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IEEE Region 5

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Graduates Of the Last Decade (GOLD)

Graduates of the last decade (GOLD) is an initiative created by IEEE to address the needs and concerns of Engineers from 0 to 10 years out of College.  We promote professionalism, team work, communication skills, and many of the skills needed to maintain a life-long career in Engineering. We support existing chapters increase membership and assist in new chapters establishment.


  • Develop tighter relationships with universities by utilizing university mentor program.
  • Increase the IEEE members awareness of IEEE programs and incentives through educational activities.
  • Improve the communications between the region and the section, and between the section.
  • Assist chapters by developing personal development programs. The first of these programs will be senior member elevation and early career development.
  • Assist in the creation of new chapters.

As part of the professional development program we split our GOLD members into two groups and provide the following programs.

Young Professional Development (0-5 yrs)

  • Provide activities that are targeted for individuals that provides them a chance to meet other professionals and network.
  • Assist them in the early career development phases by providing topics that address these areas, soliciting senior GOLD (6-10) mentoring support, and establishing relationships with local companies for networking opportunities.

Senior Professional Development (6-10 yrs)

  • Help them in their career development.
  • Help them keep their technical skills updates.
  • Help them attain higher member status such as Senior Member.
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