Student Schedule of Events (updated 3/16/2015)
Student Paper Competition Presentation Schedule (updated 4/7/2015)
Hardware Competition
Teams build robots to compete autonomously.
Hardware Rules:
Rev: 03 Date: October 14, 2014
Contact and Information: Prof. Carlos Cabrera,
Facebook Information
Practice Track Images (Posted 3/9/2015)
Hardware Competition Registration
Software Competition
Teams, each consisting of up to three undergraduate students, will exercise their problem-solving abilities and programming skills to solve a set of given problems during the contest time period.
Software Rules (Updated 2/9/2015)
Paper Competition
An author must be paid-up student member of IEEE in Region 3, enrolled as an undergraduate at the time of the paper presentation at IEEE SoutheastCon 2015.
T-shirt Competition
Entries from student branches are required to have the IEEE logo, school name, and/or IEEE SoutheastCon 2015 incorporated in the design.
Ethics Competition
Teams, each consisting of up to three undergraduate students, submit a short analysis of how the IEEE Code of Ethics applies to a given situtation.