GOLD Summit 2008
The first IEEE GOLD Summit is scheduled for 18 and 19 September 2008 in half-day sessions prior to IEEE Sections Congress 2008 in Quebec, Canada. IEEE GOLD feels that the GOLD Summit event and infusion of young professional members at IEEE Sections Congress 2008 will provide confidence that young professional members want to be involved in activities and work in leadership roles. The purpose of the GOLD Summit is to:
- Define holistic IEEE online experience.
- Generate action plan to bridge regional GOLD and affinity groups.
- Celebrate GOLD achievements worldwide.
- Leverage networking opportunities and IEEE officer training from Section Congress.
What we need from you
We are asking Section Chairs to fund the GOLD Summit delegates who are selected from your section to travel to the GOLD Summit and also attend IEEE Sections Congress 2008. The Region GOLD Coordinator is not counted as being included in the three delegates from each region. We are trying to bring to the GOLD Summit and Sections Congress 2008 new GOLD volunteers who are not currently holding the position of Region GOLD Coordinator and GOLD Summit Regional Leader.
These new volunteers can be the members to step up into your sectional leadership positions in your region. In 2007 the IEEE Regional Activities Board approved funding in the amount of $1000US for each Region to cover the Sections Congress 2008 registration fee for up to three GOLD members per Region with the assumption that the Region or Section would pay the remaining travel costs and expenses.