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About this C3SEE04 Conference
The Canadian Conference on Computer and Software Engineering Education (C3SEE) is an biennial event dedicated to discussion of issues and challenges facing educators in Computer and Software Engineering.

This year's conference will take place at the University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, March 29 to 30, 2004. The conference is hosted by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Calgary, and chaired by Professor Yingxu Wang.

The conference was originally introduced to discuss concerns related to the growth of Computer Engineering. Many universities now have accredited Computer Engineering (CTE) programs within Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) departments, and the pertinent educational issues relate to the expansion and improvements of this area. As it was at the beginning of the CTE programs, many new urgent issues have emerged with respect to the implementation of Software Engineering (SWE) programs and their relationship to the existing programs not only in the ECE departments, but also in Computer Science (CS) departments.

We hope that this year's conference will also be a success.


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eMail: Secretariat
Address: C3SEE04 Secretariat
Dept. Electr. & Comp. Eng.
University of Calgary
2500 Univ. Drive NW
Calgary, AB T2N 1N4
Phone: (403) 220-6141
Fax: (403) 282-6855

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