Promoting IEEE in the Royal.
Interpersonal skills workshop held in JU in Feb 2006 for all female student members from all universities.
Promoting IEEE in the 6 th Jordanian International Electrical and Electronics Engineering Conference JIEEEC06 at Royal Hotel in March 2006.
Establishing Student Branch at Mu'ta University in October 2005.