IEEE SoutheastCon 2015

April 9 - 12, 2015

Steering Committee


Author Information

Important Dates :

      • Abstract submission deadline: CLOSED
      • Final Full-Paper submission deadline: CLOSED
      • Notification to authors: 20 Feb 2015
      • Camera-ready Deadline: End of February, 2015

Technical Paper Submission Information

This year, IEEE SoutheastCon 2015 will distinguish regular from poster papers; a regular paper appears as a complete work in the proceedings and is presented in a technical session at the conference, whereas a poster is published only as a 2-page extended abstract and less formally presented as a poster. At least one author for each accepted paper/poster must register as an author for, attend, and present the work at IEEE SoutheastCon 2015. All paper submissions will be checked for plagiarism and fully peer reviewed (targeting at least 3 reviews per paper).

Link to Abstract and Paper Submission System Entry

Paper Format and Template

Please submit papers in "final form" so that all revisions (if any) are minor.

SoutheastCon 2015 adopts IEEE standard conference proceedings format. All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of eight (8) printed pages (10-point font) including figures. Papers exceed 8 pages will not be reviewed. Papers have to be submitted in PDF format. Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats are found on the Manuscript Template page.

All submitted papers will be checked for plagiarism in addition to being peer reviewed (with a target of three reviews per paper). Authors of submitted papers may be called upon to help review other submissions. Only papers accepted and actually presented at SoutheastCon 2015 will be included in the final electronic proceedings and indexed as IEEE publications.



Proposals are being accepted for tutorials, workshops, and demonstrations (TWD) for IEEE SoutheastCon 2015. Tutorials, workshops, and demonstrations will be scheduled from Thursday through Sunday morning.

Proposal Submission Guidelines

Proposals should be no longer than two pages and should include:

  • An abstract (limit 500 words)
  • An outline of the TWD
  • The proposed length of the TWD (1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, or 8 hours)
  • The resumé(s) of the instructor(s)
  • Fees required by attendees
  • Any other pertinent information or clarification

Please send electronic copies of the proposals for tutorials, presentations, and workshops (in pdf-format) to the Tutorial Chair: Michelle Ramim, Ph.D. (


Technical Presentation Format

Technical presentations may be done in three ways:

  • Short Paper with Poster Presentation
  • Regular Paper with Oral Presentation
  • Regular Paper with both Oral and Poster Presentation

A Short paper is 1-2 pages in length, while a Regular paper is 1-8 pages. For either, up to two additional pages can be purchased for $50 each. Aside from the different length limit and presentation format, submission of very preliminary work as a short paper is encouraged, whereas a regular paper should represent work which has produced significant results. There is no additional charge for a regular paper to also be given as a Poster; this is to encourage demonstrations and interactive displays that might not be suitable within the oral presentation format.


Conference Registration

Conference registration information can be found on the SoutheastCon 2015 Registration information page.


Copyright Information

Submission of a paper, an abstract or other material to IEEE SoutheastCon 2015 represents the author's agreement to allow IEEE to publish the paper, abstract, or other materials in any written or electronic format for distribution to all interested parties in perpetuity with or without compensation to IEEE and without compensation to the author. The parties understand that the author is granting a nonexclusive license and all copyrights remain the property of the author. A copyright form must be signed by the author for each accepted paper or abstract to be published in the conference proceedings.

Plagiarism and Double Submission

Papers are reviewed on the assumption that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (multiple submissions). These matters are taken very seriously and the IEEE will take action against any author who has engaged in either practice.

See the IEEE Web Pages on Intellectual Property Rights, Plagiarism and Multiple Submissions for further guidance: