About Us:
IEEE Jordan Section-Women in engineering Affinity Group has been formed to meet the Female engineer's needs and to prompt and introduce them to the world and to prepare them to the future and the local/global market, where the executive committee was formed as follows: Eng. Arwa Al-Abbadi (Chair), Eng. Razan Azzam (Vise Chair), Eng. Dima Abu Rub (Secretary)The first Administrative meeting was held on 11/6/ 2005 to set the goals and work plan for the next years.
Our affinity group believes that the Student Branches are a good place to start our volunteering work, and to present the professional work so we helped Amman University Student Branch to start their branch activities and we have sstablished the Mu'tah University Student Branch, which is one of the achievements that we are proud of.
We cooperate with GOLD and SAC Affinity Groupsand with Student Branches under the Jordan Section umbrella to promote the IEEE. We also share the usual graduate female welcoming meeting with the Jordan engineering association JEA, to attract the Jordanian female engineer's to our affinity group.
And So we lookup to help the Jordanian female engineer – whether she is a student or graduated – wherever she might be – in work or in home – to meet her needs to prompt her skills and update her information to cope with the market changes and to shine her future.